Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3040: History repeats itself?

"The old man is willing to surrender to the Helan family!"

Another ancestor of the monster race, finally couldn't bear the fear and pain of the soul being melted by the searing heat, and finally gave up resistance.

At the same time, every strongman who still survived the monster race chose to surrender.

Among them, any one's cultivation base is placed in the world, and it is definitely one of the strong!

Not to mention that even the Supreme Holy Emperor finally bowed his head. In the face of death, no dignity is important to survive.

It's just that these people, although they shouted to surrender, they have not yet made an oath to the world!

Especially those demon clan elders, they have lived for tens of thousands of years, they have long been old and cunning.

Once the oath of heaven and earth is made, you can't get rid of it in this life, otherwise it would be a sky thunder from the heavens, directly smashing them into fly ash!

Even if they find a secret realm of hiding or lay down numerous formations to escape the world, the backlash after the oath is destroyed is enough to allow them to burst out from the heart demon anytime and anywhere in the future, and it is better to die under the backlash of the heart demon.

No one can break the oath of heaven and earth! That is the Three Realms and Nine Realms, the most powerful kind of constraint.

The old man of the Helan family was cold-faced, and only those who made the oath of heaven and earth would be spared by him being included in the gourd of the day, otherwise he would ignore it.

"Damn it! The Helan family is going to kill them all!"

Obviously, the Helan family are not stupid. They don’t have an oath of heaven and earth as a bondage. The so-called surrender is just an expedient measure in the eyes of strong people like them, and what Helan wants is not the demons in southern Xinjiang. The superficial compliments and bowing, but to really surrender to Helan's house!

At the same time, the life and death between Li Ye and Helan Yuanming has reached the most critical moment!

Holding the soul refining lamp, Helan Yuanming almost controlled the whole situation.

However, the only soul that couldn't suppress Li Ye approached!

Zi Zi Zi!

Li Ye's primordial spirit ignited flames all over, burning crazily. But facing such a terrifying soul killer, his soul was still close to the soul refining lamp.

"Li Ye! You are looking for a dead end!"

The power of Li Ye Yuanshen far exceeded Helan Yuanming's imagination.

But he still didn't think Li Ye could stop the Helan family's plan this time!

"No one can stop refining the soul lamp!"

nobody! Only Emperor Nandu, who once refined the soul-refining lamp, and Helan Yuanming, who now sacrificed his soul as the fuelwood in the soul-refining lamp!

Li Ye's primordial spirit has shrunk a whole circle, but even so, it is enough to shock everyone!

"Damn, what kind of reincarnation is this kid! The strength of the soul is incomparable to even the emperor!"

"This is replaced by a supreme holy emperor's primordial spirit, has it burned out a long time ago?"

"The most enchanting genius in the history of the monster race, **** it, if it weren't for the Jiuyao Hall secretly colluding with the Dongzhou Helan family, how could it evolve into the result today!"

Today, the only one who can save them is Li Ye!

But no matter how powerful Li Ye's primordial spirit is, how can he destroy the only soul-refining lamp in the world that restrains the primordial spirit? This is like a meat bun hitting a dog, there is no return.

Helan Yuanming also knows this!

Seeing Li Ye's primordial spirit suddenly grabbed towards the soul refining lamp, he was directly surprised, and then burst into laughter!

"Li Ye! You really don't deserve to be the opponent of the young master! With the primordial spirit approaching the soul refining lamp, you are..."

Suddenly, his laughter came in shock!

In sight, Li Ye's huge primordial spirit directly grabbed the soul refining lamp with a palm, and at the same time, his entire body was madly burning faster!

"That kid is crazy!"

"Catch the soul lamp with the soul!"

A scene that was absolutely impossible, but now appeared in front of everyone.

Including Helan Yuanming himself, all of them lost their minds at once. After all, even Helan Tianlang, the only person in his life who thought it was impossible to surpass and was truly qualified to become the Lord of the Three Realms in this era, could not achieve this level.

In an instant, Li Ye grabbed the hand that refining the soul lamp, and it was completely melted, followed by his arm.


Helan Yuanming quickly recovered and gave a cold snort!

But the next moment, Li Ye's other hand once again buckled the soul refining lamp!

At the same time the most incredible scene appeared!

The arm that had been refining and burning disappeared, unexpectedly grew out again.

"How is it possible? His soul!"

It is impossible to simply replenish any damage suffered by the soul, even if it is to swallow a dedicated spirit pill, it will take a long time to recover!

And in front of me, the arm that had just been refined by the soul refining lamp, unexpectedly recovered so quickly!

"There can be no souls in the world who can repair themselves! Unless..."

Suddenly, without knowing who thought of something, the whole person trembled frantically!

Because he thought of a legend, a legend that is unique, it can even be said that no one has confirmed it!

This exclamation also awakened Helan Yuanming directly!

He also thought of the legend!

That regretful legend that even Helan Tianlang stopped.

"Nascent Soul! Nine Apertures!"

He popped out of his teeth word by word! But soon even he couldn't believe it, and shook his head directly!

"Absolutely impossible! No one in this world can break!"

Is there really no one?

Helan Yuanming actually had the answer long ago!

Emperor Hengtian!

Although no one has really confirmed this!

But in that era, Emperor Hengtian truly swept the entire Three Realms, and no one was able to defeat him! The great emperor of the same time, the demon emperor, had only stepped up his tail in front of the great emperor Hengtian and did not dare to offend him.

People in later generations all wondered why Hengtian the Great was so against the sky, but no one had found the answer.

Among them, the most convincing one is the Great Emperor Hengtian, who has been the only Great Emperor of the Nine Aperture Realm of the Primordial God for millions of years!

This is why he is truly invincible!

Thinking of hundreds of thousands of years ago, the entire Three Realms, in front of Emperor Hengtian, all surrendered.

Helan Yuanming's heart crazily rose with a strong chill!

At that moment, even he had always believed that Helan Tianlang, who is unparalleled in the world and that no one can compete with in this era, suddenly became dim!

Hundreds of thousands of years ago, Helan Tianlang met Emperor Hengtian and finally reluctantly chose the feudalism! He slept for hundreds of thousands of years before waking up recently!

"Could it be that history will repeat itself?"

Helan Yuanming showed horror! The rest of the people did the same! Because they also thought of this!

Hundreds of thousands of years ago, Emperor Hengtian was like a flash of lightning in the dark night, sweeping countless geniuses in the Three Realms and Nine Realms! Including Helan Tianlang!

Now, the goddess of fate seems to have made a big joke!

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