Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3243: Reincarnation Tower

Even Li Ye was a little surprised, three mere Pills of Longevity that he didn't really count as longevity pills, could actually make so many peak powers on the scene break their scalps.

"Amakusa clan, they are generous."

In the room, Shi Aotian shook his head with a wry smile. Just now, he also wanted to compete for the third Longevity Pill. However, in the end, one of the ancestors of the Amakusa clan made the biggest shot and took the pill directly.

"Brother Shi is in the prime of life, is he also interested in this Shoudan?"

Li Ye was a little surprised. With Shi Aotian's talent and status, he was far from the point where he needed Shoudan. But judging from the change in his expression just now, there is no doubt that the biggest purpose of his coming here today is to come to this life pill.

"Brother Li doesn't know anything. I came to Linlang Pavilion today because of the ancient pill."

"Oh? Brother Guan Gu's qi and blood shouldn't need this life pill."

"It's really not what I need, but the people around me."

People around?

Li Ye thoughtfully, using the Shi Family's tactics to reach the sky, the common longevity pill or immortal grass is not a problem. Obviously, there is only one reason why Shi Family can do nothing.

The deadline has come!

Although they didn't get the pill, many people who came from afar just for pill were slightly disappointed. But they are more curious about Linlang Pavilion's third and last auction item today.

"I don't know the origin of the last auction item in Linlang Pavilion."

"Yes, the Shoudan of the ancient family is a heavenly good fortune, which can be placed behind it, it is definitely not an ordinary thing."

Everyone present was a little curious, and even the giants of Lin's and Gu's Dongzhou City showed a sense of curiosity at this time.

For millions of years, the rare treasures auctioned off by Linlang Pavilion have long been famous.

Even some special auctions will also appear in Linlang Pavilion.

Jiu Lao appeared again, this time with a weird expression on his face, but after appearing, he said a news that surprised everyone present.

"Everyone, this third auction item is something special."

"Special, special and special?"

Someone couldn't help asking.

"Yes, it must be a treasure of the world that can put Linlang Pavilion in the final auction."

Even several big families are showing curiosity, including the ancient family, they have some expectations for this mysterious third auction item.

But Jiu Lao just smiled, but didn't see him take out any treasures. Instead, he hesitated and said, "This last auction item is the power to enter the Samsara Tower and last for half a year."


As soon as he said this, the scene was almost quiet and a little scary.

The ancestors of the holy emperor who were as stable as Mount Tai before, all of them suddenly showed horrified expressions.

"How is it possible! Who actually auctioned this right behind the scenes?"

"Enter the Samsara Tower! And can stay in the first half of the year! God, did I hear it wrong?"

"Damn, no wonder, no wonder! It was actually put up here at the end of the auction. Although the ancient life pill is amazing, but compared with Junru's reincarnation tower for half a year, nothing counts!"

Especially in Linlang Pavilion at this moment, some geniuses of the emperor's Taoism have a hot expression on their faces!

That kind of look was like the look of a pervert who saw an innocent beauty lying in front of him, like the terrifying look of a beast.

The faces of the two ancestors of Lin's family have changed!

The old man from the Amakusa clan who had obtained the three pill patterns before also blinked!

On the ancient side, the Patriarch of the ancient family breathed slightly!

Also as one of the ten people of Dongzhou, the Prince of Washington, who had eaten Li Ye's dark loss at the gate of Linlang Pavilion before, suddenly changed his expression, his eyes exuded a kind of greed and surprise!

"Old wine, do you take this seriously?"

"Yeah, this is no joke!"

Although shocked, after everyone came over, they were still a little doubtful.

But Li Ye, a little strange, glanced at Shi Aotian who was also frowning, but with a hint of movement.

"This tower of reincarnation can actually make the big families and the emperor's Taoism react like this."

As if seeing his question, Shi Aotian's expression crossed a weird expression, and then he said, "Brother Li hasn't heard of the Samsara Tower?"

"Don't hide the truth from Brother Shi, I didn't have much time when I came down to Dongzhou City. I have never heard of the name of this Samsara Tower."

"So, it's no wonder that Brother Li didn't respond. You know, in this Dongzhou City, no matter who it is, especially people under the age of one thousand years, it is impossible for anyone to hear the name of the Samsara Tower so indifferent."

After speaking, he smiled bitterly, "This Samsara Tower is the sacred site of Dongzhou City. It is rumored that it was left by the Three Kings and Six Sovereigns. It also contains the supreme will left by the Three Kings and Six Sovereigns, and the inheritance of all kinds of wonders and treasures that ordinary people cannot imagine. ."

The holy land left by the three kings and six statues!

Only then did Li Ye understand why everyone reacted so special after the last auction of Linlang Pavilion appeared.

It turns out that this reincarnation tower is a sacred place in Dongzhou City. Whether it is cultivating in it, enlightenment, or even treasure hunting, it is enough to make a trash a dazzling peerless genius in an instant!

In short, the Samsara Tower is full of possibilities!

Enough to change a person's life! Even set foot on the pinnacle of this world!

One of the most important points is that not everyone can enter this Samsara Tower!

"Brother Li may not know why this Dongzhou City has existed for so long, why there are three kings, six deities and ten masters."

"Appreciate further details."

"The Three Kings and Six Sovereigns are rumored to be the supreme existence beyond the emperor. However, it has not been asked about the world for countless years, and no one has even known whether it really exists. However, these ten great masters control Dongzhou City. Master of billions of creatures."

After Shi Aotian finished speaking, he shook his head and smiled bitterly, "However, the real reason why the Ten Great Masters can dominate Dongzhou City is not just passed on by outsiders. The Ten Great Masters are almost all descendants of the Three Kings and Six Lords, but for other reasons."

"Samsara Tower?"

"Brother Li is really smart. It is this reincarnation tower! Only ten people are qualified to enter the reincarnation tower! This is why for countless years, so many families and sects have broken their scalp and won one of the ten people. The reason for the seat!"

"Because of the qualification to enter the Samsara Tower?"

Li Ye was slightly moved, this reincarnation tower even affected the luck of the entire Dongzhou City and even the land of Dongzhou. If anyone can control the Reincarnation Tower, he can control the entire Dongzhou City.

"Enter the Samsara Tower for half a year!"

"No matter what the price is, we must win this auction!"

The Lin family, the ancient family, the Huafu family, the Amakusa family, including the Dimen Taoism from all over the East Continent, have only one idea at this moment.

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