Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3119: Don't talk, let's have an emperor explosion first

Call yourself the emperor! You can still have such a laugh with Gu Shi the Great!

"Dare to ask the emperor is the Qingming Great Emperor of the Qingming Palace!?"

Yubao Yaozun bowed and asked, although Qingming Tiangong is not an emperor of southern Xinjiang, it also has an influential force in Shenshengzhou!

Sure enough, when Jade Demon Sovereign asked, the others were also a little nervous!

"Qingming Tiangong! That is the emperor's Taoist tradition that is rumored to be closely related to the Beidou Tiangong! Although it is rumored that Emperor Qingming went missing hundreds of thousands of years ago, no one has dared to attack Qingming Tiangong for so many years!"

A strong monster clan couldn't help but whispered.

Perhaps Emperor Qingming is not as good as Emperor Gushi, having the supreme status in Southern Xinjiang. However, Qingming Temple is very special! It's not just the Dimen Taoist system!

It is even more rumored that under the Beidou Temple, one of the Twelve Temples!

Emperor Qingming laughed, neither admitted nor denied. But everyone already knows the answer! Because of this, the horror is beyond words.

"Emperor Gushi! Emperor Qingming! What happened recently! How come all the ancient existences have appeared!"

"Emperor Jinghong was born first, and now it is Emperor Gushi and Emperor Qingming! Is this going to change?"

The appearance of these ancient existences will undoubtedly cause a sensation in the entire Three Realms.

But at this moment, everyone looked at Li Ye with completely different eyes!

In their eyes, the former Li Ye was a monster with unparalleled talent.

Defeated Prince Wuya, embark on a pilgrimage ladder! Even the old sage's will can directly refuse to accept the inheritance without blinking his eyes.

Even the Jinghong Empress protects the way in the dark!

"What kind of luck is this son? First, Emperor Danwu and Empress Jinghong. Now it is the Great Emperor Gushi and the Great Qingming of the Qingming Tiangong with them!"

The so-called people are more angry than people!

The deepest feeling of extinction.

Before Li Ye appeared, although he was pressured by Prince Wuya! But it is also the top three in the entire Southern Xinjiang platoon.

The descendant of the Emperor's Taoism, the descendant of the mantle designated by the Baiyun Demon Emperor!

Various identities are enough to make him the pinnacle figure in the upper three realms.

Unfortunately, now, in front of Li Ye, he did not smile wryly.

All his pride disappeared in front of Li Ye.

The strength is incomparable, even if the identity of the descendant of the emperor's Taoism is eclipsed in front of the heirs of Li Ye Danwu, and several great emperors protect the way.

After Shengyu and He Shengliang, Indestructible is a long sigh after all.

Different from Indestructible, Gu Tian is burning with jealousy at this moment!

He should be that dazzling invincible peerless arrogant!

Only he is qualified to enjoy all this!

The eyes of the world in awe and worship!


Suddenly, just as everyone sighed secretly, as Li Ye returned strongly, the entire southern Xinjiang had only this moment of surrender.

Gu Tian broke out!

"Li Ye! If you are capable, don't hide behind the emperor! Can you dare to come out and fight me fairly?!"


Great Emperor Gu Shi, Great Emperor Qing Ming! Even the Great Bingyi, he couldn't afford it!

But he also has his own pride!

He is the most talented genius of Feiyuyuan for hundreds of thousands of years, after Emperor Feiyu! It was recognized by the Emperor!

How to be able to accept the reality of being crushed on top of your head.

He dare not challenge the emperor! But it does not mean that he dare not challenge Li Ye!

This with a strong sense of war and provocative words shocked everyone.

"This Gu Tian really doesn't know good or bad."

"He wants to challenge Young Master Li Ye, is he qualified by his identity?"

As the world is going downhill, the compliments of everyone before, with Li Ye's return, instantly turned to each other.

Even Jue Wuliu showed a sneer. In his opinion, Gu Tian's departure at this moment was the best choice. However, he chose to challenge Li Ye publicly.

"Li Ye! If you dare not! Gu Tian will never force it!"

However, his contemptuous eyes undoubtedly explained everything.

The Great Emperor Gu Shi frowned, but he heard Gu Tian say loudly, "Two seniors, this is a fair duel between me and Li Ye!"

Sure enough, as soon as this remark came out, Gu Shi the Great couldn't interfere.

After all, he could say that Gu Tian didn't know Taishan just now and he took punishment. But now, Gu Tian is so respectful, if he tries to obstruct it again, he will appear to lose his identity.

Gu Tian smiled coldly, he wanted this effect!

His gaze shot at Li Ye with a strong provocation!

"Li Ye! If you don't dare, you are not qualified to be worthy of the princess of the Saint Demon Gate! And not even qualified to be the future Lord of the Demon Race!"

Without the restriction of the Great Emperor Gu Shi, Gu Tian is not afraid of anyone at all!

Now he has full self-confidence, under the emperor, he realizes any opponent! Even if the Supreme Holy Emperor is here, he still has emperor soldiers to use!

Gu Tian's aggressiveness made everyone feel uneasy.

Li Ye remained silent, and his strength was severely suppressed when he returned from the Immortal City this time.

Avoid but fight?

"Do you want to fight me?"

"Ten days from now! Broken Dragon Platform! My Gutian is there waiting for you!"

Gu Tian smiled coldly, as long as the emperor doesn't intervene, he doesn't think he will lose!

Unfortunately, Li Ye shook his head directly.

"What? Are you scared?"

Seeing Li Ye shaking his head, Gu Tian smiled even more wildly.

"Afraid? No, just feel that you are not qualified to challenge me."

not qualified!

Li Ye's answer almost made Gu Tian vomit three liters of blood!

The dignified emperor's Taoist heir, even the Emperor Bing Feiyu Sword recognized him! Actually said he was not qualified?

"Li Ye! It seems that you are just a vain name! No matter, since you dare not fight, I will never force it! It's a pity that the Saint Demon Gate will actually hand the princess to a coward like you!"

Exciting generals?

Everyone was a little crying and laughing, especially those who had seen Li Ye's madness before, and shook their heads slightly because of Gu Tian's ignorance.

Among them, Infinite sneered, "It is not unreasonable that Fei Yuyuan will no longer be able to support the entire sect beam after the death of Emperor Feiyu. With this kind of descendant, Fei Yuyuan will be destroyed in his hands sooner or later."

Gu Tian didn't know everyone's thoughts, and at the moment he was triumphant, "What kind of demon clan's most unparalleled genius in the ages, in my opinion, is nothing but a thief!"

Sarcastic laughter resounded throughout the world, and the Jade Demon Zun and others were all angry! After all, Li Ye has a lot to do with the Saint Demon Gate!

Even many other strong sects can't stand it anymore.

"Want to excite me?" The corner of Li Ye's mouth rose slightly.

"It's just a coward."

Gu Tian continued to sneer.

And Li Ye didn't answer anything, but the whole world suddenly dimmed! There is even more terrifying aura to suppress everyone!

Emperor soldiers! Seven stars! The horrible light almost overshadowed the sky!

This! Obviously, I want to play an emperor explosion!

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