Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3144: The temptation of imperial soldiers

Seeing Wutian Saint Ancestor's strange behavior, Yutian's eyes flashed, and he suddenly guessed something.

Sure enough, an extremely terrifying aura appeared directly in the hall.

I don't know when, in the main hall, a person appeared on the throne that had been empty for hundreds of thousands of years.

The majestic gaze swept across the hall in an instant.

Under that gaze, whether it was the ancestors of the holy palaces or the geniuses under the sect, all of them seemed to be in the gloom, all wet.

"Meet the emperor!"

Wutian Saint Ancestor was not surprised, and directly bowed to his knees.

At this moment, if everyone didn't know who came, it would be really stupid and hopeless.

"Meet the emperor!"

Whether an ancestor of the Holy Palace or a disciple, he is all excited and excited at this moment.

They Qingming Tiangong, for hundreds of thousands of years, have held the signboard of the imperial door, but they have always been looked down upon by other imperial door.

It is precisely because of their master who disappeared hundreds of thousands of years ago.

"Dock days."


Wutian Saint Ancestor looked respectful, and the person in front of him was not only the supreme emperor of Qingming Temple, but also the master he regarded as a father!

The reason why Saint Ancestor Wutian has kept his promises during these hundreds of thousands of years has almost become the most influential person among the three Saint Ancestors, precisely because he was the last disciple under the seat of Emperor Qing Ming!

"Tell the world that the emperor has returned to his position."

The Great Emperor Qingming slowly disappeared. It turned out that what appeared in front of everyone was just an incarnation of divine consciousness, but even so, it was enough to make everyone present dare not take a breath.

"Follow the emperor's order!"

Wutian Saint Ancestor has an old face for so many years, but at this moment he is like a child, smiling.

As for the main hall, the ancestors of the holy palaces reacted differently.

"The Great Emperor is really back!"

This is naturally a great happy event for Qingming Temple.

Although the Great Emperor Qingming only appeared in front of them with a divine sense, it also made everyone understand that Qingming Tiangong could finally restore its former honor and arrogant heaven and earth. In a true sense, he had the confidence of the emperor's Taoism.

And with the return of Emperor Qingming, the entire Qingming Heavenly Palace was exploded!

Countless people were stunned, followed by ecstasy.

The Great! This is the greatest heritage of an emperor's orthodoxy!

Now they finally have it too.

On the other side, as the proud son of the Qingming Temple, Yu Tian is now trembling.

Because at this moment, in front of him, it is Emperor Qingming!

Not the incarnation of gods! Is the real deity of the great emperor!

On one side, Wutian Saint Ancestor said, "Emperor, Yutian, the child's talent is still higher than that of me at the beginning, and he is the one with the most opportunity among all the people in Tiangong.

"I have stepped into the imperial reserve and realized the great road, which is really good."

It can be praised by Emperor Qingming himself, and Yu Tian is even more excited.

Wutian Saint Ancestor on one side is also a little proud, after all, this is his disciple, "If he can be taught by the emperor himself, there should be a glimmer of hope."

Personally let Emperor Qingming teach! Yu Tian suddenly knew how honorable it was to be a disciple of the emperor with his master's painstaking efforts.

"Well, after the emperor has been away for so many years, Qingming Tiangong does need to find a successor."

Yu Tian, ​​who was still worried about whether he would be rejected by Emperor Qingming, trembled with excitement.

Suddenly he knelt down quickly, "Disciple Yutian, of course, he will not disappoint the emperor's expectations."

"Get up."

The Great Emperor Qingming smiled slightly, after all, this was the Qingming Heavenly Palace that he created with one hand. If he could make the whole school stronger and stronger, he would naturally want to see it.

Even Wutian Saint Ancestor is also surprised.

But the Great Emperor Qingming thought of something, "This time the emperor comes back, he needs to stay in seclusion for a while. Wutian, if a young man comes, directly inform the emperor."

Afterwards, a divine thought was directly imprinted into the mind of the ancestor Wutian.

"This person shouldn't be negligent, and tell everyone under the sect that if anyone offends this person, this emperor will never take it lightly!"

Both Wutian Saint Ancestor and Yutian were a little surprised, but since the Great Emperor Qingming ordered them down, naturally they would not refuse.

But there are a lot of questions in my mind.



Inside the Xuhuang Palace, Gu Zijun's expression was gloomy.

There was a trace of hesitation on his face.

The Xuhuanggong is one of the many holy palaces in the Qingming Tiangong, and among the many holy emperors, Xuhuang himself is a peerless powerhouse with enough strength to rank in the top ten.

However, at this moment, he hesitated.

"Why hesitate so much outside the door."

Suddenly, a majestic voice came out, and Gu Zijun was shocked.

"Master, the disciple has something important to report."

"come in."

As the master of the Xuhuang Palace, he was even more qualified to open up his own mansion in the Qingming Palace, but the Xuhuang himself looked extremely young.

At first glance, it even looked like a young man in his 20s.

But only the many disciples in the Xuhuang Palace knew that Xuhuang had lived for tens of thousands of years.


Gu Zijun trembled. Although he was a disciple of the Xuhuanggong, the Xuhuanggong was one of the many holy palaces in Qingming Tiangong, and his disciple was more than him!

There are tens of thousands of disciples who want to visit the various holy palaces, and the Xuhuang himself is one of the most powerful people in all the holy emperors. Naturally, only people with excellent talents have this qualification. .

And here, although he is still favored, he is not absolutely the only disciple.

"The disciples took the liberty to disturb Master, and hope that Master will forgive him."

"Let's talk, what's the matter. With your temperament, if it is not special, naturally you will not come to disturb this seat."

Although Xuhuang maintains a young appearance, he is also an old monster who has lived for more than 10,000 years, and his heart is like a mirror. Moreover, among the many sage emperors of the Qingming Heavenly Palace, he can be regarded as the one who has the most hope to impact the realm of the supreme sacred emperor.

Courageously, Gu Zijun took a deep breath, bowed his head and said respectfully, "Master, in Qingtian City, there are traces of imperial soldiers."

As one of Xuhuang's disciples, he knew exactly what he wanted, a master who seemed uncontested but had great ambitions.

Sure enough, after Xuhuang heard the words, the whole person was instantly different.

"Emperor Soldier!"

The terrible breath almost didn't make Gu Zijun's internal organs shift, spouting a mouthful of blood, and fell directly to the ground.

But even so, he reluctantly got up and said, "It's the emperor soldier!"

The horrible aura from Xuhuang's body disappeared without a trace, but he had already arrived in front of Gu Zijun, and his cold face exuded a shocking cold light.


"In the hands of a casual repairman."

With a difficult sentence, Gu Zijun felt that he had walked around the ghost door.

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