Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 3012: Board the Jiuyao Hall!

"Nine orifices of the original spirit, nine or nine into one."

Since returning from the robbery, Li Ye didn't go directly to the Saint Demon Gate, but found a place to look at the current situation.

The Nine Apertures of the Yuanshen have been done by three people throughout the ages, and one of them is Emperor Hengtian. As for the other two, they were long before the current Three Realms appeared.

"Old ghost, is the Nine Apertures of the Primordial Spirit really the culmination?"

Since the nine orifices of his primordial spirit, the perfect fusion of the physical body and the primordial spirit, the peculiar feeling has always made him aware, as if on top of that, there is a broader world.

The Nine Apertures of the Yuanshen are not the supreme apex in this world.

It's just that there are not many people in this world who really do this, and he has no chance to find the answer.

Even the Heavenly Sword Emperor is not good.

"Boy, according to the ancient records, it is true. But since you feel the existence of another higher realm, maybe it is possible. But this emperor did not reach the level of you now, but you don't know it."

Hearing the answer from Emperor Tianjian, Li Ye was slightly disappointed.

After all this way, Heavenly Sword Great Emperor can be described as a teacher and friend to him, not Heavenly Sword Great Emperor, he couldn't have walked all the way to this point.

As if feeling the emotional change of Li Ye, Emperor Tianjian smiled and said, "Boy, now you have walked out a road that even the emperor could not walk through back then, and the emperor can no longer help you with everything that follows. , Everything depends on you."

"Old ghost! What do you mean?"

Li Ye was not stupid, he was taken aback when he heard the tone of Emperor Tianjian.

A sigh came out, and then the remnant soul of Emperor Tianjian also emerged.

"Boy, it's time to say goodbye."

"Old ghost, are you leaving?"

Although Li Ye has always been the same as Emperor Tianjian for so many years, he still has a feeling of gratitude for Emperor Tianjian.

At this time, I saw the remnant soul of Emperor Tianjian, and looked carefully, although it was still not as solid as the real soul, but because it also had a faint aura.

"Have you recovered?"

"Smelly boy, where is that simple. But the emperor naturally has a way. Now the emperor can be regarded as recovering some of the lost memories, and at the same time he has accumulated a little strength. Now you no longer need the help of the emperor, and Ben The emperor can finally leave without worry."

Li Ye frowned slightly, "Old ghost, you only have a trace of soul left now, even if you want to resurrect, it's not that simple!"

Li Yeguang can guess how difficult it is for a ray of remnant soul to want to resurrect.

However, Emperor Tianjian smiled slightly, "Naturally it is not easy, but at any rate this emperor also anticipated some of it back then, leaving behind."

"Really leaving?"

Thinking of Emperor Tianjian's departure, Li Ye was also a little bit reluctant. But in the end, he did not stop. Because he knew that it was not easy for people like Heavenly Sword Great Emperor to be willing to teach him so many years by his side.

It is reasonable to leave now.

As for where Emperor Tianjian would go, Li Ye did not inquire.

It is not known whether it was the Emperor's Taoism and the Sword Emperor's Palace that he created by himself, or if he went to other places.

"Boy, if you and I are destined, we will meet each other one day."

The Emperor Tianjian left, and before leaving, he directly left Li Ye the last gift. Directly broke the real last seal on the Seven Star Sword, and that was also the final soul mark of the Big Dipper.

Today's Seven Star Sword is finally an unowned thing, and Li Ye can finally recognize the lord with a drop of blood, truly allowing this extremely powerful emperor soldier to incorporate a trace of his soul mark.

"Now with my strength, I can easily play an emperor explosion, but it is a pity that it is still difficult to play an emperor."

Emperor Burst and Emperor Destruction are equivalent to the power of a great emperor with a full blow and a desperate blow!

It was also the biggest capital that he met and fought against the powerful in the imperial realm before he stepped into the imperial realm while holding the emperor soldier.

Ten days passed in a flash.

In these ten days, the entire southern Xinjiang was surging.

As someone broke the news that Li Ye Dujie had not returned from his death, it spread almost throughout southern Xinjiang in just a few days.



Knowing that Li Ye was not dead, all of Li Ye's previous enemies in southern Xinjiang were all shocked, almost all of them the first time they got the news, they almost didn't get into trouble!

No one can forget the terrible calamity that almost broke the entire southern Xinjiang!

That invincible body that was always shaky under the catastrophe, but finally came down one by one!

Now, that person is not dead? Are you back?

In the beginning, some people subconsciously thought this was false news that someone deliberately spread.

But soon, several disciples in Jiuyao Hall were killed on the spot, and there was no news that there was any room for resistance, but all of them shut their mouths.

In the entire southern Xinjiang, how many people dared to kill the disciples of the Jiuyao Hall and killed them so cleanly?

Still a young man!

"There must be a good show to watch!"

"Jiuyao Hall is absolutely like sitting on a needle blanket now! I just don't know how the Saint Demon Gate reacted."

Many people showed subtle expressions.

The fact that Emperor Sun Yao personally came forward to raise a marriage had already spread.

Now that Li Ye is back, it is definitely the biggest obstacle to Jiuyao Hall!

"I heard that the person has spoken, and he will go to Jiuyao Hall in person in ten days! Calculate the time, that is, tomorrow!"

"Yeah, I really don't know what the consequences will be! Even if that person is not dead, going to the Jiuyao Hall alone is too much to support? After all, that is a double emperor's imperial Taoism, and the sun is at the peak. At that time, being so underestimated was still too young!"

Some people can't help but doubt.

But soon someone sneered, "What are you afraid of! The Emperor Riyao is terrible, but don't forget, there is no one behind that person!"

As soon as this statement came out, the people who had previously questioned them all closed their mouths.

In the eyes of the world, Emperor Riyao is already a symbol of invincibility, but the one standing behind that person is something that even Riyao the Great dare not provoke!

Countless lights, this time, all gathered in Jiuyao Hall.

But on this day, a figure arrived as promised.

Ten days!

no more, no less!

The entire Palace of Jiuyao is like an enemy!

For tens of thousands of years, no one has ever made Jiuyaodian such an emperor's Taoism so seriously!

But today, one person has done it!

That person is Li Ye!

In front of the mountain gate, the elders of Jiuyao Hall were waiting for them! Around you can see a lot of Jiuyaodian disciples fully armed, one by one with murderous aura as if the enemy is approaching!

When they saw far away, the figure approached unhurriedly, and the whole body's nerves were tense!

In the entire southern Xinjiang, under the Demon Emperor, there is only one person who can do this!

And that person has come before them now!

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