Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3257: True or false

Successor of Emperor Danwu!

The alchemist who refines the longevity pill!

As soon as this identity came out, everyone in the Lin family changed their faces!

Although Li Ye didn't want to let people know his identity as the so-called disciple of Emperor Danwu, he knew it was hard to deny it at this moment.

"He is the descendant of Emperor Danwu?"

"It turned out that this kid made those pills of the ancient family! It's incredible!"

Many people present couldn't help but gasped.

The name of Emperor Danwu is really too big, it can be said that for nearly a million years, it is difficult for anyone to stand alongside Emperor Danwu!

In terms of strength, it is clear that Emperor Hengtian is the strongest one in nearly a million years! But to say that Emperor Danwu, although he may not be as invincible as Emperor Hengtian in terms of pure strength, he is most famous for his magical pill!

The people of the Lin family looked at Li Ye stubbornly. Although they were still unwilling to believe it at the moment, the ancient family had disclosed Li Ye’s identity. Where is it!

You know, if it weren't for the few pills, the ancient family would never be able to make a comeback this time!

It is even possible to be kicked out of the ten major players in Dongzhou City for a seat in the next 100 years!

"Are you a descendant of Emperor Danwu?"

Jiu Lao's voice was low and hoarse, and his eyes flashed with terrible sharpness!

He naturally didn't believe it!

But Li Ye was noncommittal, while Gu Lie was on the side, and said in a respectful tone, "Old Jiu, I have already seen those few pills of medicine and Jiu Lao, and they were refined by Brother Li himself. Take the vision of Jiu Lao. , Naturally you can see how extraordinary the pills are."

Indeed, those who were present with the few pills were all fascinating figures in Dongzhou City.

Among them are several Dan kings.

At this time, an old man nodded slightly, "Those pills are indeed extraordinary. It is impossible for an ordinary Nine-Duan Pill King to refine such quality and fineness."

This old man is a seven-segment pill king, and his speech is naturally not low.

As for Linlang Pavilion, after receiving the three elixirs from the ancient family, several alchemists with the highest alchemy in Linlang Pavilion have personally tested them.

Naturally, it is clear that the pill, but not an ordinary alchemist can do that.

However, Jiu Lao and many people present were still skeptical.

"Huh, descendant of Emperor Danwu? How to prove it!? With just a few pills, then I said that I am a disciple of Emperor Hengtian!"

A strong man in Lin's family sneered, his eyes with a hint of sarcasm.

"This is true. Although those pills are indeed old and shining, it is somewhat arbitrary to say that this son is the descendant of Emperor Danwu."

Another holy emperor frowned, but he didn't say anything dead, and asked Li Ye, "If the little friend can prove that he is the heir of Emperor Danwu, maybe today is indeed a misunderstanding. "

"Yeah, what evidence is there!"

At this moment, the people of the Lin family can be said to have a heart hanging in the air. If Li Yenai is the descendant of Emperor Danwu, it means that there is a terrible backer behind the ancient family!

When the time comes, let alone driving the Gu family out of Dongzhou City, they will worry that because of Emperor Danwu, what the Lin family will face is the counterattack of the Gu family.

"Lin Ziqing! Isn't the evidence of longevity pill enough?"

Gu Lie angrily hummed, this time they also did it intentionally! Li Ye may not want to reveal his identity, but the Gu family took advantage of this opportunity to rise up!

"Longevity Pill! Hmph, even if it is indeed Longevity Pill, maybe this kid got the pill of Longevity Pill by accident, so he could refine it!"

Lin Ziqing sneered, while many other strong people nodded one after another.

However, the former Pill King couldn’t help but shook his head and said, “This is very unlikely. Emperor Pill Wu’s pill can only be understood with a unique technique, and even if he understands the pill, he wants to refine it. Special means are required."

The expressions of the people in Lin's family changed. Naturally, they couldn't speak much about the medicine.

But apparently he didn't give up, but he heard Lin Ziqing sneer, "Although I don't know how he did it, as a descendant of Emperor Danwu, why has he only appeared now?"

Yes, Emperor Danwu was a person from hundreds of thousands of years ago, and everyone had doubts in their hearts.

Jiu Lao frowned, "Boy, if you are indeed the descendant of Emperor Danwu, the old man can apologize for what happened just now! Otherwise! Humph!"

A breath of horror bursts out, and the presence is only a few people can bear it, enough to see how high the cultivation base of the old man is!

Even if the strength of this level of cultivation is inferior to the great emperor, it is definitely the pinnacle of the supreme holy emperor!


Li Ye naturally didn't have any evidence, and he had never seen Emperor Danwu!

But suddenly, he thought of something!

"Senior take this seriously?"

"Huh! The old man has never broken his promise in his life!"

Jiu Lao snorted, after all, Li Ye's actions seemed to him the biggest insult to him.

The few people in the Lin family sneered, they absolutely did not believe that Li Yehui was a disciple of Emperor Danwu. As for the others, they are doubtful.

"Brother Li, has Emperor Danwu ever given you a token of the division?"

Shi Aotian's words on one side awakened everyone. Someone nodded and said, "Indeed, if there is a teacher's token, it is indeed the greatest evidence."

"However, I have never heard of Emperor Danwu starting a sect. It's hard to judge."

Many legends about Emperor Danwu have been talked about for hundreds of thousands of years.

But the biggest of them was something that countless people had doubted for hundreds of thousands of years. Emperor Danwu never married a wife, did not establish a sect, and even the dragon did not see the end.

This is also the biggest reason why they suspect Li Ye's identity.

His mother never heard that Emperor Danwu had disciples!

That's why Lin's people are so confident!

But they missed one thing!

That is, the person in front of them at this moment is not someone else, but Li Ye!

"Have you heard of one thing?"


Li Ye smiled slightly, but didn't directly explain it, just took out two things and showed them in front of everyone at once.

A closer look revealed that it was a token that looked a little old, and a token that looked like a gourd.

When these two things came out, everyone was taken aback, and a trace of doubt appeared on their faces.

"What is this?"

Shi Aotian frowned slightly, but faintly felt that these two things were familiar.

Not only him, but some of the old monsters present who have lived for more than 10,000 years are also familiar, but can't remember them for a while.

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