Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3248: Comparable to Imperial Soldiers

"The sky vine of the Aoki family! This thing is definitely not inferior to the imperial weapon, and it has even been cultivated long enough to be comparable to any emperor armor!"

"No, the Aoki family has been based in Dongzhou City for so many years. It is because of this day that Qingteng has everything today and today! You know, in terms of blood, the Aoki family is the only one among the ten great families of Dongzhou City. No family of any kind of ancient blood!"

Someone sneered. After all, for millions of years, in the land of East Continent, it was not only the big families in Dongzhou City who had ancient bloodlines, but also some ancient hidden families.

But there are only ten seats that can enter Dongzhou City. The Aoki family has everything they have now, and it has a direct relationship with the original ancestor of the Aoki family.

"The Aoki family, Tianqingteng! I heard that the Aoki family was just a small third-rate family, and can only be attached to some schools. But I don't know what luck for the Aoki family back then, I never know what I got a sky vine!"

"Yes, this matter is also strange. No one knew what Qingteng was, but it was found by the Aoki family! And the ancestor of the Aoki family even ignored the opposition of the whole family and integrated the Qingteng into himself. In the blood! Only then have all the glories of today's Aoki Family."

When it comes to this, many people have a slight admiration!

Even an old holy emperor nodded and muttered slightly complicatedly, "That kind of pride and courage are hard to find in the world. However, because of this, the Aoki family can rise up, and even won a glorious one million years ago. Everything owned by the Duan family."

When everyone heard Duan's family, their expressions crossed the subtle colors.

Speaking of this family, it was once a behemoth dominating everything!

He was even one of the ten great masters of Dongzhou City, a descendant of ancient blood!

"This family was not inferior to the current ancient family, the Lin family, and even stronger. Unfortunately, it will eventually fall into the hands of the Qingmu family. Even the last emperor of the Duan family was hit hard by the Qingmu emperor. Traced."

"This day Qingteng is indeed powerful. The Qingmu Emperor of the year was the one who first found the Tian Qingteng. He was originally talented but was able to step into the emperor's realm in just a thousand years. I heard that it was related to that day. And he was the only one. One person has refined the sky vine to the most terrifying level."

Seeing the sky green vine in the hands of Mr. Blackwood, many people couldn't help swallowing.

Because they thought of a legend!

It is also the biggest reason why countless people have been watching the Aoki family for millions of years!

Sky Green! Let people step into the emperor realm!

Li Ye flashed a little surprise, hearing this explanation from Shi Aotian's mouth really surprised him.

"Brother Li might not believe it. My Shi family asked the Aoki family to ask for a sky vine, but the Aoki family refused."

You know, Shi Family is one family and three emperors! Second only to Helan's in this Dongzhou City!

Actually all want to get this ivy! One can imagine.

"Back then, my Shi family asked for it, but the Aoki family clearly stated that this day, only the descendants of the Aoki family can control the Qingteng, and the blood of the non-Aoki family will eventually be eaten back even if the blood of the Aoki family gets the sky. Jun actually took out a sky vine, which is surprising."

Indeed, many strong players present at the moment are skeptical.

However, the old gentleman Blackwood smiled and said, "This day, the Qingteng is specially cultivated by the old man over the years, and it has grown to the size of seven knots!"

Seven-section sky vines!

Everyone took a breath!

"It's actually Qijietian Ivy! Even today's Aoki family, few people have cultivated it to this level, right?"

"This Aoki family, it is rumored that the sky cane can only be fed with the blood of the Aoki family. From the seedlings, each additional section is like waiting for me to break through a realm of cultivation!"

"It is rumored that if the ivy can grow to the size of nine knots on this day, it can almost be comparable to the emperor's might! Even if an ordinary martial emperor possesses it, the emperor may not be able to get it!"

Everyone's exclamation at this time almost made the young people of the Aoki family almost blow their lungs!

One of the young people was still calm, but there was a slight chill in his eyes. Before the old man opened his mouth, he said loudly, "Sky Qingteng can't be controlled by people from the Aoki family. Even if it gets it, it just ends up. The end of the backlash and death."

As soon as this remark came out, many people calmed down.

But there are still people who are dubious.

"Mr Aoki! This person is known as the most talented person in the Aoki family!"

It turns out that this young man is the descendant of the Aoki family today, but he has another identity that is even more special!

As his sneer came out, the old gentleman Kuromu laughed strangely and did not refute.

But someone whispered, "This old gentleman is rumored to be Aoki Gan's grandfather, but he doesn't know whether it is true or not!"

"Hehe, Mr. Blackwood used to be the most enchanting genius of the Aoki family, and finally turned his head against him. It does make sense to say that Mr. Aoki is the grandson of Mr. Blackwood."

"This is very interesting. No matter how he got the Sky Green Vine in the hands of Old Monarch Blackwood, since he dared to put it up for auction, it must be impossible for the bloodline of the non-Aoki family to be eaten back as the Aoki family said."

Some people couldn't help their eyes light up. These treasures that are comparable to the emperor's armor, and the treasures that are integrated into the bloodline and naturally improve with the level of cultivation, are definitely more precious than ordinary emperor soldiers.

Even, such treasures are only owned by the Aoki family in the world.

"Jie Jie Jie, old ghost, what do you think? Don't worry, the sky vine in the hands of the old man is absolutely fine. Although the old man has killed countless people, he still has this reputation."

Everyone pricked their ears, one side is a peerless treasure comparable to the imperial soldiers, and the other is a chance to enter the Samsara Tower.

Although it is only half a year, it is also considered worthless.

The juniors of the Aoki family all looked anxious. For so many years, how many people peeped into the Aoki family's sky vines and finally failed to get it. If it was acquired by someone outside the Aoki family because of the relationship with the old gentleman of Blackwood, it would definitely shake the status of the Aoki family.

Even the juniors of the Aoki family don't even know what the Aoki family is really worried about.

Emperor weapon!

Fire spar!

Now it's even the sky vine!

Li Ye thought about it slightly, there were not many things he could take out. Some of them are not much inferior to the imperial weapon, and even some are hard to find in the world!

Such as the golden fairy! There are only a few plants in the entire Three Realms and Nine Regions! Now they are all obtained by him.

Another example is that Twin Life Pill, once refined, it is enough to cause an uproar in the entire Dongzhou City! Including some old monsters who were half-dead but powerful enough to reach the sky, and even the Great Emperor, they would be alarmed and shot.

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