Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3167: Hitchhiker

It turns out that these few are the elders from the ancient family this time.

And the cold-faced person was the second master of the Gu family now and also Gu Lie's uncle.

It is not a secret that the ancient family and Qingming Tiangong have contacted each other.

Many ancient families in Dongzhou traveled between the inside and outside of Dongzhou, and only the Qingming Tiangong and other emperor Taoist traditions could enter their eyes.

The Gu family arrived early this time, but they also prepared a generous gift.

Of course, this generous gift was directed at Emperor Qingming.

"It seems that the news that Emperor Qingming has returned to Tiangong has spread."

This matter, Qingming Tiangong had already revealed it intentionally or unintentionally, after all, it was considered a deterrent.

The forces that have been eyeing them all the time have now reduced a bit.

There is a great emperor's Daoism, which is enough to deter the vast majority of the sects in the Three Realms from acting rashly.

Li Ye didn't step in, but he came out of Yutian and learned that Qingming Tiangong had been in friendship with the ancient family for more than 100,000 years.

"Brother Li, the ancient family is a family of alchemy in Dongzhou, which has considerable influence. In recent years, Tiangong has also cultivated many alchemists because of the ancient family."

Naturally, the ancient family would not be so selfless. This time they came to Qingming Heavenly Palace and brought several alchemists, or the disciples who were sent by Qingming Heavenly Palace to learn alchemy.

"Meteorite, this ancient family is also smart."

There is a tiankeng within the sphere of influence of the Qingming Temple! It was created by the fall of a huge meteorite from outside the region thousands of years ago. Among them, there is a special metal called meteorite, which is an excellent material for forging magic weapons.

Similarly, this is also the reason why the ancient family was willing to reach an agreement with Qingming Temple.

The ancient family helped Qingming Tiangong to train alchemists, and the Qingming Tiangong used some meteorites as the price to take away.

Even when Li Ye heard about the meteorite, his heart moved.

"This meteorite is not as unique as the heavenly meteorite, but it is also the best material for forging a Danding."

Since the ancient family is the world of alchemy, naturally there is a great demand for alchemy. Especially the Pill Ding that wants to be able to withstand the Pill Tribulation, it is a must-have choice for some Pill Kings.

And if you want to forge that class of Danding, meteorite is undoubtedly indispensable.

On the other side, the second master of the Gu family is obviously the highest among the Gu family.

At this moment, I was seeking to see Emperor Qingming.

I originally thought that Emperor Qingming would not show up, after all, everyone in the ancient family never thought that Emperor Qingming would condescend to appear.

But when the second master of the ancient family dazzled, he found that he was already in a void.

"People of the ancient family have seen the Great Emperor!"

The ancient family also had a great emperor, and the second master of the ancient family naturally reacted quickly.

Sure enough, a hazy figure appeared directly, and the surging weather and vast will made the second master of the ancient family amazed.

"It is rumored that Emperor Qingming has not fallen, and even returned to the Qingming Palace. It seems that it is not a rumor!"

In recent years, although the ancient family and Qingming Tiangong have a good relationship on the surface, they have always had superior pride.

After all, the emperor of Qingming Tiangong had been missing for countless years, and compared to the ancient family, that was a lot worse.

Now, the second master of the ancient family frowned slightly, "It seems that in the future, there will be a need to change with the Qingming Temple."

"Can Gu Xun still be there today?"

Gu Xun!

As soon as the name came out, the second master of the ancient family no longer had any doubts!

The whole person was shocked, and said quickly, "Back to the Great Emperor, Xunzu has not asked about world affairs for many years."

Gu Xun! This is exactly the name of the second emperor of the ancient family! However, in this world, anyone who dares to call the great emperor of the ancient family like this is either the dead enemy of the ancient family! Or it was the other great emperors who had a close friendship with the great emperor of the ancient family.

And it just so happened that the Great Emperor Qingming once had a close friendship with the ancient emperor.

This is also the reason why the Gu family is still willing to maintain a good relationship with Qingming Heavenly Palace after Emperor Qingming disappears.

Of course, the more important thing is that the ancient family needs the meteorite of the Qingming Temple.

"The emperor needs a pass to Dongzhou from the ancient family."

Great Emperor Qingming was also straightforward, or in other words, he really didn't need to be circumspect.

The second master of the ancient family was taken aback, then nodded, "If the emperor needs it, the ancient family will be able to bring the pass soon."

"You didn't bring it this time?"

"This, the emperor forgives sins, this time the ancient family does not know the emperor's needs, and hopes the emperor to forgive sins."

At this moment, the second master of the ancient family was also helpless. The people of Qingming Temple rarely set foot in Dongzhou. Even those disciples sent to the ancient family every thirty years, they only went to Dongzhou as the recorded disciples of the ancient family.

This time Emperor Qingming suddenly spoke, which really surprised the second master of the ancient family.

"Well, this emperor has someone here who wants to go to Dongzhou. But he doesn't want to be noticed by those families in Dongzhou."

At this point, the second master of the ancient family didn't know what Qingming Great Emperor meant.

Suddenly nodded again and again, "The emperor can rest assured that this matter, the ancient family should take one person to Dongzhou, but there is no need to worry too much."

"That's great."

Before the words fell, the second master of the ancient family found that he had returned to the hall again.

It even looked like nothing happened.

"Emperor Qingming! It seems that he has not completely fallen yet."

These methods are sufficient to prove the identity of the emperor.

The second master of the ancient family made a decision in his heart.

A few days later.

The people of the ancient family have already got what they want, so naturally they won't stay long.

And Li Ye, of course, has also appeared in the team of the ancient family.

It's just that the whole ancient family, the second master of the ancient family, knows Li Ye's identity, and the rest of them don't even know who Li Ye is.

Including Gu Lie, at this moment also looked surprised.

"Why are you here?"

Seeing Li Ye appearing in his family's team, Gu Lie looked surprised.

"so surprised?"

"Do you want to enter Dongzhou?"

As a descendant of the ancient family, Gu Lie is naturally not stupid. After seeing Li Ye, he guessed a little. But to him, he doesn't think this is a big deal.

Over the years, it has long been no secret that the cultivators who entered the East Continent have been connected with the ancient family and even other Dongzhou families.

Especially the ancient family, which had two great emperors, traveled to and from Dongzhou, and no one could stop them.

This is what Li Ye was after.

The people in Qingming Temple, far away from the border of Dongzhou, have already left.

And Li Ye finally narrowed his eyes.


From the day he left Wuzhou City, he has been thinking about the day when he really came to Dongzhou.

Now, Dongzhou is close at hand!

"Ye family! Helan family! Rumored to be the oldest land in the East Continent in the Three Realms, I wonder if it will bring me unexpected surprises."

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