Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3078: Emperor Bing Yi, want to marry?

The Moon King, one of the three kings of the undead, wants to marry!

When the news came out, many undead even thought someone was making a mentally handicapped joke.

"What's a joke? With the existence of the undead king, would he want to find a woman to spend the rest of his life with?"

"It's just a joke, even the undead king is an undead person with a curse! Don't want to get rid of it for a lifetime! Any undead person pursues only more powerful soul fragments!"

No wonder that in the entire Undead City, as long as there is still a trace of rational undead, after hearing this news, they can't believe it.

The curse on them is destined that they can no longer be like normal people!

Only in the constant killing and being killed, one slowly loses oneself, and finally becomes a walking dead without any soul.

Even the existence of the undead king is the same!

After Li Ye got the news, he showed a strange look.

The ancient reaction on one side was no different from the rest of the undead. At first glance, he was lost for a moment.

"Senior, it shouldn't be normal for the undead to get a wife?"

In this immortal city, any person he saw in his eyes was a kind of despair or numbness.

Perhaps there is Zhuo Lie, there are still some rational people like ancient people, but Li Ye knows that over time, they will also eventually become like other undead people, unscrupulous for the soul.

It's not by nature, but because of curses and the instinct to survive.

"For the undead, only a powerful soul is what they need. As for women?"

Gu was silent for a while, but Li Ye understood what he meant.

"Perhaps, this undead king is empty and lonely? Want someone to accompany you?"

The undead used to be human! Or they are still alive until they lose their rationality completely. Since it is a living person, even a high spirit, it is impossible to put an end to seven emotions and six desires.

However, even Li Ye didn't believe this explanation.

To be able to become the strongest in such a terrible place as the Undead City, there is absolutely only one thing to pursue!

Or, all the people with the curse of immortality have the only thing they want, there is only one!

eternal life!

It looks ridiculous. The undead can never die. Even if they are killed or even beaten to ashes, they can be resurrected because of the curse.

At first glance, this is the goal of how many peaks have existed in the Three Realms and Nine Regions for millions of years, and the peerless powerhouses have pursued their lives.

eternal life! Immortality! Henggu exists!

"The undead will eventually die! Or, in another way, disappear from this world."

The more he understood the Immortal Curse, the more Li Ye felt that the existence that created the curse was terrifying.

This is not eternal life, it is more like a hellish torture!

More cruel than death!

Li Ye didn't know the Immortal City, let alone these three immortal kings. However, there is one person who understands.

"This incident reveals weirdness. There are only three undead kings, and they are also the three most powerful undead in the undead city today. But this king of the moon is the most mysterious and lowest-key of the three!"

From ancient times, Li Ye had a certain understanding of the Three Kings.

The three most powerful people in the Undead City, the Demon King and the Ghost King, are almost like masters, controlling the life and death of countless undead people! It controls most areas of the Undead City.

Under their command, there are too many, once invincible powerhouses, working for them!

Among them, there is no lack of Saint Emperor and even the Supreme Saint Emperor level powerhouse, under the three kings, rule the entire Immortal City.

From ancient eyes, Li Ye saw that he was uneasy after receiving this news for some reason.

Moreover, this kind of anxiety was even more flustered than those strong men under the Demon King who had chased and killed that gemstone.

"Senior? Apart from stealing the treasure of the Demon King, you won't have a holiday with the King of the Moon, right?"

Li Ye just mentioned it casually, but the ancient reaction was a moment of silence, which made Li Ye smile helplessly. Without a doubt, he guessed it right.

Even more, he had already guessed something.

"Boy, when the old man met her for the first time, it was in the Moon God Palace of the Moon King!"


"Moon God Palace?"

"How many years the Immortal City has existed, no one knows, even the old man can't remember how many years he came here. Maybe millions of years, or even longer. Among the three kings, the Moon King is the longest alive. No one knows his identity and history, and few people have seen him."

"No one has seen it?"

"It is rumored that the Demon King and the Ghost King once joined forces to solve this mystery, but in the end they all returned without success."

Seeing Li Ye's unbelieving eyes, the old smiled bitterly, "No one can open the Moon God Palace, and everyone who stepped into the Moon God Palace has never come out."

The Moon Palace is the palace of the Moon King.

In this immortal city, there is only one person who owns a palace!

Even the palaces owned by the Demon King and the Ghost King were built after they became the undead king, claiming to be the most powerful undead in the entire undead city.

"Senior, did you bring back a person from the Moon God Palace?"

Looking at the woman lying on the stone bed who was still in a coma, Li Ye finally understood why the ancient reaction would be so strange when she heard this news.

No one can come back after stepping into the Moon God Palace, but only the old one brought back a person from it.

"Boy, the old man knows what you are thinking, but how exactly the old man came out of the Moon God Palace is still unknown."

"Senior, you don't know how to come out?"

"Sounds ridiculous? The old man really didn't know how to come back, and even brought someone with him when he came back."

Gu is a great emperor, but also a pinnacle emperor!

To make him lose consciousness unconsciously, there are really few people in these three realms and nine realms who can do it.

However, in this immortal city, everything is beyond common sense.

"Boy, didn't you say before, you want to find someone?"

Li Ye's eyes lit up, a little excited, "Senior, do you have a clue?"

"Is the woman you're looking for called Bing Yi?"


Li Ye is not stupid, he has a bad premonition from his ancient eyes.


"The woman the Moon King will marry this time is a woman named Bing Yi!"

Emperor Bingyi! Want to marry the Moon King?

It took a long time for Li Ye to come back to his senses, after all, the news was too sudden and too shocking.

A demon emperor wants to marry! This is definitely a sensational event in the Three Realms and Nine Regions! It is even enough to attract countless emperor sects, those powerful sects of quasi emperor sects are prepared with generous gifts, and even the master of the sect personally congratulates!

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