Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3096: The powerful dynasty that once ruled the Three Realms

The pain of cutting off a part of one's soul is definitely not something ordinary people can bear.

The Great Emperor Qingming obviously knew that at the moment, if the Moon King could not be stopped, none of them could escape.

"Haha, old man Qing Ming, since you are so generous, if the old man doesn't show it, and doesn't he appear to be afraid of death?"

While the ancient scream laughed, he also cut off a part of his soul and threw it to Li Ye!

Looking at the two old men who both became older, Li Ye took a deep breath!

However, at this moment, the other people who were still alive glanced at each other, and they all nodded slightly.

"Boy, although we are not related to you, we don't know who you are. But now, obviously only you can activate the soul refining lamp!"

"Yes, although the primordial spirit is very important to those of us with the immortal curse, if we die here, our efforts for countless years will be in vain."

Several people took a deep breath, and then cut off their own souls at the same time!

You know, although these people are not the emperor, they are also the most invincible peak powers under the emperor! Otherwise, it will not live till now.

Their primordial spirit, even if only two to thirty percent were cut off and turned into a ball of soul light, the strong soul strength was enough to surprise people.

In a short period of time, several of the most powerful beings in the world did not hesitate to damage these soul light clusters separated by the soul, and they were directly absorbed by the soul refining lamp!

"It's life or death, in one move!"

In an instant, the soul refining lamp burst into a terrifying light!

Gu and others are struggling to support!

Originally, they were extremely jealous of the Soul Refining Lamp, but now that they have lost part of their souls, their strength has dropped dramatically! Blue smoke began to appear all over his body, and he couldn't hold on for long.

"Boy! It's up to you whether we people can go out alive!"

"Yes! Don't let us down!"

Just a few words made the Gu and the others extremely difficult. As a last resort, several people joined forces to set up a layer of defense. Although the effect on the soul refining lamp was microscopic, it also allowed them to support it for a while.

Li Ye took a deep breath!

He also felt that his primordial spirit was being burned, but compared to the ancients, his primordial spirit had an incomparably powerful self-repairing ability, and in a short time, it was not enough to let him be restrained!

On the contrary, as soon as the soul refining lamp was ignited, the Moon King above the void roared and roared!

In the world, there are very few things that can really threaten him now!

And this soul refining lamp happened to be one of the treasures that could restrain him and even threaten him.

"The King of the Moon!"


The soul-refining lamp turned into a terrifying sky lantern and appeared directly in the void!

That dazzling light, like the rising sun, was enough to make the Moon King’s extremely powerful body emit countless blue smoke!

"Boy! The only thing left is the primordial spirit! The soul refining lamp in your hand is his nemesis!"

Seeing the reaction of the Moon King, the ancients shouted loudly, but they spewed blood one after another.

The rest of the people are no exception. At this time, they also bet their lives on Li Ye, betting that he can stop the Moon King before they die!

As for whether it can succeed, in fact, the ancients and others have no idea at all.

However, they can only count on Li Ye now.

"Soul Refining Lamp! Roar!"

The Moon King wailed incomparably pain!

Just like the hope of the ancients, he didn't know how many tens of thousands of years he had lived. His body had long since disappeared, leaving only the last body! Relying on the extremely powerful soul to barely maintain!

Although the Moon King is strong enough, even if it is less than 30% of the strength of the peak period, it is enough to easily kill the demon king and ghost king who have been cultivated by the emperor, and despise the countless powerhouses in the immortal city.

But now, in front of the terrible burning of the soul refining lamp, there were screams repeatedly.

In a short time, that body was completely shattered with a boom!

Suddenly, everyone finally saw the true face of the Moon King!

"This is the true face of the Moon King!"

I only saw a handsome and feminine man appearing from the countless blood mist that had blown up.

Perhaps it was the destruction of the occupied body, which made the Moon King extremely angry!

He directly crushed the void, and countless pieces of the void turned into countless terrifying monsters!

"You destroyed this king's body! This king will replace your physical body!"

It turned out that the Moon King that everyone had seen before was not his original physical body, but the body of a certain strong man he had seized after countless thousands of years after his physical death.

It's just that, after experiencing unimaginable years, even the physical body he snatched down, after all, could not hold on to maintain its peak state until now.

At this time, the Moon King was in anger, directly planning to seize Li Ye's body!

I have to say that the horror of the Moon King is far above everyone's imagination!

Even the ancients and others, under their joint hands, after the soul refining lamp is lit, they are struggling to support, almost all of them are dying!

However, he saw that the Moon King's whole body seemed to be burning, and he screamed harshly!

That terrifying scream rushed directly into everyone's minds, and it caused the people who had been struggling to spit blood again and again. It was obvious that the soul was injured.

"What a terrible mental shock! This ghost thing, what era existed! In this world, there are actually such monsters alive!"

"The age of the Immortal City is far beyond the world's imagination. Is it possible that the King of the Moon is really the survivor of the Immortal City?"

Suddenly, Emperor Qingming took a breath!

Although many of their memories were lost with the curse, many legends about the immortal city have never been forgotten by them!

"Remains of the Immortal City! According to legend, in ancient times, the Immortal City was once the most terrifying and powerful dynasty in this world! It was ruled by an existence comparable to the ancient gods! It even once ruled the entire three realms and nine regions. !"

On the ancient face, there was a surprise and joy, because if that legend is true! Then the thing in the City of the Undead that they are looking for is very likely to exist!

But if you want to enter the City of the Undead, it is obvious that solving the Moon King in front of you is the key!

"Boy, there may be something in the City of the Immortal King that will lift the curse of immortality on us!"

Lift the curse of immortality!

Li Ye was shocked!

In an instant, a spit of blood was sprinkled directly on the soul refining lamp!

Suddenly, the light of the soul refining lamp skyrocketed again!

Although once again self-defeating Yuanshen has caused great losses to him, the Yuanshen with extremely strong self-repairing ability, as long as he is given time, can completely recover without any spiritual medicine and grass!

With the refining lamp skyrocketing again! The Moon King turned his whole person into a fire man! There was a deafening scream and angry roar!

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