Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2981: Sure enough, only he can be so evil in this world

"The golden lotus fetus!"

The remnant soul of Emperor Tianjian was extremely excited when he saw it! But it quickly disappeared without a trace.

But Li Ye didn't notice this scene, or, at this time, he was still reshaping himself on top of the three flowers, naturally it was impossible to know the changes that took place after he merged into the nine-leaf golden lotus.

At the same time, the five innate spirits that swallowed the fragments of the origin of heaven and earth have all returned to Li Ye's Lingtai Sea of ​​Consciousness at this moment. Each of them is solemn and solemn. At the same time, five-color Dao corresponding to their respective attributes appeared under them. Taiwan, it seems that there is really such a breath of spirit.


When the innate spirit returns to its place, the heaven and the earth change color!

And at this moment, it also meant that Li Ye's body of five elements was completely condensed!

Behind Li Ye, a five-color light wheel was directly formed, and Li Ye was like a **** in the heavens.

"what happened?"

"Can you still have this kind of change?"

All the powerful monsters were stunned, and even the existence of Emperor Sun Yao could not see through. After all, the body of the five elements is an incomparably ancient legend, and no one would associate the scene that happened before him with the ancient body of the five elements.

Even if someone thought about it, but then he shook his head and laughed at himself.

The body of the five elements? For millions of years, no one has ever successfully practiced.

However, just when everyone was immersed in a spectacle that had been rare for thousands of years, they ignored that the cloud of robbery above the void did not disperse.


As if the heavens were directly hacked by a peerless sword!

The entire void was torn into two, as if there were ancient gods, holding the sword of punishment, about to split the world directly.

"The Tribulation is not over!"

Everyone was shocked!

No one thought that the Tribulation was still there. The key was that everyone thought that the colorful glow was the end, and it was a baptism for those who crossed the Tribulation.

Unexpectedly, the Jieyun above his head seemed to have changed at this time!

It is as if turned into an ancient giant spirit god, with the arrow of punishment transformed from the sky thunder in his hand!

"What's going on? Why is the calamity still there?"

"Eighteen heavenly punishments have been lowered! Do you want to continue?"

Only Li Ye seemed to have expected it, facing this terrible punishment, the corner of his mouth raised!

"Before you couldn't help me, but now you still want to destroy me?"

No one heard this murmur, and no one could understand.

But it seems to have caused some kind of rage anomaly above the void, and that robbery cloud has directly turned into a terrifying ancient giant!

"You can't kill me!"


Li Ye screamed! Directly facing the robbery soaring into the sky!

No one dares to go against the sky like this under the catastrophe!

Even the most arrogant evildoer and genius in the world, even the great emperor and demon emperor who claim to be standing on the top of the world!

In front of the robbery, they were all trembling!

That is a kind of awe of the heavens and the ways of heaven!

Only Li Ye!

Peerless edge soaring into the sky!

On the other side, the tribulation was transformed, like the ultimate punishment of the gods to destroy everything in the world!

"Damn! Is this trying to tear the heavens apart?"

Everyone was scared!

Yes, even with the previous visions, they have never been astonished as they are now, one by one.

Whether it is an ordinary demon emperor, a strong half demon emperor or a demon emperor holy emperor, they are terrified!

"This, this is madness! Someone wants to tear up the tribulation by himself? Annihilated Jieyun?"

For millions of years, countless invincible generations have been born within the Three Realms, but no one has ever made such a crazy move!

Hand torn up!

Before that, everyone didn't even think about it!

But today they saw it!

At that moment, even the Emperor Ri Yao couldn't help but took a breath!

Even if it is him, he can calmly face such a catastrophe, take control of the universe, and instantly resolve it without hurting himself. But if you want to say that you are going against the sky, it is absolutely impossible to tear the heavens by yourself!

No one can!

Even the demon emperor!

"He is looking for death!"

The eyes of Emperor Sun Yao were extremely cold, but it was hard to hide a trace of indifference and sarcasm.

What does it mean?

In the eyes of ordinary people, it is the supreme existence in this world, but as the cultivation level gets higher, the more one can vaguely perceive the existence behind it.

It is precisely because of this that such a peerless figure like the Great Emperor Riyao will show such an expression.

Tear-off? Not to mention the current Li Ye! Even he would never dare to do that!

Sure enough, it was like being offended by Li Ye's actions!

Above the sky! That ancient avatar instantly turned into thousands of terrifying sky thunders!

Each of them was far beyond any sky thunder that Li Ye had experienced before. Even at that instant, the entire void was like a thunder snake dancing, and some of the weaker cultivation bases were shaken out tens of thousands of miles away.

In an instant, Fang Yuan's 100,000 miles turned into scorched earth!

"The Thunder of World Destruction! This is the real Thunder of World Destruction!"

The ancestors of the monster race couldn't help but fled for thousands of miles, for fear of being affected by this terrible punishment.

The sky is ruthless, it is impossible to control whether you are the person who crosses the catastrophe! As long as it is within that range, it is absolutely impossible for anyone to be spared.

Even so many strong monsters can't help but flee, but what about being a person who crosses the catastrophe?

Everyone couldn't help but come up with such an idea.

"The person who crosses the calamity, is it possible to die?"

"It's a pity that God is jealous of talents. It's a pity that my monster clan would have given birth to an invincible and terrifying peerless powerhouse."

In their hearts, no one can survive that moment.

It may be possible to carry it down at the level of the Demon Emperor, but it is clear that the person who crosses the Tribulation is not the Demon Emperor!

But soon, someone suddenly exclaimed!

"He! He's not dead!"


Everyone gasped!

Sure enough, when all the smoke disappeared, tens of thousands of miles had been turned into scorched earth. Whether it was mountains, lakes and rivers, even the ruins of ancient abandoned cities, they had completely disappeared.

But there was still someone standing there proudly.

Everyone looked almost unbelievable, and at this moment someone finally recognized Li Ye's identity!

"Wait! That person isn't the young man who was waiting for the genius in Lu Demon City some time ago, who overwhelmed Young Master Wuya and Suddenly?"

"It seems to be him!"

At this moment, everyone's undecided heart was raised again!

"Damn! It's him!"

"Sure enough! The old man guessed that there is anyone in Southern Xinjiang who has the ability to cause such a heaven and earth vision and such a tribulation, and only this peerless evildoer that has been rare in millions of years can do it."


Tianlei dance! Heaven is furious!

But no matter how many thunders fell, it seemed that the lonely figure could not disappear!

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