Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3172: Sacral blood

When Li Ye's palm was placed on the crystal stele, he immediately felt in a trance, as if being dragged into an illusory space.

At the same time, the blood in his body seemed to be burning, and every drop of blood was boiling.

"this is?!"

The change of blood in his body caught Li Ye off guard!

This is different from the bloodline of the blood family, and it is not the blood of the magic dragon. It seems that the power that has been sleeping in his body but has finally awakened at this moment is finally here at this moment, burning up.

In an instant, the bloodline of the blood family and the dragon bloodline that were already balanced were instantly broken because of the awakening of the third bloodline!

The three bloodlines are enough to disrupt Li Ye's homeostasis.

Especially in the third bloodline that was awakened, there seemed to be other powers hidden, which threatened the other two bloodlines.

at the same time!

A pair of eyes were watching Li Ye.

The moment he touched the crystal stele, Mo Lao showed a grinning expression on his face, but in the next moment, the expression froze on his face.


The whole spar was burning instantly!

At the same time, a powerful divine light soared into the sky from the spar! That dazzling brilliance even tore the sky.

"How is this possible?"

In this scene, let alone the stranger who had always doubted Li Ye's identity, he could hardly believe his eyes. Everyone in the Gu family was stunned!

"Uncle, how could this happen?"

Gu Lie was even more surprised. To know the reaction of the Crystal Stele, even he had never seen it!

Everyone present was stunned by this scene.

Everyone in the ancient family looked at each other. Naturally, Li Ye would not be a descendant of their ancient family, but this kind of change of the crystal stele, even if the real descendants of the ancient family went up, would definitely not produce such a wonder!

"This kid! Is it true that a descendant with a certain ancient bloodline will not succeed?"

The second master of the ancient family muttered to himself, not to mention the change of the crystal stele, not to mention the junior Gu Lie, he had never seen him who had lived for tens of thousands of years.

Suddenly, he seemed to think of something.

"This wonder! Is it impossible..."

Thinking of that possibility, the face of the second master of the ancient family was uncertain! He didn't even want to believe in the possibility that he thought of. After all, if it was so, then Dongzhou would really change.

In addition to him, Mr. Mo also lived for tens of thousands of years, and naturally thought of the same thing!

At this moment, his face changed drastically, and he no longer had the intention to trouble the ancient family.

Because of the scene before him, he thought of a legend!

"Fairy body and blood!"

For millions of years, no one knows what the crystal stele means, the only thing that is known is that the purity of the blood in a person can be seen through the crystal stele, and it has inherited the blood of the ancestors!

And the descendants of aristocratic families such as Gu Lie have inherited at least 60% of the blood of their ancestors.

As for those who cannot even inherit the blood of 30% of their ancestors, they are usually expelled from the house, and they will never be able to return to the aristocratic family to enjoy the rich cultivation resources and peerless exercises given by the aristocratic family.

It can be said that in the land of East Continent, the world's prejudice towards blood is more persistent than anywhere in the Three Realms and Nine Regions. It can even be called crazy!

As long as there is a strong enough ancestral bloodline, that is a peerless genius!

On the contrary, no one cares, even relatives will spurn it.

"This is impossible!"

Old Mo looked a little crazy, although there is a legend,

Immortal body and blood! A legend that has been circulating in Dongzhou for millions of years!

"Unexpectedly, I didn't expect that the person entrusted by the Great Emperor Qingming is so special!" The second master of the ancient family had a particularly wonderful expression at the moment.

Now his ancient family naturally has no worries!

With such wonders as the spar stele, even the most demanding person could not deny Li Ye's identity without his conscience!

You know, even the ancient family has never been born with such a pure blood genius in the past hundreds of thousands of years!

At this time, the entire ray of sky was almost shrouded in that kind of extremely strong divine light.

Especially the powerhouses of the major families in East Continent felt a strong blood pressure suppression, making their bodies tremble.

"Is the legend of the immortal body and **** blood true?"

After all, Gu Lie was one of the descendants of the ancient family, thinking of the rumor right now, couldn't help but exclaim.

As for the others, they looked complicated.

As people from Dongzhou, the bloodline is like a brand carved into the depths of their souls.

"The Immortal Body and Divine Blood! It has not appeared for countless years. It is rumored that in the ancient times, there were three immortal powerful men and a descendant of Divine Blood in Dongzhou! In that era, almost no family could compete with them. Almost in their era, the entire East Continent was crawling under the feet of these four peerless powerhouses!"

The second master of the ancient family took a breath, although millions of years have passed since the ancient times, which are so far away. However, for the original legend, the major families have been taboos, enough to see the terrible blood of the immortal body.

"Uncle, it is said that the fairy body is the top terrifying physique in the world. It can almost be called immortal. There is almost no way to destroy it?"

"The fairy body! No one knows how it was born, only knowing that once the fairy body appears, no major families will be enemies with it. Even if it is the emperor, they will bow to their heads."

The emperor must bow his head and proclaim himself!

Gu Lie and the others took a deep breath!

Although I heard that legend and grew up since I was a child, but at this moment, I heard it from the second master of the ancient family, the holy emperor, but it was even stronger.

"Although the immortal body is domineering, it is still half way weaker than the descendants of the **** blood!"

However, the second master of the ancient family suddenly took a breath, revealing a touch of yearning and fear.

When everyone saw it, they were silent.

Immortal body and blood! Among them, respect for the blood of God!

Even for millions of years, three people have appeared in the fairy body!

But only the descendant of God's blood, only one was born!

And it was that person who almost subverted the entire ancient continent of Dongzhou!

"Uncle, it is said that the descendants of the blood of gods are the last heirs of the gods in the world! Once awakened, they are almost equal to the gods! Is this legend a bit too exaggerated?"

It wasn't that Gu Lie didn't believe it, but it was true that as the legend said, once the descendant of the **** blood was born, there would be almost no opponent in the world.

"I don’t know if the old man is exaggerating, but the descendant of the **** blood appeared once, and that time, it was only a short-lived. But the old man knows that millions of years ago, the descendant of the **** blood appeared only ten years ago, but Wu Shenshan and Yao Wang Countless powerful men were dispatched in the temple, and even in that era, a masterful man in Wushen Mountain was even more immortal!"

Wushen Mountain! Fairy body!

How invincible is that?

"At that time, it was rumored that the strong immortal body on the Wushen Mountain fought the descendant of the **** blood in a huge battle outside the territory. In the end, no one knew the result, but the strong immortal body on the Wushen Mountain never appeared after returning. Since then, there have been rumors that Wushen Mountain was defeated in that battle! It was also the first time that Wushen Mountain was defeated by outsiders since records!"

Wushen Mountain! Lost!

Lost to a strong man in the world!

Few people in the world know this kind of rumors! After all, it is impossible for such a holy place as Wushen Mountain to publicize its shameful side!

"Lost? How is this possible? Isn't Wushen Mountain the most invincible place in the world? Even Emperor Hengtian didn't achieve this!"

An invincible person who surpassed Emperor Hengtian? God blood descendants?

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