Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3223: The source of Linjia Pill

"Yeah, yeah, since the ancient family opened the door to do business, the pill will naturally have the price of the pill."

"Although this pill is extremely precious, since the ancient family took it out, it was naturally ready to be sold. It's better to make a price. I am willing to buy one with ten thousand holy crystals!"

A middle-aged reckless man said loudly, with a complacent look on his face.

When the rest of the people heard it, they all showed a slightly unexpected look.

"Blood-clothed door, isn’t this person the deputy head of the blood-clothed door, Blood-clothed Hou? Although this blood-clothed door is not an emperor, it is also very powerful. It is said that the blood-clothed door owner is even more mysterious and unpredictable. The price is indeed not low!"

It wasn't long before the smugness on the face of that rash man appeared, and someone sneered.

"Ten thousand sacred crystals, the blood-clothed gate is just an ordinary sect. The price is a bit too shabby."


The deputy master of the blood-clothed door had a cold face, but when he saw the sneer, his expression suddenly changed, and his anger turned into a trace of fright, and he took a slight breath, "Emperor Mansion!?"

I don't know when, but I saw a few people appear, the head of the person closed his eyes but exuded a domineering domineering, like an emperor on earth. A costume reveals a kind of kingly air.

The few people around him looked indifferent, but all of them were breathtakingly breathtaking behind them.

"Oh my god, from the Emperor's Mansion?"

"Is that man Huangpao County King, one of the twelve kings of the Emperor's Mansion?"

I don't know who whispered in exclamation, but after hearing this, everyone else quickly gave way.

"Blood-clothed door, a small group, is not worthy of this kind of medicine."

Among the people in the Emperor's Mansion, the Huangpao County King who was headed did not say anything, but the person beside him sneered, but the deputy head of the blood-clothed door who was proud of just now did not dare to put one fart, and even accompanied him. Smiley face.

"Yes, yes, the villain has seen Huangpao County Kings. Naturally, the Bloody Cloth Sect cannot be compared with the imperial sects of the Emperor Mansion.

You know, this blood-clothed door is quite famous in Dongzhou, although it is not an emperor, but blood-clothed door has always been harsh and unscrupulous, and many schools are unwilling to provoke.

Such an evil sect that Jacques must repay, at this moment can only accompany a smiling face, and even the deputy sect master of the blood-clothed sect.

And everyone was not surprised, because the group of people who came at this moment did have terrible strength that made the blood cloaked door dare not say anything.

Emperor Mansion!

"It's good to know, don't go away yet."

"Yes, yes, let the villain go away."

Everyone looked at the vice sect master of the blood-clothed door, but they were not surprised at all. But at this moment, the people in the Emperor's Mansion were not interested in wasting time with Xiao Xiao, the deputy head of the blood-clothed door.

The person headed was Huangpao County King, one of the twelve kings of the Emperor's Mansion, and he also opened his eyes at this time.

Because with the appearance of a group of people from the Emperor's Mansion, some of the previously unmoving Emperor Men Dao unified all appeared.

And their purpose is nothing more than the Shoudan of the ancient family.

It's just that the old fox like the Patriarch of the Gu Family only smiled slightly, "I know your intentions, but if you want to get the Shoudan, you need to wait a few days."

Huangpao County King lifted his eyelids slightly, "If that's the case, why not wait a few days?"

Several other strong men of the Emperor's Taoist lineage also nodded slightly, although they did look at the Shoudan of the ancient family, but for the Emperor's Taoist lineage, they were not in urgent need.

The ancient home is lively now, but here is the Lin home.

"What an ancient home!"

In Lin's house, an old man with white eyebrows smashed a mountain with a punch, still unable to vent his anger.

After all, for this day, Lin's family has been preparing for so many years, and even sent people to provoke relations in the ancient family without compromise, just to get the ancient family's great pill.

Although I didn't get it in the end, at least I got another pill that made Lin's ecstatic.

Po Tian Dan!

The ancient family and everyone didn't know where Lin's Po Tian Dan came from, and even few people inside Lin's family knew.

"Go, tell that person, if you can't refine a better pill than the ancient family life pill, there is no need for them to stay!"

The old man snorted coldly, and then he saw someone appear in front of the old man and nodded coldly.

In a mansion of Lin's family, this place has become the most mysterious place of Lin's family. Even some ordinary Lin family disciples can't get close.

Although some elders know some inside stories, they are not qualified to step in.

Because here is the forbidden place of the most mysterious alchemist in Lin's family today.

If Li Ye were here at this moment, he would definitely see two familiar figures.

Yu family master and servant!

It's just that compared with the time when they were in Qingtian City, the two masters and servants of the family are now like prisoners. It's not the case that it was a prisoner, but he was placed under house arrest here.

"Po Tian Dan did not let the ancient family get out of Dongzhou City."

An ancestor of the Lin family looked cold and appeared directly in front of the master and servant of the family.

Seeing the other party, Miss Yu Jia's cold face didn't carry any emotion, but Fu Bo hurriedly greeted him respectfully.

However, when he heard the answer from the ancestor of Lin's family, Fu Bo suddenly didn't believe it, "Impossible, it is my ancestor in the family that I found it in the tomb of the ancient alchemist. Is there still A better medicine?"

"Potian Pill does have the value you said, but it is far from enough! The ancient family, it is not as simple as you think!"

The ancestor of the Lin family sniffed coldly.

"This, my lord, this is already the best pill that our Yu family can come up with. I don't know what the Lin family promised us before?"

Fubo asked cautiously, no one knew what their master and servant experienced when they appeared in Dongzhou City.

Seeing the indifferent expression on the face of the ancestor of Lin's family, Uncle Fu's heart sank, but under the eaves, he had to bow his head, and could only barely smile, "Don’t worry, adults, there are only a few people left in the ancient family. Alchemists shouldn't worry about it at all. As long as our young lady takes action, it is not a problem to defeat the ancient family."

"Huh, it's better! In addition, someone from the ancient family has refined a kind of life pill! You two should understand what the old man meant!"


Uncle Fu was taken aback. Although Yu's family was from a family of alchemy, longevity pills were not something ordinary alchemists could refine.

"Remember, the only reason you two can live is the value you can bring to Lin's family! If there is not even such a value..."

In fact, there is no need to say the following words, and Fubo pales in fright. But unexpectedly, Miss Yu Jia suddenly thought of something, "Is there one more person in the ancient family?"

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