Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2916: No one believes

I am the person you are looking for.

As soon as this remark came out, the whole Demon City became quiet.

"Little friend, this joke can't be played."

Yubao Yaozun hurriedly said, after all, it was about the hatred between the monster race and the human race, and there were several great emperor sects behind it.

No matter who it is, at this time, if he admits that he is the murderer who killed several young monsters, he will become a target.

"Yes, the murderer is a human little beast!"

Several powerful old monsters nodded after hearing the words, no matter if they admired Li Ye or other reasons, they would not be fooled so simply at this time.

In the dark, several strong human races looked at each other.

"Elder Wu, isn't this kid mad?"

"Yes, with the talent he has shown now, no matter what the emperor's Taoism is, he will open the door to him. Why do we pretend to be our human race?"

Even if you pretend to be a human race, the key is still the focus of the conflicts between the Daoism of the great emperors.

If one is wrong, it will be overwhelming.

Old Wu shook his head, "I don't know the old man, but he is calm and relaxed when watching this, and it doesn't seem to be a Gu curse. It should be his own will."

No wonder everyone was confused. After all, it is not good to pretend to be a human kid who is almost regarded as the target of revenge by all the demons in southern Xinjiang.

This is either my head was pinched by the door panel, or I was mad.

"I am the human race in your mouth."

Li Ye smiled slightly, but glanced at Jiuyaodian and other great emperors of Taoism, and the corners of his mouth raised, "You came to the demon city Xingshi to ask your crimes, but you are coming at me. Now I have appeared."

Everyone didn't believe it before, but seeing Li Ye so swearing, they all showed a dubious look.

The powers of the Jiuyao Hall even flickered, and some people looked directly at Emperor Sunyao.

But at this moment, even the Emperor Ri Yao frowned secretly.

Whether to find the person of the human race is not important to the Jiuyao Temple. All they want is to take advantage of the situation to suppress the Holy Demon Gate, and even have the opportunity to seize the title of the first emperor gate in the southern border of the Holy Demon Gate.

However, if at this time the rumor was to slaughter in southern Xinjiang, and the human race that killed several demon races appeared, the wishful thinking of Jiuyao Palace would be shattered at once.

"Is what he said is true?"

"Probably not, he doesn't think he is a human race, maybe just to sell a favor to the Saint Demon Gate?"

Many demons are whispering.

But some people shook their heads, "Impossible. Even if you want to give favor to the Saint Demon Gate, you don't need this method. The attitude of the Great Emperor Bing Yi just now can also be seen. This person is very appreciated. There is no need to take this risk at all."

"That's right, it's impossible for anyone to pour this dirty water on him. I really don't know what this kid is thinking. Is it just for the Saint Demon Gate Princess? For a beauty?"

"Beauty face is a disaster, even such an evil evildoer will not escape the word **** after all. It's a pity that he has an invincible talent."

Everyone has different opinions, but without exception, they all think that this is what Li Ye deliberately did and wants to carry everything on his own body.

Including the many powerhouses on the Saint Demon Gate, Li Ye's rejection of the kindness of the Great Bing Yi made them a little angry, but at this moment, they all had a strange expression.

Since I didn't like their Saint Demon Gate, why made such a careless decision for the Saint Demon Gate?

Someone even said, "You are clearly the body of the demon race, where do you come from the human identity?"

"That is, what we are looking for is a little human animal, and it has nothing to do with you! You still don't want to take a trip to the muddy water, otherwise it will cause a show, and it will not do you any good."

Some are sarcasm, and some Yaozu ancestors are kind to persuade.

"The body of the monster race?"

Li Ye chuckled softly and shook his head slightly. The next moment, he changed his body. Almost in the blink of an eye, his whole body was slightly disillusioned, and his facial muscles squirmed.

The previous appearance was just the appearance of his disguise and disguise, but obviously, even if the demon emperor existed, it was difficult to see the clues of his disguise.

All of a sudden, he returned to his real form, and he could almost hear countless inhalations.

Before, Li Ye looked like an ordinary man of the monster race in his 30s and 40s, but now he has recovered his true face.


"He has been in a disguised appearance just now?!"

The shock in the hearts of everyone can be imagined, and what is even more shocking is that with so many strong people present, no one has seen this disguise technique?

"There is actually such a wonderful and beautiful disguise technique in this world, even the demon sovereign holy emperor and demon emperor have not noticed it!"

"Fantastic! There are more and more mysteries in this child."

Many strong monsters sighed.

However, on the side of the Dadimen Taoism, some strong men frowned slightly.


too young!

Although a monk could not judge his age by his appearance, the vigorous vitality in Li Ye's body could not hide from the eyes of everyone.

At least, Li Ye didn't hide it after his true body was restored. Some strong men saw the horror in their hearts.

"This son will not be more than a hundred years old at most! Even younger!"

"A monster! It's a monster! He has that terrible strength at this age, and more importantly, his talent is something that the old man has never seen for so many years."

You know, Nanjiang has always been hailed as the strongest two of the young generation, Princess Saint Demon Gate and Young Master Wu Ya, but they are all over a hundred years old!

But for their level, even if they are over a hundred years old, they are just juniors.

But now, Li Ye's age is more than enough to make them unbelievable for a long time.

Li Ye, who had recovered his true appearance, had no the aura of the monster clan, let alone some characteristics of the monster clan.

"Is he really a human race?"

If there are strong monsters, there is no way to calm down.

But soon someone shook his head and said, "You can’t jump to conclusions. Although his demon spirit has always been weak, you can’t be sure. As for the characteristics of the demon race, please don’t forget that our demon race has cultivated to a certain level, which is enough to be true to the human race. You can’t tell me! The characteristics of the monster race will disappear!"

When this person said, everyone else suddenly realized.

"Yeah, how can I forget this? With the strength and talent that this kid just showed, his background is certainly not low, his bloodline is far more noble than the average monster race, and it's normal if he doesn't have strong monster energy and characteristics of the monster race."

The demon race itself is the descendant of the human race and the demon world sky demon, but for countless years, because the three realms have severed contact, the demon race in Southern Xinjiang has always been in a rather awkward position.

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