Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3203: Delivered again?

Li Ye's eyes crossed a strange look. This Lin Ziqing was undoubtedly the same as the Lin Yu he had met before.

Lin Yu's arrogance and domineering, like his origins, looked down upon the common people. But this Lin Ziqing is different, but in his bones there is the arrogance and conceit of the ancient family.

"It seems that Lin's ambition is bigger than we thought."

With a smile, Lin Ziqing came here today, seemingly not as aggressive as his elder brother Lin Yu, but in Li Ye's eyes it is more dangerous.

Even Gu Lie's face was stern, "Lin Ziqing, this person is not a simple person in Lin's family. Compared to his elder brother Lin Yu's trash, this person is the enemy of my ancient family!"

Li Ye learned from Gu Lie that although Lin Yu is the eldest son of the Lin family, he is not as good as Lin Ziqing in terms of talent and understanding. The only thing that makes Lin Ziqing inferior to Lin Yu is his origin!

Not a prostitute! It's just a shame!

Not to mention such ancient aristocratic families, even among the mortal emperors and generals, it is a low-born origin for prostitutes.

"Huh, this person has been strategizing in Lin's family for so many years, and now many old guys in Lin's family are very optimistic about him. If it weren't for his background, he would have replaced Lin Yu's idiot and become Lin's descendant. ."

The two families have been grieving for a long time, and naturally they know each other very well.

"However, this time, Lin's family has a big plan."

"Brother Li, this Lin family is so unscrupulous, there must be instructions from the Helan family behind it, I am afraid now, if they learn about your identity, Brother Li..."

Gu Lie pointed, but Li Ye shook his head. "It's okay, the Helan family wants to move me, it's not that simple."

"Oh? Why did Brother Li say this?"

Gu Lie looked surprised. He now saw that Li Ye was not very human. If he could tie Li Ye to the ancient family, it would be more pros than harm to the ancient family.

The reason for moving out of the Helan family was that she really doubted whether the Helan family was involved behind the scenes. Secondly, I also wanted to imply that Li Ye was in this Dongzhou City, that is, their ancient family could be on his side.

Unfortunately, he did not know many secrets of Li Ye.

Helan home!

Indeed, in Dongzhou City, Li Yeke had no capital to confront Helan's family head-on.

But the Helan family really wanted to move him, it was not that easy!

After all, once the Helan family finds him, then the Ye family will certainly find out too! He had no reason to doubt that, with Dongzhou Ye Family's sky-reaching methods and eyeliner, he would not find that he had arrived in Dongzhou City now.

No matter how many people in the Dongzhou Ye Family wished him to die, if he fell into the hands of the Helan Family, it would definitely be a result that the Ye Family members would not want to see.

One of the scales of the choice, a slight wrong step, will be forever.

Li Ye is also walking a tightrope now, one step wrong is an abyss.

Although it is not clear why Li Ye is so confident, Gu Lie did not ask much. Li Ye has too many secrets that he can't see through, but at least for the current ancient family, the better Li Ye is and the more hole cards he has, the more beneficial it is to their ancient family.

"Brother Gu, this time the Lin family not only wants to **** the Gu family's market in Dongzhou City's pill, but even wants to marry the Gu family. For your ancient family, it is also an opportunity."


Gu Lie smiled coldly, "Of course it is impossible for my ancient family to agree!"

"In fact, this is also a method of delay, and it can also give the ancient family a place to stand temporarily."

"Brother Li joked. My ancient family hasn't fallen to the point where we need to marry Lin's family. This matter must be a consensus reached with Lin's family by some people in the clan without telling my grandfather!"

After speaking, he looked at the third sister Gu, "I'm just such a sister. His Lin family wants to marry the daughter of our ancient family, and we have to see if they have this strength!"


From Gu Lie, a terrible evil spirit flashed past.

Gu Sanmei didn't appreciate it, a sneer crossed her indifferent face, "I don't care about my business."

"Three sisters!"

"You can't even beat me, the Lin family is really coming, what do you resist?"

These words immediately made Gu Lie an embarrassed smile. He was also one of the geniuses in the Gu family, but compared with the younger sister in front of him, he was indeed a lot weaker.

"Hey, even if I'm not a big brother, but when the time comes, there will be Brother Li by the side."

Suddenly, when the conversation changed, it fell on Li Ye's head.

Without waiting for Li Ye to be astonished, Gu Sanmei suddenly struck a strange look on her cold pretty face, but the next moment she drifted away.

Seeing Gu Sanmei disappeared, Gu Lie laughed strangely, especially when he looked at Li Ye, his eyes were full of ambiguous.

"Brother Gu, this joke can't be played."

"Brother Li, can't my sister be invisible?"

"Ling sister is peerlessly alluring, and she is of the blood of the ancient family, and she is noble. I really can't afford it."

Regardless of the Gu family or Gu Lie, Li Ye had already seen their thoughts.

At this time, he did not hesitate, and directly expressed his meaning. But he obviously underestimated the determination of Gu Lie or some people in the Gu family.

"This is not right. My ancient family is not as important as those of other ancient families, and the view of the door is so important. Moreover, the talent of Brother Li has not insulted my sister."

Seeing Li Ye shook his head and smiled bitterly, Gu Lie lowered his voice, "If Brother Li is worried about the Saint Demon Gate, Brother Li can rest assured. Although the Saint Demon Gate is also an emperor, their princess status is noble, but these three realms Nine domains, such as outstanding talents like Brother Li, who are not surrounded by beauty and enjoy the blessings of all people. Presumably, the Saint Demon Gate will not blame Brother Li for this."

Now that Li Ye's origins have been investigated, the ancient family naturally knows the relationship between Li Ye and the Saint Demon Gate.

It's a pity that they didn't know that the confidante beside Li Ye was more than just the Saint Demon Princess.

Seeing that Li Ye didn't waver, Gu Lie gave up temporarily, but his flashing expression obviously did not completely give up the idea of ​​bewitching Li Ye and the Gu family to marry.

On the other side, the ancient home.

"Simply confused!"

The ancient family is now suffering the greatest crisis, and even several ancestors who have been sealed in the sarcophagus for countless years have been alarmed.

At this moment, an ancient coffin was carried into front of everyone.

From the ancient coffin, there was a cold snort.

"Dan Zu!"

It turns out that the person in this ancient coffin is the famous Dan Emperor of the ancient family!

"My ancient family has not fallen to the point of sacrificing the blood of the ancient family to seek peace!"

The people in the ancient coffin looked very angry, making the ancient family, the ancestors, and even the elders afraid to breathe.

On the other side, the old man, who was Dan Zu's closed disciple, was already pale and did not say a word.

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