Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2992: Emperor Jia

Nine Thunders of Retribution!

It sounds like nothing, ordinary emperor robbery is nothing more than the thunder of the nine heavenly punishments. Above these three realms, although ordinary people have no chance to step into this realm in their lives, they are for some powerful sect families. In other words, it is not difficult to become Emperor Wu.

As for places like the Emperor's Taoism, if you can't even practice in the Wuhuang realm, you won't even have the opportunity to apprentice! For those with strong inheritance, becoming the emperor of martial arts is the minimum requirement!

However, today's Li Ye was after the 63 thunder of Heaven's Punishment!

Still have to bear the thunder of nine heavenly punishments!

"This kid's heart is really big enough!"

"Come on with the nine thunders of Heaven's Punishment again, come casually, the Supreme Sacred Emperor will fly into ashes and annihilate!"

"More than that, even if this kid wants to regret now, the Great Bing Yi might not be able to save him!"

Even Cangshui Demon Emperor reminded Li Ye to accept as soon as he saw it!

However, he didn't expect that Li Ye would not only accept it if he didn't see it well, but he wanted to hit a challenge that no one had succeeded in southern Xinjiang for millions of years!

"The Eight Auras of the Primordial God! Even the Flower Burial Demon Emperor and the Gu Shi Great Emperor failed. Does this kid really think he can surpass those two demon emperors?"

Some people can't help but ask questions.

The Flower Burial Demon Emperor, the greatest demon emperor in southern Xinjiang for millions of years, is a king who almost all the demon tribes submit! Known as the well-deserved first person among the demon emperors known by the demon clan!

As for the ancient stone emperor, it is even more rumored that an invincible existence born between the heaven and the earth after a meteorite from outside the heavens was compatible with the blood of the purest demon **** in the demon world!

These two, in the Yaozu's millions of years, are the closest to gods in the eyes of countless monsters, and they are also the objects of the Yaozu's beliefs.

Not to mention surpassing the two legendary demon emperors, even if someone can reach half of their strength in the past, they can leave a strong pen in the history of the demon clan!

"The Flower Burial Demon Emperor stopped at the seventieth thunder of Heaven's Punishment back then, and ultimately failed to allow the soul to refine the eighth hole! Regret for life."

"Yes, the Great Emperor Gu Shi was hailed as the most powerful successor to the Flower Burial Demon Emperor, but unfortunately he did not pass the sixty-six thunders of Heaven's Punishment, and ultimately failed."

The lives of the two legendary demon emperors in the history of the demon clan in southern Xinjiang have long become a model for countless demon tribes to talk and teach their younger generations.

As for surpassing them? It's not that no one has thought about it, but for millions of years, let alone transcendence, there are only a handful of them that can be close to them!

"Perhaps, is it really possible?"


Li Ye let out a silent roar, the colorful lights blooming all over his body!

Even if the armor of the five elements was smashed, but with his five elements body in the realm, he had already formed a five element week-day cycle in the inner palace. Although it is only a rudimentary form, to a certain extent, even if he is in an environment without any aura of heaven and earth, he can rely on the cycle of the five elements in his body and have a steady flow of true essence supplement!

To explain in the simplest sentence, that is one of the most terrifying aspects of the body of the five elements, which is equivalent to letting a cultivator possess a perpetual motion machine like an endless cycle of true essence!

No one can be sustainable and self-sufficient!

Even if it is the existence of the Demon Emperor, it is absolutely impossible!

The only difference is that the power in the Demon Emperor's body is millions or even tens of billions times more than ordinary people can imagine! In the eyes of ordinary people, it is inexhaustible!

Cut out with one sword!

Li Ye didn't hesitate at all, the Seven Star Sword appeared in his hand!

The invincible sword intent bloomed with a pale golden light, and it was integrated into the killing in an instant! damage! Two Dao Fa wills!

"He held it!"

Everyone's heart was violently pumped!

Li Ye used the most violent way to kill the Thunder of Heaven's Punishment with a single sword! The smashed sky thunder turned into countless stars, but Li Ye opened his mouth and sucked!

"Oh, this kid is a wicked evildoer! Even if something like Tianlei is broken, it is enough to easily destroy a hundred miles! He actually eaten it in?"

Seeing Li Ye's crazy behavior, everyone couldn't believe it.

The power of the robbery can shred everything!

Not to mention swallowing directly into the body! It's like self-harm!

Just as everyone thought, as soon as the broken sky thunder power entered the body, it almost turned into a series of miniature sky thunders and wanted to blast Li Ye's body instantly!

"It's worthy of being one of the most destructive forces between heaven and earth, but it's a pity..."

The corner of Li Ye's mouth raised slightly, and a sneer passed.

Since he chose to devour the sky thunder, he had already thought of a countermeasure!

"Although the calamity is terrible, it is also transformed by the origin of this heaven and earth!"

The moment a normal person swallows the sky thunder, his physical body will fly into ashes and annihilate, and even the most terrifying body refining powerhouse will be blown to pieces! However, Li Ye's physical body has long surpassed the world's imagination!

Under the nine-fold tempering of the Battle God Jue, his physical body is almost equivalent to an emperor soldier! At the same time, the countless miniature sky thunders exploded instantly, but Li Ye's internal organs recovered faster!

"It deserves to be a body that has been baptized by rebirth water!"

Kindred blood! The blood of the dragon! Plus rebirth water! After the three powers merged, Li Ye's physical body was almost immortal! Unless it was annihilated by flying ash that was bombarded in an instant, it could be reorganized and regenerated almost infinitely.

Together! Two!

In just a few moments, Li Ye took the thunder of three heavenly punishments!

Many strong monsters took a deep breath.

"The evildoer of this son has never been seen before!"

Cangshui Demon Emperor couldn't help it anymore, his eyes flickered, and suddenly he glanced at Emperor Sun Yao indifferently.

In Southern Xinjiang, Cangshui Demon Emperor is not the strongest among several demon emperors, but one of the oldest demon emperors. His heart moved slightly, as if he had made some kind of decision.

At that moment, a bright light was shot from him!

"This is the golden antelope jade armor that the emperor has tempered for many years. If you don't think so, you can help you resist this catastrophe for a while!"

No one thought that Cangshui Demon Emperor would actually make such a huge price!

Give out one of your own Emperor Armor!

This is no ordinary magic weapon! It was an emperor armor used by Cangshui Demon Emperor himself for years!

Everyone knew it!

This was clearly a further show of favor from the Cangshui Demon Emperor, even at the cost of an emperor armor.

"The golden antelope jade armor of the Cangshui Demon Emperor! It has the will of the Cangshui Demon Emperor. If it is worn on the body, it is equivalent to the protection of part of the Cangshui Demon Emperor's power!"

Many people took a breath!

This kind of treasure is even more precious than the imperial soldiers! After all, ordinary emperor soldiers cannot exert their true power, but emperor armor is different! As long as it is worn on the body, it is equivalent to possessing the guardian of an emperor realm powerhouse!

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