Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3162: Aoki

Li Ye got only half of the brewing recipe.

"Senior still doesn't seem to believe in juniors."

"Hmph, your kid naturally has no means, but depending on your relationship with the Great Emperor Qingming, today I just want to see how you are going to unlock the green wood body seal on him."

The half-sheet formula is actually useless, but Li Ye did not refuse after hearing this.

"Okay, I am here today, and I am not prepared to regret it. If you can do it, no matter what method is used, I will give you the other half of the recipe afterwards."

Master Yan brought his disciples to come with him, obviously also experiencing the inner struggle of heaven and man.

Li Ye understands his point very well, and if he is replaced by another alchemist, it is impossible for his most precious pill to be exchanged easily.

At this point, it can be seen that the master of this language cares about his disciples, even far beyond ordinary masters and disciples.

"Senior thought that I would invite the Great Emperor Qingming to take action?"

From the eyes of the other party, Li Ye could see Master Yan's thoughts.

And now in Qingming Tiangong, it is true that only Emperor Qingming has this ability. However, Li Ye shook his head.

"Emperor Qingming will not make a move."

The emperor's shot can indeed break the seal of the green wood body, but it will also cause the emperor to lose part of his true yuan. You know, even if the emperor loses one ten thousandth of his true yuan, it is a terrible consumption! Not to mention, in Li Ye's memory, even if the emperor makes a move, it will cost at least 30% of the true essence!

No great emperor would be willing to waste 30% of his true essence for a junior who has nothing to do with him.

Master Yan obviously knew this very early, otherwise, in his capacity, it would even be enough to make a certain emperor owe favors and make a move!

"Emperor Qingming won't make a move? Can you find other emperors who fail?"

Master Yan is also full of contradictions. The recipe for a thousand drunken nights is now passed to him. It is considered unskilled and will not easily be taught to others, but the situation of his own disciples has made him feel guilty all the time.

"It's not difficult to find other great emperors, but the loss of the great emperor's true essence is 30%. This kind of favor is not easy to pay."

Li Ye's tone was flat, but he made Master Yan a sneer, "The tone is indeed not small. I don't care about your relationship with the Great Emperor Qingming, but if the Great Emperor didn't take action, would you still have the blood of the sacred animal Qingluan? !"

The emperor lost 30% of his true essence, and fools knew that people who were not the blood of the emperor’s direct blood would definitely not be able to invite the emperor to make such a sacrifice.

The only way to find the blood of Qingluan is.

"I said that in addition to the emperor's loss of 30% of his true essence, and the blood of the ancient beast Qingluan, there is another way to unlock the seal of the green wood body on his body."

"Boy, I searched all over the Three Realms and Nine Realms, spent thousands of years, never heard of a third method!"

"Senior didn't find it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist."

Master Yan was at a loss for words, indeed, he spent thousands of years and finally returned without success. If this is not the case, they will not give up on themselves. Even willing to fall and become an alcoholic.

Otherwise, as his spiritual sommelier, he is even the supreme holy emperor, who is extremely noble and respected everywhere.

Why should people be scorned in such a place?

"Okay! The old man believes you once! I hope you won't let the old man down."

Master Yan is also a straightforward person. Since he decided to ask Li Ye for help, he would naturally not regret it.

With a flash of figure, Li Ye appeared directly in the Undead City!

Here, now only Li Ye can come and go at will. Or the people led by him can appear in this world.

"The green wood body is perhaps the only physique that has the opportunity to resist that thing."

The so-called solution does not actually exist in this world!

Naturally, Li Ye was not deceiving Master Yan, but was going to use a more adventurous way to open up the blocked blood in Yan Yang.

"Yan Yang, my method has a success rate of less than 40%. If you go back, you still have time."

Being brought to this strange world, the little Dantong Yan Yang looked curious. After hearing the words, his body was trembling, but he quickly showed a firm expression.

"The master has sacrificed too much for me. If I can't unlock this seal, I would rather give up my life."

Li Ye nodded, and directly inserted a hand into Yan Yang's chest!

However, it is strange that there is no trace of blood flowing out.

In an instant, Yan Yang's whole body burned, and in a short moment, it turned into fly ash.

"Aoki body, let me see if it is as magical as the legend."

In this scene, there is no doubt that Li Ye directly killed Yan Yang with the source of chaos!

But what Li Ye controlled was very subtle. After that trace of the source of chaos killed Yan Yang, he saw Yan Yang's entire body turned into fly ash, and only one emerald light cluster remained undestroyed.

"Aoki Sacred Heart."

Seeing the emerald light group, Li Ye was also a little complicated.

In fact, the green wood body is not only as special as the world knows, but also has a talent that few people know!

That is, the Sacred Heart of Aoki is immortal, and people with the Aoki body are immortal!

Of course, it is not a real immortal body, as long as someone destroys the Sacred Heart of Aoki, it will definitely die.

But if you want to destroy the Sacred Heart of Aoki, even the emperor can't do it!

"This weak source of chaos, even the emperor will suffer. Ten thousand years can not rule it out. I didn't expect this Aoki Sacred Heart to be unscathed. It is indeed the name of the Sacred Heart. If it goes well, there should be a response."

Sure enough, after a while, the entire Aoki Sacred Heart seemed to be beating, like a heart, and as the beating became stronger and stronger, there were changes in the surrounding world, as if some kind of change that violated the heavens was taking place.

Looking up at the sky, Li Ye showed a hint of sarcasm, "Here, there is nothing God can do!"

Li Ye also thought about it for a long time when he came here.

Yan Yang missed the best time for the Qingmu body, his bloodline was already asleep, and the only way to wake up besides the two methods that the world knew was to break and stand!

It directly destroyed the flesh and stimulated the immortal effect of Aoki Sacred Heart.

Among them, even if there is a slight gap in Li Ye's control, it will fall short! Even the Sacred Heart of Aoki was ruined!

After all, the source of chaos, everything can be incinerated! Even the gods stay away, let alone a sacred heart?

Three days and nights!

Li Ye stayed aside, but the outside world, Master Yan was restless!

Just when Master Yan was about to lose control, Li Ye stepped directly out of the void and threw one person at him with his hand.

"Senior, fortunately not insulting my life."

Master Yan took it easily, his face changed slightly, and it was his disciple Yan Yang that Li Ye threw to him.

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