Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3198: Dan Fang leaked?

One of the most powerful families in Dongzhou City, the ancient home in Dongzhou City that can almost call the wind and rain, but now even those shops that sell elixir and herbs are afraid to trade with it.

"What? Even your side is gone?"

In a panacea shop, Gu Lie had a dark face, his eyes almost seemed to eat people!

No wonder he was so angry. Thinking about his identity, he has never been so angry!

"Young Master Gu, it's really gone."

"Fart! Your Tiancaotang is the largest shop in Dongzhou City that manages elixir and immortal grass. It occupies about 50% of the business in Dongzhou Land. Tell me now, it's gone?"

Gu Lie's face was blue and black, and his eyes were even more murderous!

At this time, he and Li Ye found the Tiancaotang, the most famous in Dongzhou City, and even with a long history.

Speaking of this Tiancaotang, it is not an ordinary panacea. There is a huge background behind it!

Even Li Ye, who had just arrived, had heard of the name of the Tiancaotang, and knew that behind it was the Amakusa clan, one of the ten great families in Dongzhou City.

To say that the Amakusa family is a bit better than the ancient and Lin family in Dongzhou City, it is one of the three in the middle. Naturally, the Tiancaotang opened by the Amakusa family in this Dongzhou City is like a duck in the water. Who dares to provoke?

"Young Master Gu, it's really gone."

In Tiancaotang, a shopkeeper had a smile on his face. He naturally knew what had happened recently, and he also knew why Gu Lie was so angry.

However, the reality is like this, but obviously the relationship between the Amakusa family and the ancient family is pretty good on weekdays, and the shopkeeper lowered his voice at this moment, "Master Gu, it’s not a villain who doesn’t give you face, but these few days, your ancient family wants to buy It's not easy to get some elixir and grass."

Gu Lie looked cold after hearing this, "Because of Lin's family?"

The shopkeeper smiled bitterly, "Young Master Gu is a wise man. Our Tiancaotang opened the door to do business. The Lin family paid twice the price, and almost all the inventory in the major panacea shops in Dongzhou City has been bought."

It really is Lin's family!

Li Ye shook his head. The crisis faced by the Gu family was bigger than expected.

Just one poison pill has almost wiped out the reputation of the ancient family for millions of years, and now the Lin family is even more aggressive!

What does it mean to buy out all the elixir in Dongzhou City?

For the ancient family that refining and selling pill, almost all pill shops will be closed for a long time!

Even those allies of the ancient family who still firmly believe that the ancient family is not the instigator of the poison pill will lose confidence over time.

"Lin's family! Too much bullying!"

As a disciple of the aristocratic family, Gu Lie naturally understands why the Lin family is like this!

It can even be said that this hand is very rough, but it is very effective for the current ancient family.

"Gu Lie, based on the current situation of the ancient family, how long can it last for me to buy elixir directly from the outside world?"

In fact, Li Ye knew that no matter how strong the ancient family was, it was impossible to persist.

Sure enough, after Gu Lie heard this, he hesitated and shook his head, "It can be supported in a short time, but it will take a long time..."

Li Ye kept silent, the ancient family was very powerful. The so-called skinny camels were bigger than horses, and as long as they survived this period of time, they could make a comeback. Of course, the premise is that Gu's opponents will give the Gu family this opportunity.

"The Lin family cannot afford to double the price for a long time to compete with the ancient family."

"Hmph, what qualifications does the Lin family have. But grandpa must be notified about this matter! Otherwise, they are too passive."

More than passive, it is indeed impossible for the Lin family to suppress the ancient family for a long time, and the Lin family does not have so much capital to waste. But as long as it persists for a period of time, the pill of the ancient family will naturally be destroyed, and those families of the big sects will not think so.

More critical!

Lin's family, but I have to open my own pill shop!

Those alchemists who dug their corners from the ancient house were not raised for nothing!

Buy a lot of elixir and poach the alchemist!

Lin's ambition is obvious!

Gujia is not a fool.

After Gu Lie returned to the Gu family, the Gu family had actually received news.

"Huh! Is his Lin family wanting to completely turn my face with my Gu family?"

"Patriarch, this matter cannot go on like this. The poison pill matter has already had a significant impact. If our ancient family cannot refine the pill for a long time, it will definitely let the Lin family succeed in this conspiracy!"

"Yes, Lin's family opened a pill shop at this moment, and bought so many elixir and immortal grass at double the price. This is to force our ancient family to death! They can't let them succeed."

Several elders of the ancient family were filled with righteous indignation, and of course there were others who watched indifferently.

A closer look reveals that they are all other elders who are incompatible with the Patriarch of the ancient family today. In fact, everyone knows who these people are behind.

"How long can our ancient family's own elixir last?"

"It won't be long, at most half a month."

"It may be exhausted in a short time. Patriarch, although our ancient family has been alchemy for millions of years, we have always obtained elixir from the outside world. Even now our ancient family sends disciples to buy elixir outside Dongzhou City, that’s also true. Far water cannot save a near fire."

"Yes, Lin's trick is too cruel!"

After hitting a snake and hitting seven inches, Lin's family apparently hit the most vulnerable part of the ancient family.

"Let the people below go out of Dongzhou City first, as much as you can buy!"

The Patriarch of the ancient family seemed to be more than ten years old overnight.

For millions of years, although the ancient family has experienced a lot, this time, it was the most thrilling crisis.

The elders who had been watching coldly didn't say a word, and finally left with a sneer on their faces.

As soon as they left, the second master Gu couldn’t help but yelled, “Eating what’s inside and out, as the ancient family, you actually put the interests of the ancient family behind! If Dan Zu can survive this time limit, it depends on them. Confess!"

"Second brother, that's the end of the matter, now we can only save the situation."

"Big brother, how to make it back? Now some people have contributed some alchemists from our ancient family! Including this time, how did the Lin family know which elixir our ancient family needs? Almost all, all elixir shops in Dongzhou City , Have been sold out!"

"This matter is also strange. Although this matter started from the beginning, it is absolutely impossible for the Dan Fang of the Dacheng Pill to tell the Lin family!"

"Big brother, don't forget, that person is frantic now!"

The person in the two populations is the old ancestor of the ancient family who single-handedly caused the ancient Dacheng Pill to be refined into a highly toxic pill, the disciple of the Danzu!

Just when they were at a loss, the other side.

"What? The Lin family did it?"

In a secret room of the ancient house, an old man with gray hair but a gloomy face.

In front of him, there are a few who are silent among the many elders of the ancient family today.

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