Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3208: Sing a harmony

Po Tian Dan! Directly let people break through from the lower emperor realm to the middle emperor realm!

As soon as this statement came out, everyone looked incredulous!


Gu Lie snorted first, his face full of suspicion.

Everyone’s expressions are also exceptionally subtle. Almost everyone in the world knows that the pill that the ancient family is most proud of is the Dacheng Pill that is enough to make people break from the lower emperor to the middle emperor. This is almost the ancient family’s foothold for hundreds of thousands of years. The biggest reason for Dongzhou City.

Now, Lin Jiaran has also refined a pill similar to Dacheng Pill?

Li Ye narrowed his eyes slightly, and a wry smile flashed in his heart. Obviously, the worst result he had thought of in advance was happening right now.

Gu Lie's expression was excited, and the subtle gaze of the crowd made him even more angry.

"Brother Gu Lie, do you suspect that my Lin family is not successful?"

Lin Ziqing sneered, but looking at the expressions of the elders of Lin's family and those strong men of various factions who were close to Lin's family, a discerning person would guess at a glance that everything was done intentionally by Lin's family!

Even this Pill of Heaven Breaking is exactly the killer skill of Lin's squeeze the ancients.

"Huh, Lin Ziqing, no one in the world knows what your Lin family is capable of. In terms of refining tools, perhaps your Lin family does have its own uniqueness, but when it comes to alchemy, it is not my Gu Lie who is boasting about going to Haikou today. For 100,000 years in your family, it is impossible to have the level of my ancient family today!"

After finishing speaking, he smiled proudly, "Everyone knows that the Dacheng Pill of my ancient family can make people directly break through from the lower emperor to the middle emperor. This is the ancestor of my ancient family. Danzu spent countless efforts to refine it. Successful!"

Everyone nodded subconsciously when they heard the words, no matter what the ancient family is today, but in the past hundreds of thousands of years, the ancient family's prestige on the medicine is indeed not comparable to the ordinary Dandao sect power.

In the end, the reason was that there was a Dandi in the ancient family!

"Yes, the Danzu of the ancient family, that is one of the only three remaining Dan Emperors in Dongzhou City, and the ancient family is still inseparable from this Danzu today."

"It has long been rumored that the few best elixir of the ancient family were refined by the ancient emperor's unique technique, even if the other two emperors could not make it. Especially the great elixir, but the ancient family once became the Dongzhou city. Symbol of Yidandao!"

Many people nodded one after another, and most of them maintained a kind of awe of the ancient Dan Emperor in the ancient legend.

"Nowadays, this Lin family has come up with a Pill of Breaking Heaven, which seems to have the same effect as the Great Pill of the Ancient Family. I don't know if it is a coincidence or intentional."

"Hey, the grievances between the Lin family and the ancient family are no less than a hundred thousand years old. Each family can't wait for the other to get out of Dongzhou City. Now the ancient family is in trouble, the Lin family is in trouble."

"Potian Pill! If this Lin family's Potian Pill really has 70 to 80% of the effect of the ancient Dacheng Pill, then this Lin family will really have to stand up and completely occupy the Dongzhou City pill market."

There was a lot of discussion, but Li Ye found that Lin Ziqing and the old men of Lin's family were not eager to refute, on the contrary they were sneered.

There was even a hint of conspiracy in that gaze.

"Brother Gu, be careful of fraud."

The Lin family wanted to kill the Gu family, but it was not so easy. But it is not impossible to take advantage of the situation to drive the ancient family out of Dongzhou City.

Especially now that the pill of the ancient family has made many people afraid to touch, and the pill ancestor of the ancient family has also ushered in the end, and is about to return to Xixian.

In this way, the ancient family now has no way to retreat.

"Hmph! Other medicines of Lin's family may still have a chance to compete with my ancient family, but in terms of this medicine that can improve one's realm, there is absolutely no alchemist in Dongzhou City who can refine it. Come out an elixir that is better than my ancient Dacheng Pill."

Gu Lie's conceit is just like the absolute confidence of the Gu family in Dacheng Pill.

For hundreds of thousands of years, Dacheng Pill has been the only medicine that can make people in the realm of Emperor Wu, without any side effects, improve their own cultivation realm.

For hundreds of thousands of years, I don't know how many powerful people, or even incomparably powerful existences, have peeped into the ancient family's pill.

Everyone was silent, but some people couldn't help but say, "Lin's Pill, can you really make a breakthrough from the lower emperor to the middle emperor?"

"That's natural! Now that my Lin family wants to set foot in this pill field, they naturally have the capital of my Lin family!"

The old man from Lin's family sneered, his face full of contentment.

Gu Lie sneered.

"The old man has never heard of this Heaven-Splitting Pill. I don't know if Shao Lin can tell that it was uniquely refined by the senior of the Pill Realm?"

Another voice came, and when everyone saw it, their expressions changed quickly.

"It's King Zhendan!"

"He is the King of Nine Duan Pills, even he has never heard of it. I really don't know where this Lin family came from."

When many people saw the person who spoke, their expressions suddenly became awe-inspiring.

Alchemists have a superb status, and those who can become a pill king are among the dragons and phoenixes. The king of pill is divided into nine stages, and everyone who can become a king of pill of nine stages is a strong man who has become famous in the world of pill.

Just like this King Zhen Pill, he was also a famous predecessor of Pill Dao in Dongzhou City.

"It turned out to be King Zhendan, so I can't disclose this under the guise."

Lin Ziqing smiled slightly, and this Zhendan King was also invited by Lin's family to witness the opening of Lin's medicine store.

"Haha, it's okay, the old man just asked casually. There are countless alchemists in the world. Although the old man has walked in the world for thousands of years, there are also many real powerhouses in the alchemy world that the old man does not know. But this sky-breaking pill, If it really can be as Lin Shao said, then even the old man will admire the person who refines this pill!"

"What King Zhen Dan said is correct. If this Heaven-Breaking Pill is true, then even if this person is not Emperor Pill, he is only one step away from Emperor Pill!"

It was another Dan Wang Langlang who was famous in Dongzhou City. When everyone saw it, his expression changed again.

"The Lanxian Weng of the Qinghong Palace, he is a Jiudan Pill King who is older than the Zhendan King. Although he has not been able to break through to become a Pill Emperor, but in terms of his opinions on the pill, it is a lot of Jiudan Pill Kings. incomparable!"

Suddenly, the two nine-duan pill kings both intentionally or unconsciously raised the Lin Family's Po Tian Pill, causing many people in the ancient family to frown secretly.

As for the Lin family, after hearing the words, the old man hurriedly bowed to the two alchemy kings, "The two are the famous legends of our Dongzhou City Alchemy Realm. If my Lin family verifies this Heavenly Pill, maybe Some people will not accept it."

The old man smiled, "Well, let the two pill kings personally check the farewell. I wonder if the two pill kings are willing to give it a try?"

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