Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3230: Rules of Linlang Pavilion

"This son, please be slow."

Just as Li Ye was about to step into Linlang Pavilion, he was stopped in public.

At this time, there were also many people who wanted to go in, but they were not blocked.

Li Ye didn't speak, but Yan Yang, who followed Li Ye, frowned slightly and asked directly, "What's the matter?"

"The villain is the guard of Linlang Pavilion. Please also ask this young man to show us the invitation letter from Linlang Pavilion."

The other party was polite, but his tone and expression revealed a hint of coldness and indifference.

Invitation card?

Obviously Li Ye didn't have it. He was also invited by the ancient family today. After all, he refined the pill, and now the relationship between him and the ancient family is on the same boat, so it is natural.

But obviously, Li Ye came here alone this time, instead of traveling with the juniors of Gu Lie and other ancient families.

At this moment, someone stopped at the door, without guessing, not everyone can enter and leave the Linlang Pavilion.

"I have no invitation letter."

Yes, he did not.

As soon as this remark came out, the guard was not surprised. Anyone who can become Linlang Pavilion's guard has a pair of golden eyes. In fact, they all know what people are and what status.

It can almost be said that in this Dongzhou City, the large and small families, sects, and even some lonely strong people, Linlang Pavilion have records.

And these guards, perhaps their strength is not that great, but to say that this memory is definitely not comparable to ordinary people.

"Master, since you don't have an invitation letter, the villain can only say sorry, you and your entourage can't enter."

After all, it was the auction site supported by the Yue family. Although the guard looked at Li Ye with a hint of contempt, it was still polite on the surface. But the implication was that if Li Ye didn't have an invitation letter, he would not be eligible to enter.

Before Li Ye spoke, Yan Yang on one side couldn't help it. "Why don't you let my parents go in?"


The guard was a little surprised and looked at Li Ye up and down.

After all, at Li Ye's age, being called an elder is indeed surprising. But then he just smiled, "Sorry, we Linlang Pavilion hesitate about Linlang Pavilion's rules."

"Oh? I don't know what the rules are? Come and listen."

Li Ye was not angry, and it was true that the ancient family had mentioned this before, but he was still in retreat and didn't care. It now seems that the Gu family should have sent the invitation letter by a messenger, but he didn't take it with him without paying attention.

With a glance, someone stepped into Linlang Pavilion from time to time, and someone walked unimpeded. Some people were stopped, but they took out a piece of jade pendant. A closer look at the jade pendant was like a crescent moon, which was unique.

After seeing the jade pendant, the guards nodded and let them go.

"So this is the invitation letter."

The ancient family did send someone a crescent-shaped jade pendant, but it was a pity that it did not belong to him.

At his speed, it is not difficult to get back. But he has other interests in this Linlang Pavilion.

After hearing the words, the guard looked at Li Ye with weird eyes, then frowned slightly, "It seems that the son is not from Dongzhou City, otherwise it is impossible not to know the rules of my Linlang Pavilion."

"tell me the story."

Although a little impatient, the guard said something, "My Linlang Pavilion has been established for more than a million years. Only the most treasured treasures in the world, such as magic soldiers or fairy herbs, etc., are eligible to be in my Linlang Pavilion. auction."

"Our Linlang Pavilion is only open to those who are capable of auctioning. Those who are not qualified, please stop."

Speaking of Linlang Pavilion, the guard looked proud.

But Li Ye smiled after hearing this, "How do you know that I am not qualified to go in?"

"Yes, my parents are here today."

Yan Yang had some anger in his heart, after all, Qingming Tiangong was an emperor's Taoist lineage, and Li Ye was the elder of Qingming Tiangong. More importantly, he knew how much Emperor Qingming attached great importance to Li Ye!

No matter how big your Linlang Pavilion is, can you still keep Qingming Tiangong in your eyes?

"Sorry, in this Dongzhou City, there are only a few kinds of people who can enter Linlang Pavilion. This young man is obviously not listed, so the villain had to say sorry."

At this moment, I saw a few young people who looked like disciples of a big family coming together.

Seeing Li Ye two being stopped by the door, a sneer suddenly appeared, and one of them even smiled, "It's a waste of wanting to enter Linlang Pavilion without thinking about it, and doesn't look at his identity."

When these people arrived, they saw the guard who was blocking Li Ye quickly piled up a smile, and greeted him, "A few young masters, please, the room is ready."

The contrast between the front and back made Li Ye shook his head involuntarily.

Yan Yang even coldly snorted, "Why can they go in directly?"

It just so happened that those young people were going to pass Li Ye in. Suddenly one of them turned around and glanced at Li Ye contemptuously, "In this Dongzhou City, there are not many places yet, and we cannot enter. !waste!"

Li Ye didn't get angry, but Yan Yang couldn't help it. Just about to do it, Li Ye put one hand on his shoulder and couldn't move.


"The mad dog bit you, no need to bite back."

These words made Yan Yang stunned, but when the young man heard the words, his whole spirit exploded!

"Little beast! What did you say!"


The powerful aura suddenly shattered the surrounding void. Don't look at these young people laughing and joking, obviously dudes, but at this moment they showed a terrifying realm that ordinary martial artists could not reach.

Even Yan Yang, a disciple of the emperor sect, felt a sense of suffocation at this moment.

The upper emperor!

Just this momentum made some people outside Linlang Pavilion almost afraid to approach, and some people exclaimed.

"That's not the genius of Washington, Huaxu!"

"It's him! Who caused him to be so angry!? You know that Washington is one of the ten people in Dongzhou City, and some of the geniuses in Washington dare to provoke him?"


Li Ye slightly understood that this Washington Mansion was one of the bottom four among the ten great families in Dongzhou City. Ranked ninth, slightly weaker than the ancient family and the Lin family.

But that's also a comparison between ten people, but compared to ordinary people, it's not an easy target to provoke.

If Li Ye didn't move, the other party's momentum would vanish in front of him and disappear quietly.

Hua Xu didn't expect that the person in front of him was not moving like a mountain, a glint flashed in his eyes, but then he sneered and raised his hand to slap!

This palm is so weird that it contains dozens of feminine powers!

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