Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3031: Cut off the body of the Supreme Holy Emperor and destroy his soul!

Even if it is the Supreme Holy Emperor, all the supernatural powers are sealed, and even the spiritual energy of heaven and earth can't be sensed, and the same becomes weak.


After all, it was a powerful existence that was once invincible in the world. After the ancestor Hou Luo found that he couldn't communicate with the aura of heaven and earth, and was sealed with all the seals and uprights, a divine weapon appeared directly in his hand.

"Emperor weapon!"

As soon as this magic weapon appeared, Li Ye's eyes burst into sharpness!

However, he was not surprised. As one of the oldest ancestors in Jiuyao Hall, Patriarch Hou Luo's position in Jiuyao Hall was equivalent to that of Xu Zu in the Saint Demon Gate. Even if it was not as good, it was almost the same.

With his identity and strength, it is not uncommon to have one or two imperial artifacts in his hand.

As soon as the imperial weapon came out, an invincible will appeared immediately!



A blow with an emperor weapon, although not an emperor explosion, is enough to surpass the power level above the supreme holy emperor.

I saw the world trembling violently with the five-color light, as if it was about to be broken away from it.

That is the world of five elements that Li Ye displayed!

Unlike this world, the Three Realms and Nine Realms!

Completely belong to him, independent of a piece of heaven and earth outside the Three Realms!

Here, even the heavens can't get involved! Everything is transformed by his will.

After several attacks with imperial weapons, the entire world of the five elements is also shaky. After all, it just evolved from the beginning of the world, and it is not complete.

At this moment, encountering the powerful attack of the imperial weapon, especially the invincible will of the emperor, Li Ye did not hesitate!

"Since you have entered my world, even if you are carrying an imperial weapon, you can never leave today alive!"

Li Ye appeared directly in front of Old Ancestor Hou Luo, his face full of murderous intent!

"Little beasts are going to be rampant! Even if your little world is weird, never want to trap the old man!"


The ancestor Hou Luo is in charge of the imperial weapon, and a powerful will emerges madly from it!

It was even more terrifying than when the Prince Wuya was holding the imperial weapon just now!

The same is the imperial weapon, in the hands of the old ancestor Hou Luo, and has been with him for hundreds of thousands of years, it is no longer comparable to the ordinary imperial weapon!

Looking closely, it was a piece of inkstone, but only the inkstones in it had turned into the sharpest edges, and the world was to be completely shredded.

With more attacks, this small world of Five Elements gradually collapsed, and at the same time, the ancestor Hou Luo relied on his few blood essence to urge the imperial inkstone in his hand, and it was also the stage when the oil was exhausted.

Suddenly, another stronger will fell from the sky!

It turned into an incomparably bright edge and slashed directly on the inkstone!


Even the emperor himself was difficult to break the imperial weapon, but at this moment there was a crisp crack, several cracks spread directly, and then under the horrified eyes of the ancestor Hou Luo, it was completely transformed. For powder.

"how is this possible!"

Looking at the completely broken pieces of the imperial weapon, Old Ancestor Hou Luo couldn't believe his eyes!

The imperial weapon in his hand is not even inferior to the emperor soldiers refined by the emperor who just stepped into the emperor realm! It is the most excellent treasure in him! For countless years, he almost made him escape from life in all kinds of desperate dangers, and even killed his enemies in turn!

Unexpectedly, today, he was directly cut to pieces!

"Imperial weapon! So what!"

The icy voice fell from his head, and Li Ye stepped down from the sky step by step, as if there was an invisible flat ground on the soles of his feet.

Every step is like stepping on the heart of Old Ancestor Hou Luo!


That is a kind of soul shock!

Even though he was as powerful as the ancestor of Hou Luo, he spouted a big mouthful of blood, and the whole person became a lot older at once.

"This is definitely not the road of the Empress Jinghong and Emperor Danwu! Little beast! Who are you disciple!?"

As an old monster that has lived for hundreds of thousands of years, the ancestor of Hou Luo is not comparable to the others.

After a short fight, he realized that something terrifying was hidden in the young man before him!

That is definitely not the effect of real dragon blood!

Especially the sea of ​​blood that almost completely swallowed him up just now! He has never heard of it for hundreds of thousands of years!

There is still this world in front of me!

It directly eliminated all the laws of heaven and earth and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth!

How amazing is this?

Who disciple?

Li Ye showed a sneer.

The next moment, he cut off the head of Old Ancestor Hou Luo with a single sword!

However, a divine light flashed away!

It is the soul of the ancestor Hou Luo!

"Want to run?"

The faint silhouette of the figure is a trace of the soul! And the corpse of Old Ancestor Hou Luo was directly thrown by Li Ye into the endless sea of ​​blood behind him! At the same time, a stream of incomparable strength poured into his body, although it was mixed, but within a short time, his strength could once again be raised to a level!

"Swallow the blood! It really is extremely domineering!"

Even the strong like Hou Luo Ancestor can swallow it! It's a pity that the ancestor of Hou Luo is an old monster who has almost stepped into death. He has not much blood and energy, so the effect is not as big as expected.

"Little beast! Today's revenge, this seat will be returned a hundred times in the future!"

The soul uttered a deafening roar, resentful!

One of the oldest existences in the Hall of Dignity Jiuyao, has hardly been so embarrassed for hundreds of thousands of years, and today is almost driven to despair by a junior!

"His day? It's a pity you have no chance!"

This world is in his grasp! The ancestor of Hou Luo wanted to run, but found that it was suppressed by a force different from the law of heaven!

Without even screaming, he saw the five divine lights swallowing his soul in an instant, completely disappearing.

Hou Luo ancestor, a generation of supreme holy emperor!

Completely fall!

Even the soul didn't have time to escape.

At that moment, everyone who saw this scene, whether it was Yunshan Tiejian and others, or the many powerful people in Jiuyao Hall, a strong chill came out from behind!

"Damn, this kid, what a monster!"

Kill the holy emperor! Like a pig dog!

Now that even the Supreme Holy Emperor was killed by him?

Young Master Wuya was even more frightened, shaking violently!

Once the ancestor Hou Luo died, who could stop Li Ye now?

Other powerhouses in Jiuyaodian?

At this moment, they are fighting with the strong men of other sects, but those mysterious people who are obviously dressed in different clothes, it is impossible to listen to his dispatch.

"help me!"

Young Master Wuya was fleeing frantically towards that group of mysterious strong men, and he ignored any image. At this time, the only thing he wanted in his heart was how to survive from Li Ye!

Obviously, this group of mysterious people are terribly powerful! It looked faintly, still above the many powerful people in Jiuyao Hall.

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