Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2961: To kill Zizhi, you don't need any despicable means!

The murder of the descendants of the Emperor's Taoism is not unprecedented in millions of years.

Even if the emperor's Taoism is extremely powerful, most people don't dare to provoke it, but it doesn't mean that you can go wild and no one dares to kill.

Even the supreme holy emperor will fall one day, let alone a mere heir!

Throughout the ages, there have been many descendants of the Emperor's Taoism who were killed outside by others!


Young Master of Funeral Palace! Was killed by someone at the Saint Demon Gate?

A descendant of the emperor's Taoism, but in another place of the emperor's Taoism, somehow died!

Up and down the Saint Demon Gate, every strong person felt a icy chill rising from behind.

Who is so vicious!

This is not just as simple as dying an emperor's Taoist heir! Rather, it is involved between the two great emperors Taoism, Saint Demon Gate and Funeral Flower Palace, whether they will openly declare war because of this!

At least on the Saint Demon Gate, if their descendants were killed in the Flower Burial Palace, they would definitely not give up!

"The Young Master of the Flower Burial Palace is dead?"

Yubao Yaozun and the others took a breath!

They immediately understood the reason why Princess Funeral was so angry!

The heir was killed, this hatred is not shared!

"In the Saint Demon Gate, the Young Palace Master of the Flower Burial Palace is dead. This matter really makes this emperor feel surprised."

The Great Emperor Jiuyao smiled slightly, but made Yubao Yaozun and the others cold.

"The emperor also thinks this matter is very strange."

The Baiyun Demon Emperor also laughed, and the three demon emperors came at the same time.

"If the murderer who killed the Young Palace Master of the Flower Burial Palace cannot be found, how can the Saint Demon Gate give an explanation to the Flower Burial Palace? How can the Demon Clan under Heaven give an explanation?"

The words of Emperor Jiuyao almost made Jade Demon Zun and others blow their lungs.

"The Flower Burial Palace is after the Flower Burial Demon Emperor, this matter is indeed important."

Cangshui Demon Emperor also said coldly, but his eyes were full of terrifying sharpness.

The coercion brought by the three demon emperors made the entire Saint Demon Gate up and down, and countless powerful people tightened their nerves. Even in the ancestral sacred place of the Saint Demon Gate, even if the Demon Emperor did not dare to openly fight the Saint Demon Gate, the trio of Emperor Jiuyao only had a few words, but they were enough to make the flower-burial palace's unstoppable anger. Once again raging.

"It doesn't matter who killed my son! The palace must make him pay for my son today!"

The icy voice of Princess Burial Flower was like a final message.

And she had no doubt that Li Ye was the murderer.

"Wait, princess, is there really any misunderstanding in this? Xiaoyou Li Ye cannot be the one who killed the Young Palace Master."

Yubao Yaozun hurriedly persuaded him, but Princess Flower Burial was undoubtedly unable to hear any explanation, and snorted coldly, "If anyone hinders this palace, he is an enemy of Flower Burial Palace!"

As soon as he said this, he was desperate!

"Hahaha! Princess Flower Burial is worthy of being a female hero, and this emperor is willing to be a witness today. If someone in the Saint Demon Gate really killed the princess's son, this emperor would never leave it alone."

The Great Emperor Jiuyao laughed loudly, making the situation suddenly become a bit nervous for the powerful Saint Demon Sect.

Although Cangshui Demon Emperor and Baiyun Demon Emperor did not speak out, they could tell their attitude from the presence of these two demon emperors.

A mere flower-burial princess might not be able to let the Saint Demon Gate do anything, but if the three demon emperors stood behind the flower-burial palace, it would be completely different.

"Princess, what do you want?"

The Great Bing Yi also spoke out at this moment. The Demon Emperor is the Demon Emperor after all. The Flower Burial Princess did not dare to be too arrogant in front of the Bing Yi Great Emperor. She forbeared her anger and snorted in a deep voice, "The requirements of this palace are very simple! For my son, this palace only wants his life!"

"Murder pays for life! Isn't Emperor Bing Yi going to get involved?"

The horrible aura of the green bamboo holy emperor turned into sky-shaking roars!

A generation of supreme holy emperor, even if it is in its twilight years, but it really has to work hard, even the demon emperor must avoid three points.

After all, at the level of the supreme holy emperor, it is enough to threaten the demon emperor if he is really desperate! Even if the demon emperor would only be slightly injured, but now under the premise that the three demon emperors of Jiuyao Great Emperor are coming aggressively, once Bingyi Great is injured, the consequences will be disastrous.

Li Ye was silent for a long time, and finally spoke out at this time.

"The princess thinks that I killed the Young Palace Master?"

Li Ye was not as flustered as everyone thought, and slightly suppressed the unsteady breath after the serious injury. At this time, his eyes were full of clarity.


Princess Burial Flower did not answer, but the Sage Emperor Qingzhu asked in a deep voice, "Boy, do you have soul-returning wood on you!?"

Return to the soul wood!

Innate treasure! It is even an imperial weapon!

As everyone knows, before returning to the soul wood, it was in the hands of Burial Zizhi.


Without hesitation, Li Ye nodded.

In an instant, the sound of inhalation sounded.

"Sure enough it is you!"

Princess Flower Burial opened her eyes instantly, and the endless killing intent swept out, turning into a series of peerless sharp edges to strangle Li Ye.

Ding Ding Ding!

Naturally, Li Ye wouldn't sit still, the Seven Star Sword turned into sword intent to resolve one by one, but then a big mouthful of blood was sprayed out again.

Now he can almost be regarded as injury from injury to injury, and quickly took out a few pills and swallowed it in one go.

Although he could not fully recover his vitality, he could at least stabilize his injury.

Yubao Yaozun was also very surprised at this moment. Originally, they thought it was a misunderstanding, but now Li Ye has admitted it himself.


The ancestors of the Saint Demon Gate all looked face to face, and for a moment they didn't know how to choose.

"Murder pays for your life! Since you admit it yourself, this palace can leave you a whole body today!"


Li Ye shook his head.

"Do you have any last words?"

"If I say that I didn't kill people, you naturally don't believe them."

After Li Ye finished speaking, Princess Flower Burial was angry!

However, before her attack, Li Ye closed his eyes slightly, and the next moment it suddenly turned into an endless sea of ​​blood, as if an ancient and terrifying world appeared behind him!

Blood pupil!

In his current state, it is impossible to continue the battle with Princess Burial! In that case, Li Ye did not have any reservations!

"I want to kill and bury Zizhi, I don't need that kind of despicable means at all! Whether you believe it or not!"


At that moment, Li Ye's body seemed to have a distant ancient aura awakening, even if it was the existence of Emperor Jiuyao, he felt a kind of trembling from the depths of the soul.


Princess Burial is shaking all over! Compared with Li Ye categorically denying that he killed Zong Zizhi, the arrogant answer in front of him made her and the entire Flower Burial Palace tremble with anger.

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