Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3275: Openly

In the past few years, as Lin Ziqing has become more and more outstanding, he felt threatened by the Lin family, and it hit it off!

In his opinion, as long as he got those few pills, it was a great achievement.

At that time, you can naturally overwhelm Lin Ziqing!

Unfortunately, things did not develop as he expected.

"Asshole! This matter is up to you, please leave the old ancestor Qiong Heng out of the mountain! Although both of them have to apologize for death, you also need to be responsible for this matter!"

Even if he is his own grandson, the anger of the Lin Family Patriarch is unabated at the moment. It can also be seen how big the disaster was this time.

A smile flashed across Lin Ziqing's face, but he still said, "The Patriarch calms down his anger, and the eldest brother is also dedicated to our Lin family. It's only that the two of the Yu family didn't tell the origin of the little beast, and the ancestor who hurt him died with hatred. , Even if the eldest brother is guilty, he hopes that the Patriarch and the elders think that he is dedicated to Lin's family, and will be lighthearted."

These remarks were reasonable, and they gave the Lin Family Patriarch's face enough so that he could keep Lin Yu in a logical way.

Otherwise, if a supreme holy emperor died, no matter what Lin Yu did, he would have to pay a huge price.

Lin's family, it's not the only word of the owner of the family!

But now, with Lin Ziqing's plea, the Patriarch of the Lin family immediately followed the steps, frowned and nodded, "Also, he thought his original intention was for the family, and the death penalty is unavoidable, and the living sin cannot escape."

Lin Yu's whole body was shaking violently. Although he was saved from death, he also knew exactly what to face next.

"Lin Yu, you are no longer suitable to be a descendant of the Lin family. Your status as a descendant will be your disciple, Qing Lai!"

As soon as he said this, Lin Yu widened his eyes unwillingly, "Grandfather!"

It's a pity that no one would pay attention to him at all, but Lin Ziqing was flattered and hurried forward, "Thank you for the love of the Patriarch! Ziqing will definitely go through water and fire and give everything for the family!"

Compared with the imperial family of the world, the power of the ancient family of Lin family is more naked.

"Lin Ziqing!"

Seeing that everything about himself was taken away, Lin Yu gritted his teeth with hatred!

However, he had nothing to do. Even the Patriarch Lin who had always wanted to help him gave up on him this time.

"Brother, younger brother has no intention of fighting with you, but this time, you are indeed wrong."

"Lin Ziqing! You wait! One day!"

Compared to Lin Yu's stern voice, Lin Ziqing looked guilty.


With a grunt, only an old man with white eyebrows appeared in front of everyone. Including the Lin Family Patriarch, they all bowed down instantly.

This person is the person with the highest status among the many ancestors of the Lin family today.

"The blood debt must be paid in blood!"

The old man snorted coldly. The Lin family hadn't suffered such a loss for many years, and now he was naturally angry.

His eyes fell on the master and servant, killing intent everywhere.

An elder naturally understands what to do, and he will immediately end the two of them.

But at this moment, Miss Yu Jia suddenly yelled like crazy, "You can't kill me!"

But the elder was indifferent, and even Yu Lin Yu deliberately avoided looking away.

Seeing that Yu's master and servant were about to die in the palm of her hand, Miss Yu's revealed an amazing secret!

"I'm pregnant with the flesh and blood of the eldest son! If you kill me, you are killing the blood of your Lin family!"

Sure enough, the elder was in shape, and could no longer start.

Lin Yu was even more crazy, "Bitch, what are you talking about?"

He couldn't believe his ears, but Miss Yu Jia was panicked and sneered again, "Lin Yu! I already have your flesh and blood in my belly! You can't kill me!"

At this moment, everyone in the Lin family was shocked.

Patriarch Lin's expression changed directly, and he appeared in front of Miss Yu's instantly, squeezing her wrist!

"Impossible! How could you have my flesh and blood!"

"Why not! Lin Yu! What have you done yourself, don't say you don't know!"

The expression on the face of the Patriarch Lin's face became more and more ironic, and soon he fell into hesitation.

In this scene, all the fools knew that Miss Yu Jia was not just a bluff, but was really pregnant with Lin Yu's flesh and blood.

"No, impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Lin Yu was totally lost, indeed he and Miss Yu Jia were a little confused. On the one hand it is deliberately seducing, on the other it is **** for beauty. The two naturally hit it off, but they didn't expect to cause this trouble.

"You bastard!"


This slap was a slap that Lin Yu hadn't recovered for a long time, and he spouted a mouthful of blood, making the whole person even more languid.

"Patriarch calm down!"

Lin Ziqing quickly persuaded him.

"You can't kill me! Otherwise, you will kill the child in my womb!"

Miss Yu Jia looked excited as if grabbing the straw.

However, the Patriarch of the Lin Family directly beat Fu Bo on one side into a **** mist with no mercy. Miss Yu Jia was trembling and horrified.

"evil creature!"

The white-browed old man walked away, obviously quite unhappy.

As for Lin Yu, he was directly paralyzed on the ground now, he knew that this time was over!

It didn't take long for Lin's family to hear that Li Lin Ziqing was the heir. As for the original descendant of the Lin family, he was demoted to an ordinary disciple!

Miss Yu Jia is indeed not dead! However, it was no different from death, all cultivation bases were abolished, and the soul was forcibly stripped away by an ancestor of the Lin family and seized the pill.

After all, Lin's family only needs to save the fetus, but it doesn't need Miss Yu's to be safe.


Several terrible breaths suddenly appeared outside Li Ye's pill shop.

In an instant, Bai Wucha was the first to change his expression in the pill shop, and when he saw the outside scene, he was also a little bit shocked!

"Let the little beast Li Ye get out!"


This roar was clearly audible for thousands of miles, and it even shattered the void!

This shows how angry the visitors are.

In an instant, countless powerhouses in Dongzhou City opened their eyes.

"It's such a powerful breath. For many years, no one in Dongzhou City dared to move. This time, who is it."

"This breath, is it the Lin family?"

A powerful person appeared in the void, after all, after such a big thing had happened, they naturally couldn't sit still.

Moreover, in that roar, there was obviously a man in Dongzhou City today!

Li Ye! A disciple of Emperor Danwu!


A powerful figure was revealed, and their expressions changed when they saw the powerful figure dispatched by the Lin family this time! Some even can't believe it.

Three supreme holy emperors!

Directly surrounded the pill shop with a terrifying power!

That posture was clearly intended to cause Li Ye to die! No way to survive.

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