Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3128: Prodigal!

"Big, my lord forgive me!"

The giant spirit emperor reacted quickly and directly tremblingly begged for mercy.

Don't talk about face issues, now you can't save your life, so there is no face.

The Empress Jinghong glanced at him coldly, and with just one look, the Giant Spirit Emperor seemed to have lost all of her consciousness, feeling that her body and spirit were torn into countless pieces.

But soon, he found that he was not dead.

"Many, thank you for your mercy!"

His whole body was soaked with sweat! In this colossal domain, there has never been a time when he felt death so close.

The giant spirit emperor was uneasy, and at the same time he was extremely curious. What is the origin of this human woman in front of him?

It's so terrible!

Emperor Wu is actually so fragile in front of her that he is like an ant?

And that human teenager, is it really doing alchemy?

"What are the identities of these two humans?"

He had traveled to other lower nine realms, and he naturally knew that humans would have a special spell, called alchemy by humans. And this is almost a technique that countless races in the Three Realms and Nine Territories are very envious and jealous, but it is impossible to learn secretly.

The Empress Jinghong did not speak, but the Giant Spirit Emperor responded quickly!

"Adults, please rest assured, the villain will not let other people come to disturb the two adults."

Why not kill him?

The Giant Spirit Emperor has lived for thousands of years, so he is naturally not stupid.

Although his existence is the master of the Colossus Domain, it does not mean that he is invincible!

In particular, the Martial Sovereigns who were similar to his cultivation base instantly disappeared, and he had already guessed the origins of the two humans before him.

"Is it an adult from the Upper Three Realms?"

The Upper Three Realms are like a heavenly palace to the Lower Nine Realms, unattainable! Even Emperor Wu knew that they could dominate the lower nine realms, but they were nothing at all in the upper three realms.

The Empress Jinghong didn't want to waste her strength, but the Giant Spirit Emperor understood it.

"It seems that these two adults should come down from the upper realm to do business, if they can get their favor!"

Thinking of this, the Giant Spirit Emperor's mind became more and more active.

You know, going to the Upper Three Realms is the dream of almost every powerhouse in the Lower Nine Realms. Although the Giant Spirit Emperor is one of the masters in the Colossus Realm, he also has a trace of ambition!

Soon, he appeared in front of those who wanted to find out!

"Giant Spirit Emperor!"

Those strong men were shocked! However, the Giant Spirit Emperor did not kill them, but sneered coldly, "Get out!"

Suddenly those strong men fled back like birds and beasts. After all, the Giant Spirit Emperor is one of the masters in the Colossus Realm. Who dares to resist?

At the same time, the giant spirit emperor appeared directly in the void, and the terrifying will of the emperor Wu directly turned into a decree of the emperor!

"Intruder! Dead!"

This martial emperor order directly caused an uproar in the entire Colossus Domain!

Among them, the Giants reacted fastest!

Suddenly, two extremely powerful giants tore through the void and appeared in front of the Giant Spirit Emperor.

"Giant Spirit Emperor! What happened?"

You know, although the Colossus is respected by the giants, it does not mean that the giants can really do whatever they want!

There are still other powerful races eyeing!

"What are you crazy!"

These two are both martial emperors within the giant clan, and are even second only to the giant spirit emperor.

"You suddenly listed this as a forbidden land, but you know that this is not our giants' territory!"

Sixty percent of the entire Colossus Region is the sphere of influence of the Giant Race. However, this area is not controlled by giants.

But in the hands of several other powerful races in the Colossus domain.

Suddenly a martial emperor of the giant clan listed this place as a forbidden place, and any intruder would die, and it can be said that countless people in the Colossal Region were dumbfounded.

Some people even have a gloomy face, mistakenly thinking that the giants want to expand their territory.

Sure enough, without waiting for the Giant Spirit Emperor to explain, a few more terrifying auras appeared.

"Giant Spirit Emperor! What do you mean!"

"Roar! The giants deceive people so much, it is true that this giant image domain is the back garden of your giants!"

Of the two martial emperors that appeared, one of them was huge with a huge body of hundreds of feet, with a snake-headed human body, which is the snake-man clan second only to the giants in the Colossus!

The other Martial Emperor was like granite. If it weren't for those eyes that could still see the **** body, at first glance, it looked like a stone statue.

Giant Rock Race!

These two clans are almost second only to the giants in strength, and even now this area is the control range of the two clans.

"If you want to go in and die, this emperor will never stop you!"

The grievances between the giants and these two tribes have been around for a long time, so naturally they won't look good.

On the contrary, the other two martial emperors of the giant clan and even the giant spirit emperor were too shocked at first to think about it. At this moment, calm down and suddenly realized the difference.

The two looked at each other. Although they didn't want to turn their faces with the Snake People and the Giant Rock Clan, how can they say that the Giant Image Territory is respected by their Giant Clan, and they cannot show weakness in their momentum.

"Hey, why, is it possible that you want a fight?"

The Martial Emperor of the Snake Race and the Giant Rock Clan was furious, but their purpose was not the Giant Spirit Emperor, and they sneered directly and headed in the direction where Li Ye was.

"Giant Spirit Emperor, what is going on?"

Seeing the two people walking away, the two martial emperors of the giant clan asked in a low voice.

The Giant Spirit Sovereign shook his head, then sneered, "Waiting to watch the trick."

Sure enough, without waiting for the two of them to inquire, their expressions suddenly changed!

Because they found that the two martial emperor auras of the Snakeman and the Giant Rock disappeared instantly!

Is truly disappearing!

The giant spirit emperor also became serious!

"The two inside are adults from the upper realm."

When he said this, the two giant Wuhuangs immediately understood. Although there are still doubts, the Wuhuangs of the Snakeman and the Giant Rock were killed instantly, and even the screams were not heard. They are not stupid!

In a short period of time, a lot of powerhouses came from the giants!

Emperor Guangwu has five people!

This lineup is enough to illustrate the strength of the giants!

Although this behavior caused other races in the Colossus to furious, there was nothing to do in a short time.

Turn face with giants? Most people still dare not.

Among them, the most violent ones are nothing more than the Snake People and the Giant Rock Clan. After all, their territory has been invaded by others, and whoever changes will feel unhappy.

Not to mention the loss of a martial emperor for both races!

Of course, the reactions of the various forces in the Colossal Region will not have any impact on Li Ye and the Empress Jinghong.

At this time, Li Ye has carefully put a golden fairy into the Nine Dragon Cangding!

"Golden Fairy! Boy, you actually got this kind of thing!"

Even the nine dragons were shocked!

One can imagine how precious this golden fairy is in the world.

Later, Li Ye even took out a small bottle of life water!

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