Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3028: Everyone is dumbfounded!

Suddenly he made a sneak attack, and when he shot it, he sacrificed an imperial weapon!

Young Master Wuya is undoubtedly frantic at the moment. After losing to Li Ye, the only thought in his heart is to kill Li Ye! Only by killing Li Ye can he wash away his shame today!

"court death!"

A touch of cold light flashed from the depths of Li Ye's eyes!

However, he was caught off guard and was hit by the power of the imperial instrument guqin. The whole body trembled, and several mouthfuls of blood were sprayed out.

"It's really mean!"

Don't say that Li Ye is angry at this moment, even everyone is a shameless son.

Only a few powerhouses in Jiuyaodian all sneered.

"Today, my Jiuyao Hall vowed to kill this little beast!"

The guqin in the hands of Prince Wuya sputters terrible sound blades crazily, and each sound blade is almost like a great emperor holding a guqin playing invincible sounds!

Even, those sound blades seemed to have turned into a sound killing array, terrifying!

"Emperor weapon!"

The power of the Three Realms and Nine Realms is almost self-evident. Even if the supreme holy emperor met, unless there were also imperial weapons and imperial soldiers, he would not dare to act rashly.

It's just that the imperial weapon and imperial soldiers only have some imperial sects, but some ordinary powerful men and sects are sighing.

For example, Yunshan Iron Sword, as a supreme sacred emperor, the treasures of his whole body cannot be compared with juniors like Young Master Wu Ya.

After all, the Sword Sect of Yunshan is just an ordinary school, and no demon emperor has ever been born, let alone the emperor weapon and emperor soldiers.

The only imperial weapon in his body was still seized after beheading another strong man, but he was never willing to take it out.

"This is the foundation of the Emperor's Taoism! Imperial weaponized soldiers! How to resist!"

"Damn, the descendants of the Emperor's Taoism are so despicable, what if they win today! Don't let the world laugh?"

Someone scolded.

However, some people sneered, "The world is sneered? Winners and losers! Whoever survives today will become the most powerful genius of the demon race in the future and even the future master of the demon race!"

"Emperor! This is just the beginning!"

As one Yaozu ancestor said, the imperial weapon is just beginning!

Young Master Wuya frantically used the Guqin in his hand, and the terrifying will of the Great Emperor was released from it! Almost completely ignoring the guqin's endurance, his brain turned into terrifying and invincible sound blades!

"Die! Die! In the entire southern Xinjiang, only this young man is qualified to be the person above the monster race!"

Li Ye retreated frantically, and at the same time stepped out a series of formations under his feet, but facing an almost crazy-like Prince Wuya holding an emperor weapon, he could barely stop him for a moment.

More importantly, because of the impediment of the princess of the Saint Demon Gate, his most peak knife turned from prosperity to decline, and this moment was his weakest moment.

Numerous wounds appeared on his body. If his physical body hadn't been strengthened to a terrible situation long ago, these wounds were enough to make anyone completely shredded.


It is the will of the emperor again!

But this time, I only saw an ancient banner appearing behind Young Master Wuya!

"It's another imperial weapon!"

Two imperial artifacts appeared at the same time, and in the hands of Prince Wuya, it was like two great emperors came to the world! Although this is only transformed by the will of the emperor contained in the imperial weapon, it cannot be sustained, but such a short moment is enough to change the balance of the entire scene!

Two imperial weapons were played out in a flash! Even that scene was nothing more than the imperial explosion played by Li Ye!

"Crazy! This is a plan to completely destroy those two imperial weapons!"

Seeing Prince Wuya so unreserved, madly releasing the will of the emperor in the imperial weapon, everyone exclaimed again and again!

The imperial weapon is no better than the imperial soldier! It's just that it has been contaminated with the breath of the great emperor for many years, and once it is consumed, it will be completely shattered and will no longer exist!

On the contrary, it is an emperor soldier, unless it is a series of emperor explosions or a complete emperor destruction! Otherwise, it is impossible to damage!

It could have been resisted, but at the moment two imperial weapons were shot out, Li Ye was completely blown out.

After all, facing the heavy injuries of the two great emperors in an instant, even the current him, it is difficult to resist!

After all, he hasn't taken the emperor's life and gathered the emperor's body now! Only the power of the primordial spirit allowed him to barely smash the countless pavilions of Jiuyao Hall. Finally smashed into the rubble.

The Prince Wuya who was almost chased by Li Ye, who was like a bereaved dog, is now like a god!

One left and one right, a guqin, an ancient banner! Two powerful wills of the Great Emperor enveloped him.

"Damn, what kind of a hero to win with an imperial weapon!"

Several of the half-emperor human beings who were invited could not help but scream in a low voice. The Yaozu has been unable to raise its head because of the emperor's ethics in these years.

Apart from the threat of the demon emperor, the biggest thing is the emperor weapon, even the emperor soldier!

Otherwise, it is also a peak powerhouse, the Demon Emperor does not make a move, among the Supreme Holy Emperor, it is really difficult to say who is better!

Rely on imperial weapons?

Even if the former Prince Wuya used this method, he would not be in front of everyone! But since he suffered a loss in Li Ye's hands, the only thing he wanted at this moment was not demeanor but to completely kill Li Ye!

Just as he was about to make the last move, he was suddenly stopped!

Princess Saint Demon Gate.

"Step aside!"

Young Master Wuya had a livid face, and everyone's expressions were wonderful and wonderful. At the Saint Demon Gate, Jade Demon Venerable and the others had been unable to guess what their princess was planning for a long time.

Just now I stopped Li Ye from killing Young Master Wuya, and now I stopped Young Master Wuya from killing Li Ye.

"Wuya! If you kill him, I will kill you!"

At this moment, Princess Saint Demon Gate couldn't bear it anymore, the killing intent in her eyes had never been seen before even Yubao Demon Sovereign and others, she couldn't help shaking her whole body.

When Young Master Wuya heard this, he turned to the sky and let out a deafening laugh!

"Demon girl! You understand the price you paid for violating me! Don't forget, why are you here today!"

Just like the curse on Sun Monkey's head, these words instantly weakened the princess of the Holy Demon Gate, who was originally murderous intent.

And Li Ye was also swaying at this moment, climbing up from the ruins below, covered in blood.

Seeing that Li Ye was not dead, everyone took a breath! But faintly, it feels not unexpected.

"The blood of a true dragon, if it dies so easily, it really doesn't deserve to be called the blood of a true dragon!"

They didn't know that Li Ye's powerful body was not only brought by the blood of the Devil Dragon! It was after the fusion of the two bloodlines, after practicing Doushenjue and various adventures, that it was now like this!

However, just standing up from the ruins, suddenly the void in front of you was broken open!

An ancient banner pierced from the cracked void! Take Li Ye's heart!

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