Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3265: Uncle Li! I kneel for you!

"What's the hurry, I can refine one, naturally I have the ability to refine the second one."

Li Ye knew the situation of the ancient family in fact.

This imperial gold pill in his hand is not actually a heaven-defying pill!

It's just a longevity pill!

But compared to the original Longevity Pill, he added a taste of the most important medicine!

Gu Lie swallowed his mouth and licked his face, "This, Brother Li, Uncle Li, don't forget our ancient house when you come!"

As a descendant of the ancient family, such a low voice is definitely not a chance for ordinary people to see.

But Gu Lie didn't have any unwillingness, because standing in front of him was a future Dan Emperor! Even now it is no different from Dandi!

Such a pinnacle figure, no matter how strong his ancient family is, he must put down his body to make friends.

"Naturally I will not forget the ancient family, but the ancient family also needs to prepare enough elixir and fairy grass for me."

He certainly will not forget the ancient family, but he will greatly blackmail. Anyway, for the ancients, those spirit medicines and grasses are not important at all. As long as they can get a golden core, unless they are treasures such as the emperor soldiers, the ancients are willing to replace them even if it is an emperor weapon.

"This is natural! Brother Li can rest assured, as long as Brother Li speaks, as long as my ancient family can find any spiritual medicine and grass in the world, I will not refuse! Even if my ancient family does not have it, I will try my best to find it for Brother Li! "

What he said is true, the ancient family still has this trick.

"Young Master, you pill?"

At this moment, Bai Wuhuan had the opportunity to speak, and asked quickly.

"This pill is called Wanshou Pill."

Wanshou Dan?

The two looked surprised.

But Li Ye's face was not red and heartbeat, "Yes, Longevity Pill. Like Longevity Pill, it adds one life yuan."

Sure enough!

Gu Lie even swallowed his saliva, "Brother Li, what effect is this Wanshou Pill?"

Those Longevity Pills refined by Li Ye have caused an uproar in Dongzhou City. Now there is another Wanshou Pill? And it's also an elixir of Emperor Grade Golden Core!


"The longevity pill refined by the young master before, the best quality, is the one who has promoted the martial emperor realm for a hundred years of life. Could it be this pill for young master?

Bai Wucha is still calm, but he can see the heat in his eyes.

Anyone will inevitably die! The cycle of life and death in the way of heaven, unless it is the legendary gods, no one can avoid it.

Li Ye groaned slightly, but the subsequent answer made Gu Lie and Bai Wuhua both petrified in place, and they didn't recover for a long time.

"If the Emperor Wu swallows this pill, it can increase the lifespan of a thousand years! If it is a powerful emperor, the effect is much smaller, and there should be a supplement of four to five hundred years of life."

Emperor Wu promotes a thousand years of life?

The Great! Four or five hundred years of promotion?

If both of them knew that Li Ye couldn't be joking with them, they would definitely slap Li Ye to death!

But their horror is more than that!

Immediately Li Ye smiled, "Unfortunately, this pill is still flawed. If it is a strong person at the Emperor of Heaven, it may only be able to barely increase the hundred years of life."

After speaking, he sighed.


Gu Lie almost didn't spout a mouthful of old blood!

"Brother Li! Uncle Li! I'm kneeling for you!"

Gu Lie has no image, or he doesn't care about his image at all!

He cried directly, "You, you are going to shake the sky!"

Even a person with such a steady state could not help but marvel, "Young Master, your hand is enough to shock Dongzhou City!"

Wu Huang swallowed can get a thousand years of life?

More importantly, even the Great Emperor and even the Heavenly Emperor can have a role!

You know, the previous Longevity Pill had no effect on the emperor or even the emperor!

Li Ye was not surprised by the reaction of the two.

From the moment he made the pill with longevity pill combined with the water of life in his whimsical way, he has reached a pioneering undertaking that Emperor Danwu hadn't accomplished!

But the premise is that he got a lot of water of life, otherwise ordinary people, how might they think of it!

Any drop of the water of life is enough to be worth more than the imperial soldier!

Who would use it for alchemy?

It's a violent thing!

Naturally, Li Ye's refining this Wanshou Pill was only after diluting the Tree of Life a hundred times, and that's how it worked! It is no more than just taking pure water of life.

At this moment, Gu Lie had no doubt that Li Ye's plan this time would fail!


Such a pill really came out, and what an impact it would bring, even he couldn't imagine it.

"Brother Li, this matter is covered by my ancient family! With Brother Li's Longevity Pill, ten days later, this Dongzhou City will definitely undergo earth-shaking changes due to the appearance of Brother Li! Then if the Helan family knows, hehe, I really don't know what they look like!"

The only longevity pill was taken directly by Gu Lie, and Li Ye didn't doubt that the Gu family would embezzle it.

After all, the ancient family valued a good relationship with him more than a longevity pill.

As he thought, Gu Lie returned to the ancient home with Wanshoudan.


The Patriarch of the ancient family was completely shocked, and suddenly stood up without any form.

"Grandpa, this is the Longevity Pill that Brother Li asked his grandson to bring back!"

The golden pill appeared in front of him, and the Patriarch of the Gu family himself was a seven-segment pill king, and he was naturally upset!

The second master of the ancient family on one side even grew his mouth.

"Unbelievable! Exactly incredible!"

It took a long time for the Patriarch of the Gu family to return to his senses. At this moment, he muttered to himself, “Originally, the old man had some doubts about the identity of Li Ye. …"

"Brother, in this world, in addition to the Palace of Medicine King, only Emperor Danwu has this ability to cultivate such a monster!"

"The second brother is right, and this son Li Ye will definitely shine in the future! He may even become the second Emperor Danwu! It seems that our original decision was wise!"

"This is all my eldest brother's foresight! It's a pity, if Yu'er, this girl can combine with this son, it will treat my ancient family..."

"Everything has its own destiny and cannot be forced. Although the old man thinks that this son is not pedantic or even happily, but he is also a person of love and hatred. As long as my ancient family has a good relationship with him, it is enough to maintain the relationship with him. relationship."

After getting the Wanshou Pill, the ancient family naturally used the forces of the ancient family.

In a short period of time, the ancient family refining golden core was heard in Dongzhou City! And the news will be auctioned in a few days!

As soon as the news came out, almost countless people in the entire Dongzhou City were plunged into petrochemicals at that moment!

Dipin! Jindan!

The first reaction of countless people was that the Danzu from the ancient family had survived the deadline! Out of the mountain again!

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