Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3045: Heavenly Devil

Emperor explosion!

Li Ye directly hit the emperor explosion with the soul refining lamp!


Amid the roars and screams, everything disappeared, and the three Jiuyaodian ancestors who had just joined forces to kill Li Ye just now disappeared physically, and the faint light of the three flees in an instant!


In front of the emperor explosion, their bodies were obviously destroyed, but even the primordial spirits that had not completely destroyed the three of them were broken.

"I'm waiting, it's you."

A hand appeared instantly and grabbed one of the souls!

At the same time, Wangcai transformed into a huge body of an ancient demon god, swallowing another primordial spirit in one bite.

Only the last soul, took advantage of this opportunity to escape.

Li Ye didn't stop it. For him, it was very difficult to catch the three souls at once. Grasping a supreme holy emperor's soul is enough for him!

"Wangcai, you foodie, I keep this thing useful."

Feeling Wangcai's greedy and pleasing eyes, Li Ye naturally understood that he was also salivating for the soul in his hands.

After all, once such a powerful soul is swallowed, it is an excellent opportunity to make up for it.

"Oh, master, I'll go after the old guy just now!"

As a foodie, how can the deliciousness of nature let it escape?

Wangcai naturally knew that there was no way to get one from Li Ye's hands, and immediately shifted his target to the soul that had just escaped.

Li Ye didn't bother about it either. Although Wangcai now lost to the Demon Emperor, but the ordinary supreme holy emperor met, he might not be able to make money in his hands.

What's more, there is only a strand of the supreme sacred emperor of the soul, in front of Wangcai, the descendant of the sky-swallowing devil wolf, it is like a stripped beauty, at the mercy of others.

"Little friend, you don't want to..."

Seeing Li Ye grabbing the soul of a supreme holy emperor, everyone was once again deeply shocked!

Li Ye cracked his teeth and smiled, "The soul-refining lamp is good for everything. It is the most troublesome thing to sacrifice to the soul as the fuel to ignite, but now I have the soul that can be sacrificed again. "

As soon as this statement came out, everyone retreated violently! Face like a kill.

And the primordial spirit who was caught by Li Ye roared even more!

"Little Li Ye! You can kill but not be insulted! If you have a kind, kill the old man now! Otherwise, the old man will not let you go if he is a ghost!"

At this moment, the many powerhouses in the Jiuyao Temple have long regretted it!

Why do you say it's okay to provoke Li Ye this pervert?

Even a group of people, with deep resentment in their eyes, looked at the now lingering Young Master Wu Ya.

"Wuya! If you didn't insist on marrying the princess of the Saint Demon Gate, how could it have evolved into the ending today!"

They also didn't care that Young Master Wuya was the heir of the Jiuyao Hall. The identity of the disciple passed down by the Emperor Sun Yat-sen was about to die now, and naturally the grievance broke out directly.

They dare not take Li Ye, but they need to find a catharsis.

Even the ancestor of the Jiuyao Temple, who was pinched by Li Ye in his hand and only left to be slaughtered by the soul, roared, "Wuya! Where is the emperor!"

Up to now, the only one who can prevent Li Ye from slaughtering the Jiuyao Temple is the Great Emperor.

But Young Master Wuya looked dark, if Emperor Sun Yao was still in Jiuyao Hall, he would have come forward long ago! Seeing his expression, everyone understood.

Emperor Sun Yao is not in the Jiu Yao Hall!

This was also expected, otherwise Li Ye would be killed in this crazy state, no matter how good his temper, the demon emperor who didn't care about the sect would not help jumping out.

"Nine Lights Hall, it's over!"

"If you do anything wrong, you will die! This is what they asked for!"

Even some demon sects that did not have any conflict with Jiuyao Temple have hated Jiuyao Temple at this moment! If it weren't for Li Ye, they would have died under the conspiracy of Jiu Yao Temple.

"Now even if Emperor Sun Yao rushes back, he may not be able to stop it!"

Looking at the soul-refining lamp in Li Ye's hand, everyone hesitated. When the Demon Emperor came, could he really stop it?

You know, Li Ye has another supreme holy emperor's primordial spirit in his hands, which can instantly be used as a sacrifice to let the soul-refining lamp show its ruinous side.

Seeing that Li Ye was murderous, he was about to sacrifice his soul again.

Suddenly, Young Master Wu Ya roared.

"Li Ye! If you kill us all, you will never want to get out of this formation!"

This sound indeed made Li Ye stop.

The formation on the first layer outside the Jiuyao Hall trapped everyone.

"You can choose to kill me, but the formation is only known to me and my master! If we don't solve the formation, you will always be trapped here! When my master comes back, it will be Your death date!"

After speaking, Young Master Wuya laughed wildly.

He was defeated, a complete defeat! Even self-esteem, status, prestige within the Yaozu, everything, everything is ruined! Destroyed in Li Ye's hands!

The first genius of the dignified Jiuyao Hall, the disciple of the Demon Emperor, the person who inherited the sage, the blood of the sacred beast! How high-spirited, but everything is ruined!

"Little friends, the formation will not disappear. Once we are trapped here, Jiuyao Hall and Helan's house will definitely make trouble in the outside world!"

"Yes, if the Helan family's army arrives at that time, the entire southern Xinjiang will be unprepared!"

At the thought of being trapped here, everyone looked worried.

Young Master Wuya laughed wildly, "Li Ye, whether you kill me or let me go, everything is in your mind! You don't have to think about breaking the formation! This is the Helan Family Tiansha. Fortune formation, unless it is the person who sets up the formation, even the Demon Emperor will never want to break the formation!"

With that wild laughter, everyone turned pale after hearing the words!

"Tiansha Fate Array! It turned out to be Tiansha Fate Array! Damn it!"

Li Ye frowned, obviously because he didn't understand this formation.

"Little friend, the evil fate formation must be broken this day! Otherwise..."

Before Yubao Yaozun could explain, Young Master Wuya laughed wildly, "Fatal Formation! Anyone who dies in this formation will be absorbed by the formation! The energy of the formation! The more people die, the faster the formation will take shape! Now, the calculation should be enough! When the Destiny Array is really activated, all of us will die here! Become the nourishment of the Destiny Array! "

Everyone trembled, and finally understood why they felt that the power in the body was slowly fading since they fell into the formation. At this moment, they finally understand!

Even at this moment, that kind of passing speed is rapidly accelerating!

After so many powerhouses died, the Heavenly Destiny Formation was completely activated! Before you know it, the entire Jiuyao Hall is like a **** on earth!

God! Jedi!

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