Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3165: The swingers of the ancients

"What are you afraid of? He is just saying that the Cangtian Dao is expected to be stabilized in a hundred years, and it is naturally not comparable to Senior Brother Yutian.

"Yes, but even so, I don't think I can find a few people who can fight him. You can't let the elders take action to bully the small, right?"

"Elder? Even an elder may not be able to take advantage of this person's hands."

For a moment, a group of disciples in Qingming Tiangong held a sigh of relief in their hearts.

Looking back at the ancient family, a few young people looked proud.

"Fourth brother, it seems that this Qingming Palace is nothing more than that, it's still the emperor's orthodoxy."

"Haha, yeah, brother, if you came to this Qingming Palace, and could not sit on the position of this descendant? I have long heard that outside of Dongzhou, those so-called imperial Taoist traditions are just people who deceive the world. I still don’t believe it, now it looks like it’s true."

Several young people from the ancient family were unscrupulous.

"Shut up!"

Suddenly with a low drink, I saw a sword light descend from the sky!

The expressions of several young people in the ancient family who were still laughing at just now changed.

And the young man who shot and defeated the Qingming Heavenly Palace disciples one after another snorted, raised his hand and turned the knife, and slashed back fiercely!


Everyone only felt a strong shock coming, one by one, standing unsteadily, and some even rolled out embarrassedly.

"Sneak attack from behind, it seems that Qingming Temple is even worse than expected!"

Gu Lie's eyes showed cold light, but no one saw it. The palm of his hand that turned the knife just now was placed behind his back, shaking slightly.

In particular, on the palm of the hand, it seemed as if the black after burning, was slowly fading, turning into green smoke.

"Who was the old lady at the time? Are they not a few **** from the ancient clan? I haven't seen each other for a few years, and my kung fu hasn't improved. This mouth is getting smelly.

Everyone separated, but saw Wan Qingqing walk out, and it was Yan Yang next to her.

"Senior Sister Qingqing!"

When many disciples saw it, their expressions suddenly appeared strange.

To say who is the proud son of heaven in this Qingming Palace, there is no doubt that only Yutian is alone. But to say who is the least to provoke, that person is definitely not Yutian!

And it is Wan Qingqing in front of me!

"Fuck! Why did Senior Sister Qingqing come out!"

"It's over, it's over, Senior Sister Qingqing comes out, things are pretty big!"

"Yes, with Senior Sister Qingqing's temper, there may be trouble."

Originally, the people of the ancient family saw Wan Qingqing, especially the sword cut just now, which was enough to scare the young people of the ancient family. Unexpectedly, when a group of people on Qingming Temple saw Wan Qingqing's move, they were not overjoyed, but they showed horrified expressions, and backed back again and again. Their expressions were even compared to seeing Gu Lie defeating them one by one. Also panic.

"Who is this woman?"

Several young people from the ancient family looked at each other, and at first glance, Wan Qingqing's beautiful appearance made them a little greedy for disciples of the aristocratic family. But when they discovered the reactions of many disciples in Qingming Tiangong, including the expressions of those elders, they immediately knew something was wrong.

"Wan Qingqing!"

Among the ancient homes, Gu Lie obviously knew who Wan Qingqing was. At this moment, his eyes brightened!

Where is the aggressive look just now, and he just stepped forward, "I haven't seen it for a long time, I didn't expect Junior Sister Qingqing to become more and more beautiful."

The young people in the Gu family were stunned. You know, although Gu Lie is not the most dazzling person in the Gu family, he has a special status. Not to mention that with the changes in the Gu family, Gu Lie's status in the Gu family has increased!

"Gulie! You are not dead yet?"

Everyone took a deep breath, but those who knew about Gu Lie and Wan Qingqing were not surprised.

This opening is simply scary!

You know, although the ancient family is not the top ancient family in Dongzhou, it has been passed down for countless years, and the emperor has appeared two!

Compared with Qingming Temple, the ancient family is even stronger!

"Qingqing, how did you think about my last proposal?"

Gu Lie didn't have any anger at all, and even accompanied a smiling face. This picture made the young people of the ancient family a little confused, one of them said directly, "Fourth brother, what nonsense are you talking to this girl!"

"Yes, brother, isn't that a stinky girl in the Qingming Temple area, is it still..."

Before he finished speaking, Gu Lie turned around and slapped him away. At the same time, he cursed, "Shut up, she is your future sister-in-law!"

Sisao? !

The eyeballs of those young people from the ancient family were about to burst out. In their impression, Gu Lie was quite arrogant or even conceited, and he dismissed the women from the ancient family who wanted to climb the dragon and attach the phoenix. Any woman is so tempted.

"Gu Lie, believe it or not, I will just squeeze your life, and let my old lady hear something like that in your mouth. Today, I will let you go back with your legs clamped."

Don't say this to a girl's house, even the big men around are ashamed.

"Don't don't don't, I said Qingqing, you won't be thinking about Yutian's idiot who doesn't understand interest, are you? Why don't you follow me and follow me back to Dongzhou, then it will be a hundred times better than staying here!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a wry smile came from the void, "Gu Lie, Qingqing won't go back to Dongzhou with you."

When everyone heard it, they all showed surprise expressions, especially the elders, as if a heart had finally settled.

Sure enough, a figure appeared, it was Yutian, the contemporary descendant of Qingming Tiangong.

And Li Ye came with him.

Seeing the scene, in other words, he saw everything that happened from a distance, and the expression on his face was exceptionally wonderful.

"Yu Tian! Hmph, I didn't expect you to die outside."

Seeing Yu Tian, ​​Gu Lie's face sank, and it was obvious that the two were wrong. Yu Tian smiled bitterly, "Gu Lie, if you want to find someone to discuss, I will accompany you, you don't need to use my juniors to vent your anger."

"Yeah! Yeah! Have the ability to compare with Senior Brother Yutian!"

Many disciples who had been suffocated just now immediately said loudly.

On the ancient side, he had obviously heard of the name Yutian. Those young people shrank their necks, only Gu Lie, after hearing the words, smiled coldly, "You and I are not in the first battle, I will prove to Qingqing that I am the best person!"

Li Ye almost laughed, it was obvious that Gu Lie was afraid of Yutian, but he didn't dare to fight, but he said so beautifully.

It's a funny person.

Especially, when Li Ye swept away, none of the disciples who had just been defeated by the ancient geniuses were hurt. Obviously, the people who did it were well-measured, and they seemed embarrassed but didn't suffer too much.

From this point, we can see that the relationship between the ancient family and Qingming Tiangong is not shallow.

"Just you? Gu Lie, you might as well go back and be your dude." Wan Qingqing was not polite and went back directly.

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