Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3042: Light the soul refining lamp!

The moment Li Ye took control of the Soul Refining Lamp, the situation had actually been reversed.

Helan Yuanming is not a fool, knowing that things cannot be violated.

"Li Ye! I hope you won't set foot in Dongzhou one day! Otherwise, it will be the day you die!"

After finishing speaking, he directly smashed a jade charm on his body, and a ray of light flashed across it, directly engulfing him in it, and at the same time, the power directly even the void could tear a hole in an instant.

"Teleport Symbol!"

Seeing Helan Yuanming crushed the jade charm, everyone knew that he wanted to escape.

However, his movements were so fast that even the other masters of the Helan family had no time to stop them.

As soon as Helan Yuanming was about to escape, the other masters of the Helan family also took out the teleportation charms on their bodies. Obviously, this group of people had been prepared before they came. They all carried this kind of escape talisman, and withdrew at a critical time. .

It's just that they want to leave, but Li Ye can't let them go so easily!

"Want to go? Ask me if I agree first!"

The World of Five Elements was directly suppressed, and several masters of the Helan Family screamed. They seemed to hit an invisible wall directly from the cracks in the void, and fell down with screams.

Not only them, including Helan Yuanming and the old man of the Helan family, the teleportation charms on everyone lost their effect in an instant.

They hit the invisible wall one after another and were directly bounced back.

At this time, the talents suddenly realized that Li Ye's release of his small world was not for resisting the soul-refining lamp, but for blocking the way for the Helan family's masters to escape at critical moments.

"In my little world! None of you can leave!"

The Yuanshen returned to his throne, and although he had seized the soul-refining lamp, these magic weapons were not simply usable, and he was directly thrown into the inheritance space.

In the blink of an eye, there were several screams.

Many masters of Helan's family separated, and the souls fled one by one.

But what greeted them was a huge mouth of blood!

"Wangcai, **** it, save me some!"

Swallowing a few primordial spirits of the holy emperor in one bite, a behemoth directly revealed its original shape.

Three-headed dog body! It was Wangcai who hadn't seen for a long time, Li Ye's original contract summoning beast.

But today's Wangcai has long been different from the little demon wolf back then, with the terrifying aura of the demon **** overwhelming the world! As soon as it appeared, there were several major bloodline suppressions especially on the many powerful monsters!

After all, it is the descendant of the Sky-Swallowing Demon Wolf, even if the blood is not strong, it has swallowed the flesh and soul of countless strong men and the blood of the three-headed dog of **** for so long, and it has long surpassed the ordinary holy beast!

Even if it is facing a beast, it is not too much.


Wangcai's intentions were obviously still unfinished, and at the same time, the whole body was shining with pale golden light. It was the most primitive blood return phenomenon of the monster beast after the bloodline was close to the purest.

"A monster of the Demon Emperor!"

Seeing Wangcai, the many demons were absolutely surprised!

After all, in today’s Three Realms, monsters often become humans when they reach the realm of the Demon Emperor. Especially in southern Xinjiang, many of the monsters were originally terrifying monsters, but they have cultivated to the realm of the Demon Emperor since they started their wisdom. After that, it transformed into a human body, almost no different from ordinary monsters and humans.

"Master, leave these little ones to me!"

Wangcai was able to spit out people's words a long time ago, and now even after he appeared, he rushed towards those strong in Helan's family and even Jiuyaodian!

For it, it is already an instinctive drive to devour more powerful people to increase the degree of blood awakening, just like the most primitive beast facing the desire for fresh flesh and blood.

"Stop the beast!"

With the appearance of Wangcai, the group of strong men who killed was panicked, and even the strong men of the Saint Emperor level did not dare to take it easily, because just now, there was a Saint Emperor who was directly crushed by Wangcai! With a bitter scream, he was swallowed.

That kind of picture, even those old monsters who have lived for tens of thousands of years, couldn't help shaking.

Simple and rude!

As far as the monster beast is concerned, there are not so many twists and turns, and swallowing its own enemies in one bite is often the most direct way for the monster beast to fight. What's more, the nature of the Sky-Swallowing Devil Wolf is to devour everything!

"Li Ye! Do you want to be immortal with the Helan family?"

At this time, Helan Yuanming finally panicked.

When he came to Southern Xinjiang this time, he never expected to end up like this. More than a dozen holy emperors of the Helan family, and even the ancestor of the supreme holy emperor's cultivation, escorted!

With two emperor soldiers, even if he met the demon emperors in southern Xinjiang, Helan Yuanming was confident that he could walk away safely without fear of anyone!

However, he never thought that he would fall into Li Ye's hands.

It suddenly occurred to him that before he left, Helan Tianlang's profound gaze suddenly made his whole body freezing cold!

Because he thought of a terrible guess!

"Does the young master already know!"

He didn't dare to imagine it, but the suspicion deep in his heart grew like poison like crazy!

Helan home! Except for Helan Tianlang! He Lan Yuanming!

One mountain, no two tigers!

He was swallowed directly by the boundless sea of ​​blood, without any struggle.

The ancestors of the Helan family burst into anger!

But the same, was directly beheaded by Li Ye! However, his physical body was completely useless to Li Ye, and he threw it directly to Wangcai to swallow it, leaving only the weak primordial spirit.

"Little beast! If you want to kill, you have to pluck it, listen and respect! Today's hatred, the Helan family will never forget!"

A sneer appeared at the corner of Li Ye's mouth, and then directly called out the soul refining lamp that had just been suppressed and subdued.

As soon as the soul refining lamp came out, the soul in Li Ye's hand trembled directly!

No matter how long he lives, only the soul remains, and he is like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered in front of the soul refining lamp.

"Know why I keep your soul?"

Li Ye's voice didn't sound like any strong killing intent, even like the boy next door, with a trace of sunshine.

But the next moment, he directly plunged the wisp of soul into the soul refining lamp, and at the same time muttered to himself, "A primordial soul of the supreme holy emperor is enough to keep the soul refining lamp burning for a long time!"

Refining the soul lamp! The soul of the strong is needed as the fuelwood for burning! There is nothing more pleasant than killing one's own enemy directly and pulling out the other's soul to throw into the soul refining lamp!

For a moment!

The terrifying blue flame of the soul refining lamp once again bloomed in the void like the most enchanting flower on the other side of the yellow spring.

Countless screams followed.

The many powerhouses in Jiuyaodian and Lushuiyuan struggled directly under the soul-refining lamp and fled frantically! But one after another was blocked in Li Ye's small world of five elements!

One by one, they watched their own souls, under the soul refining lamp, flying ashes and annihilation!

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