Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3069: Emperor Bingyi was arrested

The only way to stop and delay is to kill the other undead! Take their souls to replenish themselves!

The more powerful the soul of a person, the longer it can delay the withering and corruption of one's own soul!

This is why Li Ye will be attacked by those undead after stepping into the Undead City.

Those people want his extremely powerful soul! That is his soul!

Both Zhuo Lie and Xuelian were once the supreme powerhouses in the Three Realms.

Even before they became undead, the cultivation base was definitely not just as simple as the Holy Emperor!

As the soul withers, in addition to the loss of memories and feelings, the cultivation base will naturally slowly regress.

Li Ye didn't know how many years the two people in front of him had lived here.

"Indeed, not long ago, I heard that an undead appeared in the city of the undead."

Xuelian frowned slightly, but her tone was unkind. Following Li Ye's eyes, she avoided the sight, obviously there was something hidden.

Zhuo Lie gave a bitter smile and said, "Well, at that time, both of us also took action. After all, in Immortal City, those undead who have lived like us are not easy to provoke. Those whose souls are about to disappear completely, yes. We are useless either."

In short, the two once wanted to join forces to kill an undead who suddenly appeared in the Undead City with a complete and powerful soul.

But judging from their expressions, it should be a failure and a loss.

"I don't know, what does that undead person look like?"

Li Ye naturally didn't break this point. The undead robbed the soul of their desire to survive, regardless of whether they were cruel or not.

Or, if there is no cruelty, you can't live long in this undead city.

Described from the two populations, Li Ye is almost 70% sure!

That person is the Great Bing Yi!

A woman with a strong cultivation base, but seriously injured!

A beautiful and charming woman!

Still alive!

Li Ye's heart was somewhat settled.

At least he had a clue that Bingyi might still be alive, but for him, the news that Zhuo Lie gave him was not very good.

"Little brother, if the person you are looking for is the woman, then I advise you to give up."

Whether it was Zhuo Lie or Xuelian, their expressions were solemn.

This caused Li Ye's heart to sink. If the Great Bingyi died, it would be a huge blow to the Saint Demon Gate and Princess Saint Demon Gate!

Even he was a little bit sorrowful, after all, Emperor Bing Yi had secretly helped him more than once.


Li Ye's expression was a bit ugly, but he quickly reacted!

"Wait, you said before that there has been an undead who has never seen a powerful person?"

Undead! But you can't kill it! Unless you die too many times or live for too long, your soul will eventually decay and wither, and it will become the walking corpse-like monsters outside.

Emperor Bing Yi, it is impossible to be killed continuously!

It is even more impossible to have no soul so quickly!

The soul of the emperor! It is definitely not what ordinary people can imagine!

Even if Emperor Bingyi is only the four orifices of the primordial spirit, in the eyes of the world, it is like a river and sea, boundless!

"That's not true. This person is really powerful. If Xuelian and I joined forces, they weren't her enemies with several tricks. If it weren't for her, she would have been seriously injured. Maybe in this immortal city, few people would be her opponents."

A great emperor was almost killed by two holy emperors!

Li Ye can imagine that the Great Bingyi must have been seriously injured and dying at the beginning, otherwise the Holy Emperor would not be close to her and would be torn apart by her will.

Since he is not dead, Li Ye has no worries!

"Little brother, the person you are looking for is in a bad situation now."

Zhuo Lie wanted to speak but stopped.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes.

In this immortal city, naturally the same is true.

No one knows how many undead people exist in the immortal city.

For millions of years, too many people have stepped into the ancient realm of the Ming Demon, some died in the hands of those undead monsters, and some people were cursed of the immortality, and came to the immortal city, looking for a solution to the curse.

And in the immortal city, it is more cruel than the outside world!

Only if you are stronger than others can you be qualified to survive!

Zhuo Lie and Xuelian, the cultivation bases of the holy emperor, in this immortal city, are just barely qualified to survive.

Three kings!

Among the countless undead in the Undead City, three terrifying undead in the ruling class!

Demon King! Ghost King! King of the Moon!

Ordinary undead, in their eyes, are like ants! Even the powerful Saint Emperor like Zhuo Lie and his wife dare not greedy the name of the Three Kings loudly!

It is enough to see how much influence these three kings of the undead have in the Undead City!

But what made Li Ye smile helplessly was that he learned from Zhuo Lie that the person who might be the Great Bing Yi now fell into the hands of one of them.

Demon King!

Inheritance space.

Princess Saint Demon Gate had already awakened, but after waking up, Li Ye found the breath of those undead from her body.

Although it was still very weak, he was sure that the Immortal Curse had indeed begun to work.

"Master was arrested?"

"Don't get excited, I'm just guessing that there is a high possibility that that person is the Great Bingyi."

Knowing that her master was restricted in freedom, Princess Saint Demon was naturally a little excited.

On the other hand, Shui Linglong was calmer. She glanced at Li Ye and asked, "With the cultivation base of Senior Bingyi, it should be impossible for ordinary people to restrict her freedom, even if she is injured."

This is what Li Ye was worried about.

No matter how injured, a demon emperor dignified, wanting to catch it, it is harder than reaching the sky!

But here, it is in the immortal city!

"So, we assume that that person is Senior Bing Yi, then the three kings of the undead in the so-called Undead City are at least equivalent to the realm of a great emperor!"

After all, Shui Linglong was once the lord of a sect. At a critical moment, she calmly analyzed it and concluded, "This matter cannot be impulsive. First, we must determine the identity and safety of Senior Bing Yi, and then make plans."

"If the so-called three kings of the undead are the three most powerful of all the undead, even if they want to save people, they can only be outsmart, not capable of enemies!"

How many years has the Immortal City existed?

How many invincible powerhouses who were once masters of the Three Realms have fallen here?

It's not easy to be able to rule the king in this kind of place, think about it with your butt.

Moreover, he caught the Great Bing Yi so easily, if he rushed in, Li Ye wouldn't dare to think about the end.

Shui Linglong's pair of Qiushui cut her pupils and glanced at Li Ye with a smile, "You should have an idea in your heart?"

To say that the one who knows Li Ye best, it is really Shui Linglong!

Li Ye smiled mysteriously, the plan is indeed already there!

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