Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2931: Flower Burial Palace, here comes

In the entire southern Xinjiang, countless eyes gathered at the Saint Demon Gate at this time.

On one side, it is the first emperor Taoism that has dominated southern Xinjiang for millions of years, and the ancient inheritance of the three emperors.

On the other side, in terms of ancient times, compared with the history of the Saint Demon Gate, it must be traced back to the barbaric era. It can be said that in today's southern Xinjiang, there is almost no imperial gate that is older than the Flower Burial Palace.

"This time, there was a good show."

"Yes, the Flower Burial Palace has been absent from the world for 100,000 years, and now it is suddenly born, it must be because of that agreement."

"Haha, I just solved the troubles of Jiuyaodian and other emperor's Taoism. It hasn't been a few days before I actually provoke the Flower Burial Palace. This Saint Demon Gate is really troublesome now."

Countless monsters are discussing this matter. After all, it is related to the problem between the two largest imperial ties in southern Xinjiang. No matter who it is, they are very concerned about this matter.

"Although the Flower Burial Palace has been absent from the world for 100,000 years, and Jiuyao Hall replaced the throne of the Second Emperor's Taoism, but it is true that no one knows what will happen to the Flower Burial Palace this time. After receiving the news over there, it was the first time that the Silver Snake Demon Lord brought a generous gift to the Flower Burial Palace to express his congratulations!"

Jiuyaodian, what an overbearing imperial ethics, it can be said that the entire southern Xinjiang is the most high-profile in Jiuyaodian.

But even so, after the Flower Burial Palace announced its birth, Jiuyao Hall would come to congratulate it with such a low profile. It can be seen that even if the Flower Burial Palace has been evacuated for 100,000 years, its influence and deterrence cannot be underestimated.

"After all, it is the Flower Burial Palace, the oldest emperor Taoism in southern Xinjiang. When the Flower Burial Emperor was alive, the ten thousand demons in southern Xinjiang surrendered and the world was home. Even the Wushen Mountain and the Yaowang Palace, they all admitted that the Flower Burial Emperor was He is the demon clan's foremost king for countless years."

"Yes, it's a pity that because of something, there is no news after the Emperor Huanhua went to a place. Otherwise, if the Emperor Huanhua was still there, southern Xinjiang might have been unified long ago, and there would be no future. The Nine Demon Temple and the current Saint Demon Gate are now."

The Nine Demon Palace, the Saint Demon Gate, these are almost two behemoths that countless monsters in southern Xinjiang talk about.

Of course, the former has disappeared for more than a million years, while the latter is now the real overlord of southern Xinjiang.

"When the Nine Demon Great Emperor was young, he had received some advice from the Flower Burial Great Emperor, and only then did he have the grandeur of the world when he ascended to the Emperor Realm and mastered the world."

"Yeah, in those days, the Flower Burial Palace was home to all people, and the Great Emperor Flower Burial was the head of all demons. His unique burial flower finger was also known to have defeated the challenge of several Wudi Emperors of Wushen Mountain. After the emperor disappeared, this genius rumor has been lost, and I don’t know if anyone in the Flower Burial Palace today can practice this genius.”

The birth of the Flower Burial Palace attracted the hearts and minds of countless powerhouses, sects and families throughout Southern Xinjiang.

This is an ancient place that has gone through several eras in southern Xinjiang, countless changes and vicissitudes of life.

Now, boarded the Saint Demon Gate!

In the void, the terrifying aura made the disciples of the Saint Demon Gate guarding the mountain gate shocked.

"Quickly, go and report them to the master and uncle!"

The leading disciple was quite calm. As a demon emperor, he knew a lot of inside information in advance compared to other disciples. At this moment, I observed the terrifying aura coming forward aggressively, and it was as if there was a black cloud approaching the Saint Demon Gate in the distance, and I knew at a glance who was here.

"Flower Burial Palace!"

He took a deep breath, and hurriedly asked the younger brothers and sisters around him to report back, but he was respectful and waited directly on the spot.

He knew that the ancestors in the sect had already waited for a long time.

Sure enough, not long after, a terrifying chariot appeared in the endless black clouds.

Looking closely, it seemed like a dark monster pulling a huge black copper coffin. As it stepped into the air, the entire void seemed to sink into a kind of deathly tranquility.

"Sacred Demon Sect disciple Huangxu, supply the seniors of the Flower Burial Palace!"

As the demon emperor, one's cultivation is naturally not weak.

In the eyes of ordinary monsters, that is even more of a master.

But at this time, his whole body trembled slightly, and he had an illusion of breathlessness under the pressure of that terrible breath.

However, he didn't dare to do anything. Instead, he used the ancient etiquette between the emperor's orthodoxy to provide it.

There was no sound on the black chariot.

However, there was a young man who appeared with a cold face, his eyes high, his gaze seemed to be looking down at the people with contempt.

Huang Xu's expression was slightly aside, and his brow furrowed.

Naturally, he was unhappy in his heart. He greeted him with the oldest etiquette among the emperor's Taoism, but the reaction of the Flower Burial Palace was somewhat intriguing.

It can even be said that it is somewhat provocative.

"Sure enough, the Flower Burial Palace came this time, the visitors are not kind."

With such thoughts passing through his mind, Huang Xu didn't show his expression on the surface, but he kept away the ancient etiquette. Since the Flower Burial Palace didn't give any face to the Saint Demon Gate, he would naturally not lick his face to be hot and cold. butt.

More importantly, everyone is an emperor, even if your flower burial palace is more ancient, now this southern Xinjiang is the strongest in terms of strength.

This reaction, although not obvious, made the young man on the black chariot look down.


There was a grunt, and without seeing the young man, he heard a muffled grunt!

Huang Xu spit out blood, his face was full of horror, and at the same time he raised his head and his eyes burst into anger!

Only facing his anger, the young man on the black chariot just pulled a faint arc of indifference at the corner of his mouth, and the contempt in his eyes became thicker.

"Holy Demon Gate, it seems that it's just so!"

With this sound, Huang Xu almost burst his lungs!

"what did you say?"

"My son said, Saint Demon Gate, but that's it! What is the first emperor gate in Southern Xinjiang? It's a joke!"


Humiliating the teacher! As a disciple of the Saint Demon Sect, it is naturally unbearable!

A terrifying edge appeared from Huang Xu's hands and instantly turned into a heaven-shattering sword rainbow!

"Those who insult my Saint Demon Sect should be killed!"

With a sword from the Demon King, the world changes color! If it were in the Lower Nine Regions, this sword was enough to annihilate tens of thousands of miles in an instant, turning each country and continent into ashes in an instant.

But in the eyes of the young man on the black chariot, he sneered.

"The light of the fireflies dare to compete with the sun and the moon!"

I didn't see him, but with a wave of his hand, the layers of the void instantly became distorted, and even the terrifying sword rainbow shattered in the distorted void!

You can see the gap between the two sides in one move, and it's not one or two points!

As one of the geniuses of the Saint Demon Clan, Huang Xu is also considered to be the best of the same generation, but his face changed drastically. Before he could react, the inner armor of his chest was broken, and the whole person directly hit the Saint Demon. On the mountain gate of the door.

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