Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3146: The people in Qingtian City are scared

"Adults, please rest assured, the Gu family will definitely help the adults get what they want!"

The two Wuhuang ancestors of the Gu family were trembling, and the Xuhuang in front of them could wipe out their Gu family with a single finger, so naturally they did not dare to neglect.

Not to mention, the Gu family can have today because they were tied to the backer of Xuhuang.

The so-called backing on the big tree is good for the coolness. The Xuhuang in Qingming Tiangong is the owner of one of the detached holy palaces. As long as they are not stupid, they know that as long as the virtual emperor does not fall, the Gu's status in Qingtian City will not change. .

"Better so!"

Xuhuang snorted coldly. Although the Gu family was nothing in his eyes, he offered a lot of things every year, which was considered one of his forces.

"Where is the imperial soldier now."

"My lord, the villain has sent someone to keep an eye on the kid, and he is still in the blue sky city."

"Huh! Emperor soldiers are such treasures, and they can be owned by a child with a dry milk smell!"

"My lord is absolutely right!"

The two veterans of the Gu family wiped their cold sweat, if they weren't able to deal with Li Ye, they also wanted to take the imperial soldiers as their own.

You know, even the supreme imaginary emperor in their eyes has never had an emperor soldier!

The horrible will of the Void Emperor spread across the entire Qingtian City in an instant, and only some people with strong cultivation bases felt a little bit.

As for ordinary people, there was no reaction at all.

In the restaurant, Li Ye raised his brow slightly.

"Oh? This kind of breath."

In an instant, a ray of will swept across the sky over Qingtian City.

At the same time, in many places in Qingtian City, there are strong people who feel something, but they show amazement.

"Holy Emperor's Will! Which adult suddenly came to Qingtian City on earth?"

It's not for them to be so surprised and worried, after all, Qingtian City is in the world, even if there are strong ones, it is just a few Martial Emperors.

This is still the oldest existence of several big families.

Now, a holy emperor came suddenly, how could they not let them be frightened?

Once the holy emperor makes a move, let alone their big families, even Qingtian City may be destroyed.

Gu family, Xuhuang opened his eyes.

With his means, destroying the entire Qingtian City is just a matter of snaps.

However, he didn't dare to do that. Qingtian City was a city controlled by Qingming Heavenly Palace in the secular world. If it was destroyed, he would not be easy to explain.

Especially, now that the Great Emperor Qingming has returned to his position, in front of the Great Emperor, even if it is him, he is cautious.

"This seat did not perceive the breath of the imperial soldiers."

His face was a little ugly, even looking at the face of the second elder Gu, revealing a kind of chill.

"My lord calms down! My lord calms down! The villain will never deceive the adults, the kid is still in Qingtian City!"

"Yes, my lord, our third brother was killed by that kid. If he hadn't held the imperial soldier, how could he be the opponent of our third brother!"

The third ancestor of the Gu family, Xuhuang naturally knew who it was.

The lower emperor is enough to sweep all over the world in the secular world. If he is killed by someone, there is indeed only this possibility.

"Able to kill the next emperor, it is indeed possible to do it with the help of the emperor."

The second elder of the Gu family breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly said, "My lord, that kid must know that we will be against him, so he must be hiding."

But in front of him, Xuhuang directly tore the void and disappeared instantly.

The two elders of the Gu family glanced at each other, both showing deep horror.

In the Upper Three Realms, Emperor Wu couldn't do a stroll through the void. Although the two elders were both Emperor Wu, they couldn't do this.

"Go! Look at the fate of that kid."

Above the blue sky city, a figure suddenly appeared, stepping out of the cracked void.

In an instant, countless people throughout Qingtian City felt the pressure.

"What a horrible breath!"

"We Qingtian City actually still have such strong people?"

Everyone turned pale with fright. As for soon, the second elder of the Gu family also came by, and someone from a distance found them.

"Gosh! Are they not the two ancestors of the Gu family?"

"It's the second emperor of the Gu family!"

As the first family of Qingtian City, the Gu family is naturally familiar to everyone. Even many people have grudges with the Gu family, but they dare not speak up.

However, this is not the case. As soon as the second elder of the Gu family arrived, a few more terrifying bodies came from the void.

"Old Gu family! What do you mean by Gu family?"

It turned out that the few figures that appeared were the other Martial Emperors of Qingtian City, but when they arrived, they saw the cold-faced Xuhuang in the void, and his expression suddenly changed.

Although they didn't know who Xuhuang was, just that glance instantly shocked their minds and almost didn't vomit blood.

You know, they are all in the realm of Emperor Wu!

Although it is only a lower emperor, it is impossible for them to take a look at it. What kind of realm is this?


The Emperor Xu confided slightly, and suddenly, except for the second elders of the Gu family, the other Martial Emperors spurted blood and fled madly.

Now they don't care about what the Gu family wants to do, it's not bad if they can save their lives.

As for the people in Qingtian City, they were already dumbfounded.

In the restaurant, there was no sound.

Only Li Ye raised his head slightly and looked at the figure proudly above Qingtian City.

Xu Huang also noticed Li Ye, his eyes condensed, and without saying anything, he reached out and grabbed it!

In his opinion, he personally made the shot, and he didn't even send a few disciples of Wuhuang cultivation base under his seat to come here, just to prevent Ye Changmeng.

Emperor soldiers! He is bound to win.

The second elder of the Gu family grinned, as if they had met Li Ye struggling to beg for mercy.

"The helper that Gu's family found doesn't seem to be very good."

The entire restaurant disappeared instantly.

However, Li Ye appeared directly in front of Xuhuang, and the scene where countless people in the entire Qingtian City were dumbfounded, appeared in their eyes.

"I thought there would be an opponent who moved me a little bit."

Xuhuang's eyes shrank instantly!

The second elder of the Gu family was even more frightened.

"Go down."

A soft confession, the next moment, Xuhuang and the second elder of the Gu family were directly suppressed below, and even the second elder of the Gu family was completely covered in flesh.

Only Xuhuang was barely standing, but he was also very shocked.

At this moment, all fools know that the Gu family has kicked the iron plate!

The Emperor Xu looked at the two elders of the Gu family with a terrifying look. If it weren't for being suppressed on the ground at this moment, he would have to kill the two elders of the Gu family!

In the distance, many experts in the Gu family originally wanted to see Li Ye begging for mercy, but they were so scared that they were all faceless!

Especially the Fourth Young Master of Gu's family, he was desperate. By his side, the two masters and servants of the house couldn't believe their eyes!

They have no right to know who Xuhuang is!

But one or two can be guessed from the attitude of the second elders of the Gu family to the Xuhuang!

And now, the strong man who was enough to make the Gu family prostrate on the ground, kneel and lick, was suppressed by a young man, Li Ye, unable to get up?

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