Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3267: Yaozu

"Go ahead."

After the middle-aged man nodded slightly and waved his hand again, a chessboard reappeared in front of him.

The old man didn't dare to bother and walked away slowly.

This is the forbidden area of ​​the Ye Family, and there are only a handful of people in the Ye Family who are qualified to come here.

Even if it was Ye Baigui's status, he would only come if he encountered something that he and the entire Ye family could not solve.

Because he knew exactly what the people here meant to the Ye Family.


When the old man left, he saw that he and the middle-aged man were on a floating mountain.

Surrounded by fairy clouds, it is like a fairyland.

Several elderly people have been waiting for a long time.

Any one of them is a high-ranking person in the Ye family, and his status is detached!

Each one is at least an old monster that has lived for tens of thousands or even more than 100,000 years.

But in front of the old man, he did not dare to make trouble.

Because the old man in front of him was the person with the highest status in the Ye Family except for the Great Emperor.

"You come, something must have happened in Dongzhou."

He would end that game just now because he got the news.

But at this moment, seeing several ancestors of the Ye family appear at the same time, it suddenly became clear in my heart.

I only saw him sigh, "What happened back then, you didn't handle it properly."

"Xuanzu, I was really impulsive when I waited. But everything is for the Ye Family. Now, do you think?"

Speaking of that year, several elderly people who didn't know how long they had lived were all blushing and a little embarrassed. But it can be seen that they do not regret it.

The old man also knew that although he did not intervene back then, he also knew the cause and effect.

At this moment, he even sighed, "Well, since it's time to come, it will come naturally."

The old men looked face to face, and they naturally didn't know what happened to the old man and the middle-aged person just now, and what they talked about.

After all, even if they were in that place, it would be impossible for them to go personally without a last resort.

In Ye's family, that place only represents one meaning.

"Xuanzu, there has been news from the ancient family that the golden core will not be placed in Linlang Pavilion."

An ancestor of the Ye family hesitated, and suddenly said.

"It's not surprising that it's not in Linlang Pavilion. In this way, the Yue family won't interfere."

The old man was thoughtful, although the outside world almost caused a huge wave after learning that the ancient family had taken out a golden pill. However, the Ye Family was not like that. One of the biggest reasons was that the Ye Family did not lack gold cores!

The three major emperors of Dongzhou City!

The ancient family has Dan Zu! His Dongzhou Ye family also has a medicine ancestor!

And the old man in front of him is the rumored ancestor of the Ye Family! Ye Baihe!

Moreover, the old man in front of him didn't seem to have any blood loss at all, and the performance was approaching. His body was full of exuberant aura, not at all like an old thing that had lived for thousands of years.

"The Danzu of the ancient family has passed the two deadlines, and this time it is impossible to continue to survive. This time the ancient family is a desperate move."

In the eyes of the Ye family, the Gu family couldn't make it to the table. The only thing that the Ye family still had to worry about was the Danzu of the ancient family.

Now that the ancient family Danzu is about to die, in the eyes of the Ye family, the ancient family has no chance to establish a foothold in Dongzhou City.

However, there was a variable.

"Watch the change."

Ye Family Yaozu thought of what the middle-aged man had taught him before leaving the floating mountain top, and he had some understanding.

However, his words made the Ye Family ancestors look at each other.

And in Ye's house.

"Is it finally here? It's earlier than expected."

A young man was covered with blood, and countless corpses could be seen around him. Most of them are extremely ugly monsters or even monsters exuding a frightening atmosphere.

No one would know that there would be such a terrifying monster in the place where Ye Family was.

But although this young man was covered in blood, there was nothing unusual at all, and a terrifying killing intent gradually converged on him.

The sword in his hand was like blood, extremely coquettish, more like drinking countless blood, and passing **** sharp edges from time to time.

If anyone saw it at this moment, he would be surprised!

Because this sword is not an emperor, but its aura is so powerful that it is dozens of times more terrifying than an ordinary peak imperial weapon!

Especially in the hands of this young man, it was as if a blood-clothed killing **** emerged.

The next moment, the young man disappeared.

It appeared again in a courtyard.


In the courtyard, several young cultivators saw someone just about to get angry, but when they saw the back figure covered with blood, they couldn't help fighting a cold war.

"That is Brother Ye Yanghan!"

"Looking at his appearance, his cultivation level should be improved by another level!"

"It's terrifying, is this the change brought about by the blood awakening to the nine blood patterns?"

A few young people are all outstanding among the younger generation of Ye Family. However, compared with Ye Yanghan, they can only look at them with extreme envy.

It turned out that this young man covered in blood was the lonely Ye family genius who had met Li Ye before.

"Senior Brother Ye Yanghan now looks like he is only one step away from the great achievement of the Heavenly Dao!"

"Yeah, right now in the Ye family, the only ones who can hold down Senior Brother Ye Yanghan are those two. Perhaps Senior Brother Ye Ziyang also has the power to fight Senior Brother Ye Yanghan, but I don't know whether the two are strong or weak. Up."

One couldn't help but marvel.

"Naturally it is Senior Brother Ye Ziyang, don't forget, he was three years earlier, awakened with nine blood patterns, and he had been in the Tiangongyuan for one year."

"Hmph, even if it is three years earlier, with the strength of Senior Brother Ye Yanghan, it is a matter of time to enter Tiangongyuan. When he comes out a year later, maybe there will be more opportunities!"

Undoubtedly, in the Ye family, the people below naturally also have supporters. In particular, the most dazzling talents of the Ye family are naturally the role models and worship targets in the eyes of countless people of the Ye family.

Ye Yanghan didn't care about the comments made by the people below.

However, at this moment, a smiling man appeared in front of him.

"Ye Ziyang?"

It turned out that this person was one of the most enchanting Tianjiao of the Ye Family, Ye Ziyang.

"Ye Yanghan, depending on your appearance, your asura path should be close to Dao, but you don't know how much you have chance of winning in comparison with my heavenly evil path?"

The two were both outstanding among the younger generation of the Ye family, and naturally they did not give in after they met.

However, Ye Yanghan was obviously not interested in competing with Ye Ziyang at the moment, and passed by.

This made Ye Ziyang a little surprised, a ray of cold light flashed across his eyes.

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