Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3194: what? Are you from the lower nine domains?

Putting the two together, the only difference may be the petal color.

"This world is so big, it's really amazing. Before, Brother Li found me and said that he was looking for an elixir that was almost the same as the mandala vine. I didn't believe it at first. But unexpectedly, after Brother Li mentioned the lower realm, I really found it."

The wisteria flower was found by Gu Lie from the Lower Nine Regions, and at this time, he said with a touch of amazement from time to time.

Although he has no talent in the alchemy, he still knows some furs.

"Such a similar elixir is indeed rare in the world."

The two Nine Duan Dan kings of the ancient family, and the other old man also nodded slightly.

"Huh, even if this wisteria flower is similar to Datura ivy, what can it prove."


Li Ye smiled, and then in front of everyone, directly in his hands, began to refine the wisteria flower!

This hand shocked a few people in the ancient house!

Especially the Patriarch of the Ancient Family and the two Nine Duan Pill Kings, as well as the flame that Li Ye just showed, and the spirit of refining the elixir with bare hands, the entire ancient family could not find a few people!

"This kid has such a perfect alchemy level?"

As the nine-duan pill king, the two old men looked surprised!

And the Patriarch of the Gu family himself is the Eight-Duan Dan King, and he also knows how difficult it is to do this!

"This is impossible even for an old man!" Patriarch Gu took a breath, and Gu Lie and Gu Sanmei on the side were even more surprised!

You know, the Patriarch of the Ancient Family was once the most dazzling genius of the Ancient Family, and even once let the Ancient Family see the birth of a second great emperor!

It's a pity that the Patriarch of the ancient family was more interested in elixir when he was young, and this made the martial arts lack. But even so, the current Patriarch of the Ancient Family is not only a strong Saint Emperor, but also a Ba Duan Dan King!

"Grandpa, can't you? Can't even you do it?"

Gu Lie couldn't believe it. He knew that Li Ye was extraordinary, not his ability. But in his heart, his elder brother Gu Tiancai is the most perfect!

But now, he was a little unsure.

Patriarch Gu shook his head and smiled bitterly, without explaining.

After all, Gu Lie didn't understand Dan Dao, so naturally he couldn't understand the gap.

Even the nine-duandan king of another ancient clan nodded, "The old man also sighed with excitement, these methods cannot be imitated by ordinary people."

If it is said that the Patriarch of the Gu family sighs, it is enough to shock people. So even if the only two nine-duan pill kings of the ancient family said these words, it could really be said to be a shock of thunder, which made Gu Lie and Gu Sanmei both face greatly changed.

They were full of incredible faces, and even the third sister Gu, who initially dismissed Li Ye, had a pair of beautiful eyes, and their eyes were completely different.

Only the other old man from the ancient family, after seeing Li Ye's actions, was not surprised or admired, on the contrary, he showed a touch of panic!

At this moment, the wisteria flower in Li Ye's hand was suddenly refined into a cloud of black water! And the black water exudes a pungent stench!

"This smell!"

The expressions of several people in the Gu family changed drastically, and Gu Lie and Gu Sanmei did not hesitate to go back!

They almost started talking just now, and naturally took the lead at the moment to prepare.

Sure enough, the black water instantly turned into the same black energy as just now, and its poison was so intense that once again, the faces of all the people present were changed.

"Well, how is this? Brother Li, didn't you say that this wisteria flower is the antidote? What?"

This time, Li Ye prepared in advance. At the moment when the wisteria flowers were refined and turned into black water, a group of terrifying flames instantly evaporated the group of black water, and strands of black smoke disappeared into the air.

"Boy! You are so courageous! What can you say now!"

Without waiting for Li Ye to answer, an angry shout came out!

Take a closer look, as the oldest ancestor of the ancient family today, and even a descendant of Emperor Dan, the old man's eyes are full of murderous intent! You must take Li Ye directly!

Don't underestimate this old man, even though he has been in the wind for a long time, he has exploded with extremely terrifying strength at this moment.

But Li Ye couldn't underestimate it, his eyes were cold, and there were arrays of lines under his feet, as if countless spaces appeared in front of him. At the same time, when the surrounding world changes, it turns into two giants, and gently clicks at the old man!

The dignified and powerful man was subdued in an instant, without even a trace of resistance.

"Little friends are merciful!"

At the critical moment, the Gu Patriarch hurriedly spoke out, which prevented Li Ye from continuing.

Although Li Ye stopped his hand, when he saw the old man, his nose and face were swollen, his face was spiteful, and his eyes exuded hatred.

"Gu Cyanyun! You actually tolerate an outsider and do something to the old man?"

He looked at the Patriarch of the Gu family coldly, but at this time the other old man shook his head and let out a long, helpless sigh.

"Brother, now, can't you let it go."

This sudden long sigh made the old man stunned.

Li Ye smiled, Gu Lie widened his eyes, "Brother Li, how could this be?"

He was at a loss from beginning to end, especially when he suddenly realized that today's affairs were not as simple as what he had seen on the surface.

It's a pity that Li Ye didn't answer. After all, this was the Gu family's own housework and he would not interfere.

On the contrary, it is Gu Sanmei, who saw through the mystery, with a pretty face, "That is not the mandala vine at all! It is the wisteria flower of the lower realm!"

"What do you mean?"

Gu Lie was puzzled, but Gu Sanmei glanced at him, her eyes fell on Li Ye, "How did you find out?"

"It's very simple. This wisteria flower is not common at all, and it is very rare in the Upper Three Realms, but there are quite a few in the Lower Nine Realms."

"Why do you know?"

Gu Sanmei is a little curious, you must know that the gap between the two is not even known to the aristocratic family of a million years like the ancient family, how a junior of Li Ye knows.

"First, I am an alchemist. It is not unusual to know some spirit medicines and even poisonous weeds in the Three Realms and Nine Regions. Second, I am a person from the Lower Nine Regions, and naturally I have seen this wisteria. spent."

What Li Ye said was simple, but everyone in the ancient family was shocked when they heard it!

"What? Brother Li, you said you are from the lower nine domains?"

No wonder he was so surprised, you know, in the eyes of the people of the Upper Three Realms, the Lower Nine Realms are barren land, a lowly lower realm! Even if it is the same Emperor Wu, the Emperor of the Upper Three Realms is more powerful than the Emperor of the Lower Nine Realms!

Not to mention ordinary people in the lower nine domains, in their eyes, they are no doubt like pigs and dogs.

But now, Li Ye said that he came from the Lower Nine Regions?

Seeing that the expression on Li Ye's face didn't seem to be lying at all, this stunned the people present.

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