Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2958: Dimie!

Emperor Blast and Emperor Blast!

The entire Saint Demon Gate was like wind and rain, with terrifying divine lights appearing, turning into the most invincible guardian.

Under the direct collision of the two imperial explosion forces, no one dared to approach at this time.

"Mom, it's the emperor explosion again!"

"Monster! This kid can't be judged by common sense! This time, Princess Flower Burial wants to kill him, it's too difficult!"

With countless exclamations, it can be seen how shocked the many powerhouses at the Saint Demon Gate at this moment.

It is amazing enough that you have emperor soldiers, but having emperor soldiers does not mean that you can play the ultimate move that destroys the world and destroys the earth!

It's like a sharp weapon of God, placed in the hands of a strong man and in the hands of a baby, but the results are definitely different.

With so many powerhouses present, even Jade Demon Sovereign and others can't guarantee that even if they get the imperial weapon, they will be able to easily play the ultimate ultimate move that destroys the world and destroys the earth.

But Li Ye did it!

"That burial Zizhi is the descendant of the Emperor's Taoism, and even the son of the Princess of Flower Burial. It is not uncommon to be able to play the emperor. This kid can actually do it too!"

Every ancient existence in the Saint Demon Gate was awakened, and their spiritual thoughts communicated in the void.

Although the collision of two emperor explosions was enough to destroy everything.

But the Saint Demon Gate is the Saint Demon Gate after all. For so many years, no one knows how many once invincible existences have been sleeping.

In addition to the three oldest holy ancestors, there is also an ancient existence still alive.

After waking up now, they directly sealed off the space and minimized the loss.

"The background of this son may not be simple."

"This time, the Flower Burial Palace really encountered a difficult person."

Compared with the three holy ancestors, the ancestors below the holy demon gate actually didn't care much about the Flower Burial Palace.

Some ancestors even believed that no new demon emperor was born in the Flower Burial Palace for millions of years. Even if the oldest emperor's Taoism has been silent for so many years, it is already on the decline.

Instead of continuing to maintain an ally relationship with such a declining Emperor Men Dao Tong, it is better to put hope on the rising star Li Ye.


Two figures appeared from the destruction, and Li Ye almost spewed out a mouthful of blood. In his current state, forcibly hitting the emperor explosion is undoubtedly a suicidal behavior in the eyes of outsiders!

As for Princess Burial Flower, although she has played two Emperor Bursts in succession, her pretty face is slightly pale, but her breath is still calm.

It's just that the two imperial artifacts in her hand are bleak at the moment. Although they are not broken yet, a discerning person knows that these two imperial artifacts are completely abandoned.

"Emperor weapon! Alas."

An elder sighed, although the imperial weapon is not an imperial soldier, it is not as precious as an imperial soldier. But after all, it was the thing of a certain demon emperor and great emperor, and contained the terrifying imperial aura and will of a great emperor!

Take it out at a critical time, enough to change the turn of a battle!

Princess Funeral Flower looked at the two dim imperial artifacts in her hands, and there was also a touch of heartache in her eyes.

The Funeral Palace is indeed rich in heritage and extremely ancient.

But it does not mean that the imperial weapon is treated like a Chinese cabbage. Especially, the Flower Burial Palace has only born two demon emperors, and the imperial weapon and the emperor are naturally slightly inferior to the sage demon door of the three emperors.

"These two imperial artifacts should only be belonging to a certain demon emperor, not personal objects."

Seeing that two terrifying imperial weapons were almost damaged, even if they were not damaged yet, they were reluctant to continue to play the power of the imperial explosion. Many experts felt it was a pity.

One of them even sighed, "If it's something the emperor is close to, even though it can't be compared with the emperor's soldiers, it can still make at least two or three emperor explosions."

Take a closer look, indeed, the appearance of these two imperial artifacts is nothing more than a pen and a ribbon. At this moment, there is not much imperial energy. No doubt, just now, almost exhausted all of them. Contains all the imperial energy left by a certain emperor.

Naturally, the power of the emperor explosion just now was also higher than that of the emperor explosion that was played by Burial Zizhi before. Even the Great Bing Yi could only stop one of them.

"It is indeed the arrogant of the world, but no matter who you have standing behind you today, this palace will absolutely let you pay for it!"

Princess Funeral Flower took a deep breath and threw away the two tarnished imperial artifacts. At the same time, in her hand, she saw only a round of purple and gold crescent moon, which was more than the sum of the two imperial artifacts. The terrible will and breath are rising crazily.

At that moment, the sun and the moon were almost obscured, and there was a strong resonance in the world!

A terrible storm formed in an instant!

"Emperor explosion?!"

Seeing Princess Funeral Flower take action, countless people were shocked.

"No! This is not an emperor explosion!"

Suddenly, Jade Demon Sovereign exclaimed, "Damn it! The Flower Burial Palace is planning to drag me down with the Saint Demon Gate?"

Not only him, but all the demon lord and holy emperors in the Saint Demon Gate suddenly changed their expressions.

Including some ancient beings sleeping in the sarcophagus, you can't just sit idly by at this moment!

The long and ancient call came from the depths of the Saint Demon Gate, old and majestic.

"Princess Burial Flower, this is the Saint Demon Gate!"


The Saint Demon Gate did not want to tear his face with the Flower Burial Palace. But at this moment, those ancient existences can't sit still!

"Di Mie! It is Di Mie! Princess Burial Flower is a crazy woman! She is crazy!"

"Stop her! The emperor comes out! No one can stop her!"

A lot of divine thoughts came into being, but it was too late at this moment!

Princess Flower Burial seems to have been enchanted from the beginning! Between the eyes, there is a strong killing intent and crazy!


No one thought that she would be so crazy!

Including Li Ye!

"Damn, even if she is holding an emperor soldier under the emperor, the emperor soldier will sleep for a while after playing the emperor! She is crazy!"

If the emperor explosion can damage the emperor weapon, then the emperor destruction is a move that even the emperor's soldiers may be completely broken.

At this moment, Princess Funeral Flower is undoubtedly in madness!

Li Ye turned around and left without thinking about it!

What a joke!

With his severely wounded body, he could barely rely on the assistance of the Seven Star Sword and Heavenly Sword Great Emperor to fight the Emperor Explosion, which was already considered a limit state. Now directly facing the Emperor Destruction, which is dozens of times more terrifying than the Emperor Bang, the ultimate move that even the emperor dared not insist on, if he does not run, then he is really a fool!

Fleeing? At this moment, he didn't believe that anyone could stand in his position, and he could welcome death without changing his face.

Yes, no one!

The Great Emperor Bing Yi also appeared directly, and with a wave of his jade hand, all layers of the void suddenly seemed to be frozen, completely sealed off.

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