Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3104: Source of Chaos

When seeing the appearance of the flame giant, Li Ye was even more surprised!

That expression is very similar to him! Although there are differences in appearance, he does not know why, but he feels that the flame giant definitely has a mysterious connection with himself.

As he woke up from that illusory state, the flame giant disappeared directly. The God Eye also gradually faded from the void, and finally disappeared.

But Li Ye felt that his entire back was wet!

"It's dangerous! If it wasn't for my blood pupils turned into **** eyes to wake me up, maybe I'm dead now!"

This is not the first time he has walked on the brink of death, but this time is more thrilling than ever.

More importantly, he had a feeling that if he hadn't awakened just now and let everything go on, he would most likely die without being peaceful, turning into the most terrifying monster in this world.

Opening his eyes, Li Ye was still sitting on the ancient throne, but the flames surrounding his soul still existed.

But the only good thing is that although his soul is constantly being consumed again, it is not as crazy as it was at the beginning!

"What the **** is this **** thing!"

However, even if it seems that he has been out of the crisis of death for the time being, his soul is still being burned by the fire, even if he cannot be burned temporarily, but the pain of being burned by the soul is absolutely something that people can bear!

Even if it is him, he needs to bear this kind of heart-wrenching pain at any time.

"This is not the way to go."

His primordial spirit can indeed withstand this barbecue mode, as long as it maintains this speed and the state of the primordial spirit's nine orifices standing on the ground, it is enough to recover itself.

But Li Ye had no bottom in his heart. What if he suddenly got mad and wanted to grill him to be very familiar like before?

Just thinking about it, Li Ye felt the ancient throne under his ass, as if countless things poured into his mind.

The information that rushed into his mind at that moment was enough to blow up the head of a great emperor!

But compared to the pain of being constantly burning with the soul, obviously this is nothing.

I don't know how long it took, and finally Li Ye collapsed, sweating directly on the ancient throne.

"The source of chaos!"

He finally understood everything!

Understand why the Undead City and the Undead City appeared!

He even understood what he was encountering now, especially the terrible flame that almost abolished him just now!

The source of chaos! Or it should be called, Chaos Fire!

Between heaven and earth, the source of all flames!

"Born in the chaos before the beginning of heaven and earth! The first flame! The origin of life!"

He took a deep breath. Although countless things poured into his mind, many of them needed him to slowly understand. At least he learned one thing!

Immortal City! In other words, the real immortal city! That is the Undead City where he is now!

Indeed, it is not within the Three Realms and Nine Realms! It is a world of its own!

The world here, even the way of heaven is hard to get involved! Everything runs as the source of chaos, and even determines the rise and fall of this ancient world.

"Unexpectedly, this undead city actually appeared because of this! Only if the source of chaos continues to burn, can this ancient world continue to exist! Otherwise, it will be the result of complete decline and extinction."

There is no doubt that this piece of heaven and earth was created by someone who was once extremely terrifying!

What kind of realm that kind of existence is, Li Ye has not dared to imagine, at least, this kind of magical powers and methods, let alone him, the Great Emperor Tiandi, and even the more terrifying Saint Emperor do not have this ability.

In his opinion, even if the existence that opened up this space is not as high as the gods, it is absolutely close to the level of gods.

This is an independent world!

As for why there was an entrance with Southern Xinjiang, Li Ye didn't know.

"This throne is owned by the master of this heaven and earth!"

Gently stroking the ancient throne under his ass, Li Ye didn't have any excitement or excitement on his face, but a helpless and wry smile on his face.

The reason is that the flame of his soul is constantly burning at this moment!

That is the only source of chaos that runs this world!

Born in chaos, the first flame between heaven and earth!

Li Ye is a little scared!

The source of chaos! The first flame! No one even knows that this kind of thing still exists in the world! That's the undisputed most powerful Abnormal Fire on the Abnormal Fire List! It is the ultimate flame that can destroy everything and slaughter the gods.

And how can this kind of thing be owned by mortals?

"The source of chaos! Who can live to enjoy this thing?"

The entire ancient throne is the incarnation of the source of chaos! Anyone who sits on it inherits the source of chaos! Also be wrapped by the source of chaos!

The emperor? Or the emperor of heaven?

No matter who comes, there is only one dead end!

After all, the source of chaos claims that even a piece of heaven and earth can be incinerated in an instant, something that the gods of the Primordial Era would avoid.

Now, it's on him!

There is no life to take, but no life to spend.

Now is the problem Li Ye faces.

"This world, everything is dominated by the source of chaos, but who can inherit?"

He finally understood why the Moon King wanted to come back madly, because what he wanted was this ancient throne! And this source of chaos!

The throne under the Moon King fully illustrates this point! His ambition!

However, Li Ye shook his head. The Moon King was indeed extremely powerful, and even during his sleep for so long, he easily killed the two Heavenly Emperor powerhouses, the Demon King and the Ghost King.

If it is the peak state, it is simply unimaginable.

But no matter how powerful a person is, he can't sit on this throne for a few days!

The source of chaos! Enough for any strong person to be completely burnt into nothingness in a short time and disappear into this world!

Only one exception!

Li Ye!

For millions of years, there are only a handful of people who have survived the calamity of the nine or nine worlds!

But he succeeded!

The most perfect soul in the world! The incomparable self-repairing power of the soul makes him almost immortal!

And this source of chaos, no one can be grilled by the source of chaos all year round, even if it is the invincible powerhouse, the soul is not eternal!

Only him!

Li Ye stood up from the ancient throne, and could clearly feel that this undead city was under his control.

Stepping out of the main hall, I saw rows of royal guards covered in gold armor, kneeling towards him as if they had met the emperor!

At that moment, he seemed to control everything in this world! Determine the life and death of everyone!

He is the only **** in this world! Determine the master of all things!

he! Become the current master of this undead city!

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