Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3219: Who will test the drug?

As the sacred hand of Shoudan of Tiancaotang, Master Duoyuan's strange behavior naturally generated curiosity in everyone's eyes.

"Is there any problem with that pill?"

"This Multi-Master doesn't see anyone on weekdays. I heard that even the great emperor doesn’t necessarily give him the face. It’s even more enshrined in Tiancaotang. It’s rare to show up once. Why is he so interested in the alchemists in the ancient family? ?"

Among the crowd, there is no shortage of strong people who have eaten closed doors in Tiancaotang. In their impression, Master Duoyuan is not a good talker.

Gu Lie couldn't, but smiled bitterly. "The younger generation also hopes that the seniors will forgive me. This is the secret of my ancient family."

Sure enough, many people have already guessed the result.

If someone in the ancient family really refines the Shoudan, naturally people will not know who it is. Even if the master of Duoyuan asked in person, for an ancient family, these talents will definitely attract prying eyes from all parties once they are known.

If it is the clan members of the ancient family, that's all, if by any chance, where are the strong people recruited, after being known, and not telling the world clearly, come and dig the wall?

"Well, the old man is abrupt."

Although a little disappointed, Master Duoyuan nodded.

He is also fully aware of the concerns of the ancient family.

But he was relieved, but everyone was confused at the moment.

No, an elder from the Lin family can't help it!

"Master Duo, how exactly is this pill?"

Although his tone was a bit aggressive, Lin's family didn't have so much leisure time at this time. If the ancient family made a comeback, Lin's hard work for so many years would be gone.

"Yes, is the ancient pill, is it a longevity pill?"

Some alchemists are also a little curious, they are also alchemists, and alchemists who can refine longevity pills are more detached than ordinary alchemists!

Just like the Master of Multivariate, although he is also the King of Nine Duan Pills, he is almost aloof in Dongzhou City, and even the emperor wants to come to him.

This is something other Dan Kings cannot compare.

Although the people of the ancient family knew the origin of the Longevity Pill from Li Ye, they still had doubts after all.

"This pill cannot be refined by the old man."

Suddenly, Master Duoyuan sighed slightly.

However, his answer surprised everyone.

"What is the meaning of Master of Multivariate?"

"Yes, you are the only sacred hand in Dongzhou City who can refine Shou Pill! Is it possible that the person who refines this Pill is still above you?"

I don't know who said it, and in an instant, many people's faces changed, and a touch of horror flashed.

Even Master Duoyuan can't refining, an alchemist who is more powerful than him?

Thinking of this result, the monstrous waves in everyone's hearts rolled over!

As for Lin's side, almost all his faces have changed!

"If the old man reads this pill correctly, it is indeed a longevity pill, and it is of high quality. Even if the old man knows how to refine it, he may not be able to refine such a fine pill."

If it is said, the answer of the master of diversity is enough to shock people!

Then at this moment, the words he shook his head and smiled bitterly fell into everyone's ears, causing a huge impact instantly.

"No, it's impossible, right?"

"The Master of Multivariate actually gave such a high evaluation?"

"Several pill kings also praised the same just now. Does the ancient family really hide a peerless genius on the pill path?"

For a while, everyone looked at each other.

Everyone in the Lin family took a deep breath, but Lin Ziqing calmed down quickly and narrowed his eyes!

"Master Duo Duo, although the younger generation does not doubt your judgment, no one knows how effective the ancient medicine is."

Yes, when everyone heard, even with the judgment of multiple masters, someone in the ancient family had indeed refined a longevity pill, but what was the effect?

Li Ye smiled slightly, and the third sister Gu next to him looked at him, and stopped talking.

The effect of longevity pills?

Not to mention now, even if it was in the Xia Jiuyu region, the longevity pill he refined did not have the heat of the Danwu Emperor, but at least six or seven points.

As for now, he smiled mysteriously.

The Longevity Pill he refined this time was a little different from the Longevity Pill of Emperor Dan Wu back then.

"Brother Li, is it okay?"

Gu Lie approached and lowered his voice, this time the Gu family was desperate and pressed Bao on Li Ye. In case something goes wrong, the only way for the ancient family to retreat is perhaps to preserve its strength and retreat from Dongzhou City.

Before Li Ye could answer, someone jumped out.

There is only one pill, and everyone knows that the value of this longevity pill is incalculable. If people try the medicine in person, the choice of the person who tries the medicine is also a difficult problem without mentioning the disagreement of the ancients.

Ordinary people are naturally not qualified, and some powerful people with status and status have concerns.

This longevity pill is no better than ordinary pill. The more you take, the worse the effect! No one dared to try it personally at this moment, what if one is the most common life pill, and is it not a waste of an opportunity to improve lifespan?

"This is hard to do. If you want to talk about this life pill, most people will only have the opportunity to take it three or four times in their life. Time to come."

"Yeah, so it's hard to find people who test medicine. Moreover, a strong person with a certain level of cultivation is needed, otherwise it will be difficult to see the quality of this life pill."

Although it is hard to find people who try medicine, it is not that no one wants.

Some of the people were indeed a little moved, and some even said, "In the next session, I am willing to try my medicine!"

One person jumped up, but his cultivation level was mediocre, and he barely stepped into the realm of Emperor Wu. Although he was a master in the outside world, he was just an ordinary person in Dongzhou City.

Just seeing this person, the elders from Lin's family all sneered.

Some people also shook their heads slightly, "Emperor Wu, there are not many Shou Pills in this world that can allow Emperor Wu to improve his lifespan. Even the One Yuan Pill of Tiancaotang can only delay his life for ten years! It’s the first time to take it."

One Yuan Pill is the masterpiece of the multi-master and the signature of Tiancaotang!

"There is only one life pill now, and naturally only those who need it the most can see the effect."

"I just want to see how effective this life pill is. Only a dying person can be found, as long as the arrival of the deadline can be delayed, the effect of this life pill can be proved."

Just when everyone was speculating about who the Gu family would find to test the medicine, a voice suddenly heard.

"It's better to let the old man try this ancient pill."

A terrifying breath instantly enveloped everyone's heads, and a supreme will instantly appeared from the void.

(End of this chapter)

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