Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3245: Tayun Mountain Villa

In Linlang Pavilion, the atmosphere now seemed a bit full of gunpowder.

The people of several big families are still calm, but in the hall, some powerful people can't sit still.

"The Reincarnation Tower, only the ten members of Dongzhou City are qualified to enter, and now some people actually pay such a price!"

But I saw a red-haired old man muttering to himself, and his origin is naturally extraordinary, it is the elder of Huoyun Mountain.

He said coldly, "Old man Chi Yun! I want to ask, this time, what are the restrictions on entering the Samsara Tower for half a year?"

His question caused many people in the hall to nod again and again.

But the old man smiled, "Naturally, there are restrictions! This time the auction is only for one person to step into the Samsara Tower for half a year. Once the time is up, he must leave the Samsara Tower."

Only one person can step into the Samsara Tower!

This answer obviously disappointed many people.

Some people even couldn't help shaking their heads, "Just let one person in, hope is too slim."

"Yeah, if many people can enter together, there may be a chance. But if only one person enters, it will be a lot of bad luck!"

"No, it is rumored that this reincarnation tower is not a fairyland paradise. It is even more dangerous and will die if you are not careful."

"It is rumored that for so many years, there are many strong and talented people in the ten families of Dongzhou City, and they have lost their lives. Even the strong ones of the ten families are like this. If they enter alone, it will be a blessing or a curse. It is really unpredictable."

Someone couldn't help taking a breath, but the scorching heat in their eyes still exposed their ambition for this third auction item.

Although many people talked about their worries, none of them gave up leaving.

Among the few private rooms, the people of several big families are also meditating at this moment.

They are more speculating about the identity of the person behind the scenes.

"The only people who are eligible to enter the Samsara Tower are our big families. Who dares to be so bold."

The old man of Lin's family looked half-belief, if it hadn't happened to Linlang Pavilion, there was a golden sign like Jiu Lao, maybe many people including him would not believe it at all, and would just treat it as a joke.

But in fact, now that this happened in Linlang Pavilion, it is naturally impossible for anyone to make a big joke.

Shi Aotian was also curious, but as a descendant of the Shi family, he just doubted it and stopped suspicion, instead he became interested.

"Brother Li, I wonder if you are interested in bidding for the third auction item of Linlang Pavilion?"

"It's really interesting."

"If Brother Li can come to the top, this trip is definitely worthwhile."

After speaking, he smiled mysteriously. After all, the Shi family's understanding of the Samsara Tower has been through so many years, and naturally it is far from comparable to those outside Dongzhou City.

As the current heir of the Shi family, he naturally knows many secrets that are not clear to ordinary people.

"But presumably, there are not a few people who want to fight."

Li Ye smiled bitterly and shook his head, indeed he was a little interested. But judging from the terrifying gazes at this moment, it is definitely more difficult to get this thing from so many people than to get the so-called small world of the ancient emperor.

"Haha, indeed, if Brother Li wants to fight, he will not only have to face those people, but even a few big families will probably take action."


"Brother Li is watching. In this reincarnation tower, unless it is the upper three that can enter and exit unlimited times, even if it is my Shijia, there are restrictions."

Li Ye just remembered that this reincarnation tower is not easy to enter. Just like the ancient family, in the eyes of ordinary people, it is such an unattainable place.

However, the ancient family only enjoyed the right to enter the Samsara Tower for five years.

"There is one thing Brother Li may not know, this reincarnation tower is not a place where too many people can enter."


"Even in the upper three houses, only ten people are eligible to enter. This is also an advantage of being the upper three houses! In the middle three houses such as mine, only five people are eligible to enter every 100 years! Like the ancient family, Only two people can enter! So Brother Li understands what I just said, right?"

Of course he understands!

Not only the time for entry is limited, but even the number of people is very small!

"It turns out that, although it only allows one person to enter the Samsara Tower for half a year, it is enough to make other families besides the Shangsanjia heartbeat! Even the Shangsanjia may fight for it."

"Haha, what Brother Li said is quite true. But Brother Li can rest assured, if I guess right, the Shangsanjia will never make a move this time! Although one more person to enter the Samsara Tower is really exciting, but for the Shangsanjia , But doesn't care. Instead, Brother Li needs to care about people from other families."

After speaking, he suddenly laughed, "Naturally, my Shi family may also take action. Brother Li should be careful."

At this point, Li Ye just smiled.

Shi Aotian could tell him so much, he already regarded him as a friend.

"Then it all depends on their own ability."

"Hahaha, Brother Li is indeed a wonderful person, and that's how it is. Now it depends on what the sender wants. If anyone can meet his wishes, maybe he can get what he wants without bloodshed."

"Yes, it depends on what the person behind the scenes wants."

In this world, in addition to auctioning some visible treasures, there are also such peculiar auctions.

It may be a favor, it may be a promise, or even a lot of things that ordinary people cannot imagine.

At this point, someone finally called out the bargaining chip first.

"One million holy crystals, plus an imperial weapon!"

In an instant, both eyes looked in one direction.

The person who made the noise had a proud face, with a hint of coldness on the corners of his mouth, and the corners of his mouth were raised.

Indeed, his offer is not low!

Millions of holy crystals! This is enough for ordinary families to lose their fortunes! Let alone an imperial weapon!

You know, although the imperial weapon is not as precious as the imperial soldier, it is also a rare treasure in the world! Even more, it is only possible for the emperor to use the things he carries for many years to turn it into an imperial weapon.

As for the person who made the bid, the origin of his identity is naturally not simple!

"Tayun Villa! Thousands of tactics destroyed?"

Someone recognized the origin of this person and exclaimed!

And some of the others changed their faces slightly after hearing the words!

Although they had known for a long time that there were any auctions in Linlang Pavilion, those who can appear here are either rich or noble, and they are absolute powerhouses with terrible heritage.

Even the Dimen Taoist and ancient families!

Undoubtedly, this Tayun Villa is one of them!

And this Thousand Jue Destroyed, the identity has a lot of origin! After recognizing it was him, several ancestors of the holy emperor were slightly jealous.

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