Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3080: Is it to pursue immortality again?

For the undead in the Undead City, all the undead who are tortured by the curse.

No matter what identity he was before he came to the Immortal City, whether he was an unnamed casual cultivator, the elder of the super sect or even the ancestor of the suzerain, even some invincible powerhouses who once resounded throughout the Three Realms and Nine Realms came here with only pursuit. One purpose.

"eternal life?!"

Li Ye's expression flickered. At first, he thought that the cursed people in the Immortal City were like the princesses of the Saint Demon Gate, who strayed into the Ming Demon Ancient Realm, and was unknowingly invaded by the curse. When he found out, he could only Reluctantly choose to fall here.

But obviously, in fact, it is not!

"Why kid, feel incredible? Don't you come to this immortal city to pursue immortality and immortality that has never been successful for millions of years?"

Gu sneered. From his mouth, Li Ye knew that there were too many people in the Immortal City who came here to find the secret of eternal life.

Although many people have long forgotten who they are and where they came from, the desire for immortality in the depths of their souls is definitely not that easy to extinguish.

Even as the curse intensifies, the desire will become stronger and stronger.

"I never die! Is it really possible in this world?"

Li Ye never believed that someone could live forever and immortal. Even if a cultivator has a long lifespan, in the eyes of mortals, it actually means immortality.

Imagine that a mortal has only a short life span of several decades, and a cultivator, whoever comes to a martial emperor, can witness the ebb and flow of the human world, the vicissitudes of the vicissitudes of life, the rise and fall of dynasties.

However, the longer I live, the more I am afraid of death!

Emperor Wu can live for thousands of years! But I want to pursue a longer life!

"Hey, this question has been pursued by countless people throughout the ages, and no one can give you an answer. The ancient gods are rumored to be the existence of eternal life, but unfortunately, no one has ever seen the gods."

The old man smiled without saying any more, looked at the Moon God Palace where the gate was open, and laughed in a low voice, "Boy, the Moon God Palace will be opened at this time, maybe it is also a fate. The undead city is rumored to be the most mysterious In the city of Kings, there is the power of immortality. The King of the Moon is the oldest undead in the city, the only undead who has lived to this day!"

The three most powerful undead in the Undead City, the Demon King and the Ghost King, all appeared later.

Only the King of the Moon is the most mysterious, and few people have even seen him.

Only legend.

Those with weak strength were already annihilated the moment the Moon God Palace opened.

Even if they can be resurrected, there is no doubt that they are not qualified to enter the Moon God Palace.

And this is just the first step into the Moon God Palace!

"Find King City!"

An undead strong erupted with terrible arrogance, which turned into a rolling thunder and stepped into the Moon God Palace.

There are also people who are like fairy clouds all over, as if a person among the gods enters in unrestrainedly.

There are even more people, like a rainbow, and feel like a thousand troops, whizzing past!

At this moment, the entire Undead City almost had a bit of strength, vying to step into the Moon God Palace. After all, as undead, they have all heard the legend!

Immortal City! eternal life!

The ancients did not idle, and finally glanced at Li Ye, "Boy, if you are afraid, you can stay outside."

"Senior joked. If the person the junior wants to find is in the Moon God Palace, then no matter what is in the Moon God Palace, even if it is Longtan Tiger's Lair, the junior will have to break through today."

With a burst of laughter, Gu went straight into the Moon God Palace.

With his strength, unless it is the existence of the undead king, there are really few people who can threaten him.

Li Ye also shook his head slightly, although it was a coincidence that the Moon God Palace in front of him suddenly opened at this time, but since they are all here, and if Emperor Bingyi is indeed inside, he will really take a risk this time.

"If you don't enter the tiger's lair, you won't be a tiger, no matter what, who told me to take away all the precious apprentices from other people? Just treat it as a debt payment."

According to the human world, Emperor Bingyi was equivalent to the existence of the Saint Demon Gate Princess as a mother, so he naturally couldn't sit idly by.

As soon as he stepped into the Moon God Palace, the ancient aura rushing over his face was enough to kill anyone under the peak Martial Emperor.

Fortunately, those who can come in have some ability.

"It's a cold place."

When he came to the Immortal City, Li Ye felt that this place revealed a kind of lifelessness, as if there was no temperature.

But after stepping into the Moon God Palace, he smiled bitterly and realized that compared to Moon God Palace, Immortal City made him feel comfortable! The Moon God Palace in front of him was like a world sealed by ice.

However, it is very strange that the entire world that seems to be frozen, there is no frost at all, but there is a chill everywhere that can freeze the soul.

In contrast, the entire Moon God Palace is the most spectacular and magnificent world Li Ye has ever seen.

Compared with the palace of the emperor of the world, it is more like the ruins of the cottage! Even the ancient cities of the Upper Three Realms could not be compared with the Moon God Palace in front of them.

"It's so quiet here?"

Since it was the place where the Moon King was rumored to be, after entering, it was quiet and terrifying.

Even the undead who had stepped in before disappeared.

The only thing Li Ye could see were the palaces and the numerous sculptures!


Looking at the sculptures, the expressions are different, beautiful and pretty, even the facial features, eyes, and expressions are all portrayed with extraordinary skill.

"How do these sculptures look so strange?"

He didn't see the ancient, obviously there was only one entrance to the Moon God Palace, but after entering, there was a distortion of time and space.

This is not surprising, many small worlds or formations can achieve this level. However, for the time being, Li Ye couldn't see how it caused it.

The chill came, but it couldn't stop Li Ye's footsteps.

It didn't take long for Li Ye to have a strange expression on his face.

He felt those chills, almost ignoring any obstacles, invading his body, his sea of ​​consciousness! Go straight to his soul!

Even if he sealed his own sea of ​​knowledge, he couldn't resist the invasion of those cold air.

Soon, Li Ye's soul was shrouded in the chill, and gradually began to change, as if infected with the deadliest virus, and began to consume quickly.

In the blink of an eye, Li Ye knew the sea, his soul was stained with a layer of gray, and when he looked carefully, it was like the sculptures in front of Li Ye in the Moon God Palace.

Those sculptures! Obviously, they are the strong men who once stepped into the Moon God Palace alive!

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