Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3259: Suppress Lin's blood

The Lin family still had doubts, but at this moment they couldn't find any excuses to question and refute.

Li Ye didn't say much, he would lose if he said more!

He knew very well that he had no connection with Emperor Danwu or even the two sacred places, but no one would doubt him!

Jiu Lao's expression was uncertain, but finally he sighed.

"Today it is indeed the old man who was too arbitrary and reckless, and misunderstood your Excellency."

Mr. Jiu's status is indeed letting go.

However, Li Ye smiled slightly after hearing the words, "Senior made a serious statement. Since the misunderstanding is solved, I wonder if Senior has other questions?"

He could see that there was still a trace of suspicion in Jiu Lao's eyes, and he asked with a smile.

"Indeed, the old man has other questions in his mind."

"Senior, please say."

"How did you do it?"

Feeling the gaze on his face, Li Ye guessed what Jiu Lao was suspicious in his heart, and smiled, "Jiu Lao refers to what happened just now?"

"Humph! That's exactly what happened! Even if you are a descendant of Emperor Danwu, but in front of the old man, swallowing that drop of ancient blood is the old man's own eyes! How do you explain?"

"I wonder what kind of answer seniors want?"

Li Ye did not answer but asked instead.

However, on the Gu family's side, it came back to life.

The second master of the ancient family came forward directly, with a smile on his face, "The old man may not know, Li Ye has the blood of ancient times! Perhaps everything that happened just now has something to do with this."


When everyone heard it, almost all were a little lost!

"Ancient Bloodline? How could it be possible?!"

"How could this kid have ancient blood?"

"Isn't he a descendant of Emperor Danwu? Except for some of the oldest families in Dongzhou, there can be no ancient blood left behind! How did he get the ancient blood?"

Even Li Ye was taken aback when he heard the words, and then looked at the second master of the ancient family with interest, who was embarrassed to avoid his gaze.

Obviously, Li Ye's reaction on the crystal stele when he passed a ray of sky at the beginning has made the ancient family suspicious.

Jiu Lao even coldly snorted, "What kind of ancient blood is in your body?!"

Ancient bloodlines are not roadside Chinese cabbage, even Dongzhou, which is known as the final land of the ancient gods, is extremely rare!

Even among the ten great families of Dongzhou, not every family has ancient blood!

"Whether it is the blood of the ancients, you will know at a glance!"

Lin Ziqing sneered and slapped Li Ye directly!

However, Li Ye just glanced at him, and Lin Ziqing was shocked by the endless horror, and the whole person was retreating several feet in a row!

Then he looked extremely ugly, but he burst out with a terrible aura!

Everyone was shocked, this is exactly the kind of aura that people of ancient blood have innately!

"This kid from the Lin family seems to want to use this method to distinguish!"

"This is indeed the simplest method. Although the ancient bloodline of Lin's family cannot be compared with the Shi family or even the Shangsan family, it is also extremely old! If even the bloodline of Lin's family cannot be resisted, then there is no need to prove it, it can't be. Ancient blood."

Even the ancient family did not interfere!

Because they know Li Ye's details.

"Lin Ziqing, if I let you know the scene in the first line of sky, you would not be so insulted!"

Gu Lie sneered, naturally happy to see Lin Ziqing suffer!

Sure enough, it came out with the blood in Lin Ziqing's body! As if an ancient and terrifying existence stepped out of the void!

When everyone saw it, they all took a breath!

"An illusion of an ancient god!"

"This Lin family boy, it seems that the blood in his body has been awakened to eight blood patterns!"

"The ancient bloodline is truly extraordinary! It is rumored that the will of the ancient **** can only be awakened by awakening more than six blood patterns! The higher the bloodline awakening, the stronger the will of the ancient **** that can be awakened!"

Seeing Lin Ziqing's changes, even the Supreme Holy Emperor couldn't help showing envy! This kind of inheritance, even the Emperor's Taoism never possessed it!

Take a closer look, this illusory shadow seems to be a **** of war! Wearing gold armor, proud of the world!

"The Lin family's blood is passed down from a certain demigod warlord in the ancient times! If someone can completely awaken and condense the true mark of the gods! You can even get the inheritance of demigods!"

Li Ye could naturally feel the horror suppression in it, but he just snorted.

The next moment the blood in the body is like boiling!

At the same time, everyone even heard the sound of dragons and tigers faintly!

For a moment!

A thousand feet of real dragon tore out of the void! The sound of a dragon chant turned into a terrible shock! Even the holy emperor couldn't help groaning, and quickly closed his five senses in a panic!

And it's more than that!

A black shadow is like a ghost of death, even above the thousand-foot dragon! As soon as it appeared, the illusion of the ancient **** was directly suppressed!

"True Dragon Blood!"

"Ancient Bloodline!"

Seeing the terrifying blood illusion displayed by Li Ye, everyone once again messed up in the wind!

Whether it is the true dragon bloodline or the ancient bloodline, it is one of the top bloodlines in this world!

But now, Li Ye has two top bloodlines alone! How can this not make them crazy?

On the Gu family's side, they also stared dumbfoundedly! They never thought that Li Ye had so many secrets!

As for Lin Ziqing, he snorted directly, and the whole person was shocked and flew out!

"Competing bloodline?" Li Ye sneered in his heart, this was only part of his deliberate suppression, otherwise, Lin Ziqing would be hit hard by pure bloodline.

Seeing Lin Ziqing's defeat, Li Ye also condensed his own blood.

But at this moment, everyone's eyes looked at him completely different!

The ghost queen has a pair of eyes bursting out with wisps of sharpness, and the stars have been recruiting the strong from all sides! Especially those mastermind evildoers, invincible Tianjiao!

Obviously, the appearance of Li Ye made the ghost empress move her mind!

Not to mention, Li Ye is the heir of Emperor Danwu, and is actually related to the two holy places!

Now it still shows the top bloodlines in the two worlds!

"I don't know if Seniors still have questions now?"

Li Ye smiled slightly, but saw a bitter smile on Jiu Lao's expression, and then he shook his head as expected, "The bloodthirsty ancestor, this demon, naturally cannot have such a descendant. It was indeed the old man who was impulsive just now. Forgive me."

"Senior made a serious statement. Since the misunderstanding is gone, I don't know what the younger generation just said, is Senior still willing to listen?"

Everyone was surprised, but Shi Aotian laughed, "Brother Li once said that he could find the owner of that drop of blood, does he really have a clue?"

At this moment everyone knows why the old winemakers disappeared just now! But they were all suspicious.


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