Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3233: Something seven million years ago

Linlang Pavilion's wine veteran, status, status and even prestige in this line are obviously not low.

The major families and the imperial door do not have any opinions, and as for the others who have been invited, they will not have any opinions on this.

"Today there are only three auction items, and because of these three auction items, the old man will appear in person."

Unlike ordinary auctions, there are no treasures in the world that can enter the Linlang Pavilion.

This is not surprising to most people present.

"These three auction items are all treasures that even the old man is awe-inspiring. The old man is a little envious of you here. After all, the old man can't be the same as you, and bid for it."

Jiu Lao's remarks immediately caused many people to laugh.

In the elegant room, Li Ye revealed a slight surprise, while Shi Aotian smiled, "Brother Li does not know that this Linlang Pavilion will not compete with us for this auction item. Of course, some things Linlang Pavilion will also be sent in advance. The auctioneer negotiates, and only if the auctioneer requests it, the auction will be directly released."

Li Ye nodded. In fact, the same is true of Jubao Pavilion, but it is obvious that there is a big tree like Yue Family behind Linlang Pavilion, and most people can't chew on it.

Li Ye suddenly understood why Linlang Pavilion couldn't eat a treasure that was so high.

After all, if there is a good thing, Linlang Pavilion must be the first to want to get it, and if Linlang Pavilion can take a step back and take it out for auction, the auction item or the person who sent the auction is by no means ordinary people can imagine.

"The old man will make a long story short, this first auction item is also considered the first time he saw this in his life in these years."

Only seeing the old man waving his hand, a country emerged behind him!

No one thought that the first item auctioned by Linlang Pavilion was not a magic weapon, nor a fairy herb, nor was it a powerful slave, it turned out to be a kingdom!

"This is! Small world!"

"It is indeed a small world! And this level of small world is definitely not owned by ordinary people!"

Many people exclaimed, and the whole country unfolded before them was enough to move everyone.

You know, those who can come here are all big shots from Dongzhou City. Either they are the powerhouses with the highest cultivation base, or they are the masters of a faction or even the old monsters who have lived for tens of thousands of years, and there are even some descendants of the ten great families and even peerless talents.

What kind of treasure have they not seen? Even the rarest treasure in the world, in their eyes, is actually nothing.

But the country in front of him instantly made many people breathe.

"You don't need to explain, you should also understand the value of this thing."

Old Jiu smiled and said, indeed, there is no need for him to explain himself, because anyone with a vision has already had a guess in his mind after seeing this country.

Some people even got short of breath, and their eyes revealed a hint of weirdness and determination.

"Although the old man doesn't need to explain more, I still want to nag here. This small world was discovered by a strong man in Linlang Pavilion, and the place of discovery was in an ancient cave mansion."

Ancient cave mansion!

Generally in the Three Realms and Nine Regions, thousands of years have passed down, naturally there are countless ancient realms and cave ruins.

Some are even extremely dangerous, and even the Holy Emperor may not come out alive after entering.

Lin Lang Pavilion produced such a small world, no doubt the origin is not simple.

"Jiu Lao, I don't know what kind of ancient cave mansion it is?"

Someone couldn't help asking.

It was a strong Saint Emperor whose eyes sparkled with excitement.

And soon, someone also asked loudly, "This small world has evolved completely, and it is faintly accompanied by storms and thunder. It is definitely not something that the Emperor Wu can create. According to the old man, people who can leave this small world at least are Powerful of the Supreme Saint Emperor!"

"Hahaha, this is a bad word, and the Supreme Holy Emperor can't derive such a small world. This ancient power must be the great emperor but a stronger existence. Just for this small world, this seat is today It's about to be decided!"

This is just the beginning, and many people are clearly determined to win.

They are even extremely powerful.

Jiu Lao smiled, "Don't worry, I haven't finished talking."

"Old wine, please say."

Although a few people were already ready to move, they also knew the rules of Linlang Pavilion.

Here, no matter whether it is the imperial family or the ancient family, they will not mess around at will. Otherwise, the behemoth Yue Family would be offended!

At least, in this Dongzhou City, no one dared to blatantly oppose the Yue family.

"About this small world, I actually investigated Linlang Pavilion. Although there are not many things left in the ancient cave mansion, I also got some clues."

"Oh? I don't know what the clue is?"

"Could it be left by a well-known strong man?"

The small world left by the great emperor's even more powerful existence is a fortune!

Li Ye also showed a slight interest, but Shi Aotian didn't seem interested. He saw Li Ye's thoughts, and smiled, "Brother Li is interested?"

"A little."

"This is also, the little world of the emperor, even if there is nothing, at least there is still a trace of the emperor's understanding of the way of heaven. If you can quietly understand it for a hundred years, it will be twice the result with half the effort than the outside world for a thousand years."

Why do so many people want to get this little world.

Because of this!

The world created and opened up by the emperor himself can only be achieved by a certain emperor's supreme will and perception of Tao, and those will and perceptions naturally remain in it.

For many strong players, this is just enough to make them break their scalp.

But obviously, Linlang Pavilion wanted more than that.

"Everyone, don’t worry. Regarding the origins of this small world, several master appraisers in Linlang Pavilion have speculated that based on the origins of the ancient cave, it is speculated that the owner of this cave existed at least seven million years ago. Era."

Seven million years ago!

Everyone took a breath!

You must know that the Three Realms and Nine Regions are only a few million years old, and even some millions of years of inheritance are considered extremely ancient.

Seven million years ago, it was almost much older than today's many imperial family traditions and even ancient families.

Perhaps, only the land of East Continent, a few of the oldest descendants of ancient blood, can be traced back to such a long time.

"Seven million years ago! That was a chaotic era of a hundred races for hegemony!"

"Yes, at that time, the world had gone through several catastrophes, and it was once broken by the sky. The powerhouse of that era, even at the same level, is far from what we are today!"

Many people murmured to themselves, the same is the emperor, the emperor seven million years ago is by no means comparable to the emperor today!

At this moment, many people's eyes are burning.

Because they knew very well that seven million years ago, the great emperor at that time had a more thorough understanding of heaven than any great emperor in the Three Realms today!

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