Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3076: Resonance of the undead

Almost at the same time, all the undead in the Undead City seemed to feel a strange call.

A silent call, as if leading them to somewhere.

That kind of strong feeling, the more powerful the undead, the more obvious.

"what happened?"

The extremely powerful undead showed a look of surprise, and the call came directly from the depths of their souls and could not be resisted at all.

Even some weak and undead people are like this, even showing a touch of struggle and pain.

Unlike the powerful undead, the weak undead almost feel that their heads are about to explode, and the pain makes them worse than dead. But it was like a poison, fascinated them, and wanted to get closer to that call.

A strange scene appeared in the entire Immortal City.

A group of people appeared on the street, whether they were hiding or being extremely powerful, they felt a deep desire.

But what do you want?

no one knows!

Where the ancient hiding place, Li Ye was directly blown out at this time, as for the ancient one, he was lying on the ground, his face was hideous, and his head was trembling with his hands.

Li Yeyi looked forward to it instantly!

"There is a problem with this gem!"

Everything started when gems fell into the hands of the mysterious woman whom the ancients cared about. Intuition let him know that the source lies here.

Sure enough, after Li Ye took away the gems, the strange call just now disappeared.

Although Li Ye was not an undead person, but also with the most perfect soul of the Three Realms, he felt a little bit.

At the same time, the ancient that showed painful color gradually calmed down.

"what happened?"

Looking at the mysterious woman who passed out on the stone bed again, Li Ye couldn't help frowning.

On the other side, Gu stumbled and shook his head and stood firm.

The faces of both of them were a little solemn, especially the old ones, and their eyes faintly revealed a kind of worry.

"It's not safe here, leave first!"

Li Ye also nodded.

Not long after the two of them took the woman away, a few terrible auras appeared here.

Upon closer inspection, it is obvious that not all the people who came here are all in the same group, but this group of people have a similarity, they are all undead! And it's the kind of powerful undead!

At least the realm of Emperor Wuhuang!

Somewhere in the immortal city.

"This thing doesn't seem simple."

Although the things were stolen by themselves, the ancients obviously did not expect that they would cause such a big trouble.

Originally, he just saw that the Demon King attached great importance to it and took it away in exchange for soul fragments. Looking at it now, the old is also a bit regretful.

"Senior, you really don't know the origin of this thing?"

"Boy, if the old man knew this, he would never get caught up in the fire!"

Gu glared at Li Ye, but he was more concerned about the young woman he regarded as his daughter. Since Li Ye took the gems, he fell into a coma again, and it seemed to be getting worse.

At first glance, Li Ye also hurried forward and fed her a few soul pill again.

When everything stabilized, Li Ye took out the gemstone just now and observed it carefully.

"Don't waste any effort. The old man has been getting this thing for some time, but he can't find any clues."

Seeing Li Ye researching, the ancient did not stop him.

Even he didn't want to take it back from Li Ye now, staying away.

Sure enough, after a lot of effort and no clue, Li Ye sighed.

"If the old ghost of the sky sword is still there, it will be fine."

In terms of erudition, Emperor Tianjian is definitely the most powerful person Li Ye has ever seen. Even the Heavenly Dream Saint could not compare this point, but it was a pity that Heavenly Sword Great Emperor had already left.

At the same time, the city of Immortal was in a mess.

Too many undead have been affected, and even some undead have been violent!

Those who were able to appear in the Undead City were all masters of the past, and as a result, they were almost completely confused.

Some undead strong fought, and even caused a terrible aftermath, involving more undead.

And all this is just because of a seemingly ordinary gem in Li Ye now.

"Senior, you said before that the Demon King values ​​this thing very much?"

Who is the Demon King?

One of the three most powerful undead in the Undead City!

It can be said to be the absolute master of the immortal city!

Only the other two powerful undead could contend with the Demon King.

"Hey, boy, I advise you not to hit the Demon King's idea, otherwise, it won't take long for you to be thrown out of the Undead City."

The undead are not afraid of death, because they cannot die at all.

The only thing that scares the undead is one!

The soul gradually weakens and corrupts, and eventually the soul is completely gone and becomes a walking dead.

Among them, among the undead, it is possible to seize part of the soul of each other!

"Perhaps, the Demon King knows what this is."

"The old man doesn't want to be involved in this matter. Since you are interested in this thing, the old man will give it to you."

"Aren't seniors curious?"

From the ancient eyes, Li Ye saw that the other party was actually moved. In other words, he is also a peak emperor. There are few things in this world that interest the peak emperor, but at this moment, the gem in Li Ye's hand is definitely one.

"Compared with Xiaoming, the old man would rather not be curious."

In the end, unexpectedly, Gu shook his head.

Li Ye smiled slightly, "Because of the Demon King? Senior seems to be very afraid of this Demon King?"

"Boy, you don't need to use aggressive methods on the old man. The old man has lived for thousands of years. This little trick is useless to the old man."

"Well, since the predecessors are not interested, then I will solve the secret of this thing myself."

Li Ye put the gems away. He had an intuition that this thing was unusual, and it might even be related to the Immortal City or even the Immortal Curse.

Otherwise, why would the undead react so strangely?

And he is not at all?

If it weren't for the extraordinary magic, he wouldn't even feel any changes just now.

Before leaving, Li Ye looked at the comatose woman again, and it was this look that made him faint.

He came back to his senses again, but found that he had once again entered the previous dream.

It is a dream, but it is extremely real.

The only thing that is not true is himself!

Yes, what is truly illusory is not the undead city that appears in front of you, but he!

"What the **** is here?"

This is definitely an immortal city! He is 70-80% sure that he is still in the immortal city!

However, the immortal city in front of him seemed to have many things different.

It seems like...


Li Ye returned to reality, but cold sweat appeared on his forehead!

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