Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3057: Tentative

Jinghong Empress!

A human emperor made many demons in southern Xinjiang panic, and few people could do it for millions of years.

"Huaye Village, Nanhuo Sect, Yushengge, tusk, how many tens of thousands of years have you not seen such a spectacular scene?"

A wave of powerful demon light flashed in the void, and then a series of terrifying and invincible figures stepped out of it.

The weakest of these strong people who appeared were the Saint Emperor Realm, and many of them came in person such as the Supreme Saint Emperor.

But so many powerful people, at the moment they stepped out of the void, as if they did not dare to offend a certain taboo, they quickly condensed all their breath and fell directly from the void.

At a glance, one by one, the extremely powerful monster clan experts, all looked cautious, and with a sense of anxiety and various intentions, they boarded the Saint Demon Gate.

Several disciples of the Saint Demon Gate were standing at the gate of the mountain at this time, and wanted to enter the Saint Demon Gate only through them.

Although on weekdays, as a disciple of the Saint Demon Sect, he would definitely walk sideways in Southern Xinjiang, without looking at the expressions of people. But after all, they are just ordinary disciples, and their cultivation bases are not high.

But now, those big figures with faces and faces in Southern Xinjiang, a holy emperor or even a supreme holy emperor, are going to nod and bow their heads, appearing cautiously in front of them, directly making these disciples at a loss what to do.

However, as more and more powerful people from the Southern Xinjiang Great Sect visited, these disciples also became numb.

One or two were surprised. When almost two-thirds of the powerful sects in Southern Xinjiang had people coming, they were completely calm.

"It's been many thousands of years, right? The one who passed just now was the vice-master of Nanhuo Sect? I heard that he was a holy emperor 30,000 years ago, and now I don't know if I have stepped into the realm of the supreme holy emperor!"

"Yeah, before him, the Jade Fairy from Huayezhuang was really as beautiful as the rumored one. He was so beautiful! If you didn't know that her old man had lived for at least 50,000 years, who would have thought ."

The other disciple couldn't help taking a breath. A fairy from Huayezhuang just passed by, but took away their souls.

"Fairy Jade is indeed stunning on earth, but compared to our princess, it is still half a deal."

"Of course! Our princess is the number one beauty in southern Xinjiang!"

A few more terrifying demon lights emerged from the void, and then only a group of people landed.

"It's the indestructibility of Qing Cangmen!"

The leader is one of the most top geniuses of the Monster Race today, the descendants of Qing Cangmen are indestructible!

Seeing that it was him, these Saint Demon Sect disciples didn't dare to hold up like they did just now, and quickly greeted them.

"Dare to ask, but Qing Cangmen's Indestructible Senior Brother?"

Originally, as a few ordinary disciples of them, they were naturally not qualified to stand in front of such emperor Taoist heirs such as Zhe Wuxi, but now and then, even if the two Qing Cangmen elders who followed Jue Wuxi, they all piled up quickly. With a smile, "Several brothers, it is our young master."

"It turns out that it is the two seniors of Qing Cangmen and Senior Brother Jue Wuxi, please here."

In this scene, the other powerful sects of the monster clan who came to visit couldn't help shaking their heads and sighing.

"Dimen Taoism is still Emperor Taoism after all, not you and I can compare."

"Yes, and I heard that in that matter, Qing Cangmen ended up on the side of the Saint Demon Gate, and now the two great emperors have a very close relationship."

There are no eternal friends and no eternal enemies.

This proverb can be seen perfectly from the relationship between Qing Cangmen and Saint Demon Gate.

Almost the top sects and strong men in the Southern Xinjiang platoon are now coming to the Saint Demon Gate. The purpose is actually clear in everyone's mind.

Including many disciples and elders of the Saint Demon Gate, they are equally clear.

"Hundreds of thousands of years, there has never been such a prosperous age, but it is a pity..."

The elders of the Saint Demon Gate shook their heads, and they naturally felt a little complicated.

The brilliance of the Saint Demon Gate is only on the surface, they are very clear about what these people are here for.

"The saint ancestor has his destiny, temporarily stabilize the people of the big sects and wait for the princess to rescue the emperor!"

On the surface, the scenery is endless, but inside the Saint Demon Gate, there are many elders and even the ancestors of the Saint Emperor level who are worried. For nothing else, the life and death of Emperor Bingyi is still unknown. If Emperor Bingyi falls, the result for the Saint Demon Gate will definitely not be better than the Jiuyao Hall.

On the surface, the Saint Demon Gate has almost surpassed its appeal at its peak in Southern Xinjiang.

But Yubao Yaozun and other ancestors knew very well in their hearts that these were only given by two people.

"Fortunately, Empress Jinghong had friendship with Emperor Wuxin, and she was also the protector of Young Master Li Ye. Now she can stabilize the situation."

"This is not a long-term solution. I only hope that this time the princess can find the emperor and return, otherwise..."

Jiuyao Hall and Lvshui Garden have been unable to escape from the world one after another, which is regarded as a stage faded out of southern Xinjiang. But for the Saint Demon Gate, the life and death of Emperor Bingyi was very important.

"If the Jinghong Empress is willing to make a move, even if it's the Ming Demon Ancient Realm..."

"I don't want to mention this. The Empress Jinghong has always been moody. If you don't have a last resort, don't provoke it!"

Regarding the thoughts of the other demon masters in the door, Jade Demon Venerable shook his head and objected, "Let's wait until Young Master Li Ye and His Royal Highness come back. The same is true for the holy ancestor."

The Empress Jinghong is now in the Saint Demon Gate.

In the entire southern Xinjiang, countless sects and monster races were ancient existences, and they couldn't understand the thought of the devil in their eyes.

The only reason that made them think about it was the rumors that more than 100,000 years ago, the Wuxin Great Emperor of the Saint Demon Gate was also of human origin, and he had such a little friendship with this Jinghong Empress.

When everyone came to see you, apart from truly expressing surrender to the Empress Jinghong, it was more of a temptation!

Southern Xinjiang! After all, it is the world of monsters!

The Empress Jinghong is not the kind of ambition, and she will never stay in southern Xinjiang for long!

At the same time, it is also what the Saint Demon Gate is most worried about.

Once the Empress Jinghong leaves and loses the Saint Demon Gate guarded by the Demon Emperor, what will be the most severe challenge in a million years!

Take a look at Jiuyao Hall and Green Water Park! There are also the fate of those emperors who have chosen to avoid the world for millions of years and have not faded out of the struggle for hegemony or even been destroyed by others.

"It all depends on the princess."

With a long sigh, today's Saint Demon Gate is an eventful season. Can the millions of years of inheritance be maintained?

Ming Demon Ancient Realm!

That was a dead Jedi that even the demon emperor stepped into and would die forever!

And this very ancient piece of land is rumored to be buried with the bones of countless powerful people in the Three Realms. Two human figures are quietly shuttled back and forth on the earth where the powerful souls are floating all day long.

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