Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2913: Negotiate terms

what's the situation?

This is an almost instinctive question from everyone present.

The key is that everyone discovered that even the many powerful people on the Saint Demon Gate are all in a dazed state, which further shows that even the Saint Demon Gate is ignorant of this matter!

Young Master Wuya's eyes flashed with terrible killing intent!

Even if Li Ye stepped into that place and pressed him on the pilgrimage ladder, he failed to produce such a strong killing intent.

The woman he fell in love with was actually held in his arms by other men?

"This, isn't this true?"

Some younger generation of demonic geniuses are like the sky is falling.

Even if many of them know that, in their capacity, they are the descendants of the Saint Demon Gate. However, the moment when she really saw Princess Saint Demon Gate being held face to face by a man, it was a huge blow to them.

Especially, they were shocked to find that the Saint Demon Gate Princess, who was held in their arms, didn't even resist!

That is tantamount to someone's declaration!

That shy appearance, not to mention everyone, even many disciples and elders of the Saint Demon Sect had their mouths wide open, and they haven't recovered for a long time.

"That's it! This son actually has this relationship with the descendants of the Saint Demon Gate. It seems that whether it is the Jiuyao Temple or other imperial sects, it is impossible to dig out this son!"

"Yeah, this one is quite surprising. Jiang is still old and spicy. This hand is really beautiful. He is **** with his heirs. Although it seems to suffer a loss, it is actually a brilliant plan. what!"

After some demonic ancestors recovered, many people sighed.

They are not the group of juniors. Although the Saint Demon Princess is indeed incomparably beautiful, to their realm, female **** is already something outside.

Only by setting foot on a higher level, getting more lifespan, and living longer is what they pursue.

On the side of Jiuyao Hall, Emperor Riyao's eyes were cold.

He didn't expect that it would develop into this way, a pair of terrifying eyes looked at Li Ye.

In his capacity, it was absolutely unprecedented for him to open his mouth twice before and after ignoring his suspicion.

As for the Baiyun Demon Emperor, he had torn his face with Li Ye. At this moment, he saw the result and sneered in his heart.

"Brother Sun Yao, it seems that the Saint Demon Gate has already started to be strong from the very beginning. As expected, the method is brilliant, and I have to admire it."

This yin and yang weird sneer made Emperor Ri Yao even more angry!

After being shocked, there are various complex emotions, such as anger, unwillingness, suspicion and murder!

But looking at the Saint Demon Gate, Jade Demon Zun took the lead in returning to God. Although he was still in the mist at this time, it should be known that from the beginning when Li Ye emerged, he admired Li Ye, a young man. When I saw it, I was even more happy.

However, Princess Saint Demon Gate is the descendant of Saint Demon Gate, and even the direct disciple of Emperor Bingyi. He hesitated slightly now, and he didn't know how to speak.

And at this moment, just as everyone was surprised, a terrifying imperial might suddenly awake everyone.

Emperor Bingyi!

As the master of the princess of the Saint Demon Gate, everyone just remembered that this demon emperor has not yet expressed his position!

"Hey! There is a good show to watch!"

"Princess Saint Demon Gate has an affair with a man in private! This is a scandal!"

"Yes, the dignified princess of the emperor door, as a descendant, actually set a life-long relationship with the man? I don't know how Bing Yi the Great will handle this matter?

Some were disappointed, others were pleasantly surprised.

What's more, it is because of the curiosity that the Great Bing Yi will react.

His own descendants actually followed other men in private, and no emperor’s ethics could ignore it!

"This matter depends on how the Saint Demon Gate decides."

In the dark, many powerful humans are also paying attention. As the undoubted elder on the human side, Wu Lao said softly.

"Should you not get angry about this? Although the princess of the Saint Demon Gate has a special status, that kid is also an evildoer. If it is me, having this opportunity to directly lead people into the Saint Demon Gate is definitely killing two birds with one stone!"

A human half-emperor could not help but say.

But Elder Wu shook his head, "No, this matter is clear to the bystanders, and the authorities are fascinated. The Yaozu has always valued birth. If it is just an ordinary female disciple of the Saint Demon Clan, perhaps this matter is the best of both worlds. But it happened to be the emperor Bingyi. His personal disciple is still the only disciple, and he is also a contemporary descendant of the Saint Demon Sect, but that kid has no background. Although he is talented, he is unparalleled, but..."

But Elder Wu didn't say anything, because even he didn't know what kind of decision the Saint Demon Gate would make.

Did he accept it along the way, or was furious!

No one could guess, because Emperor Bing Yi rarely showed up, and even fewer people knew what she thought.

Even at the Saint Demon Gate, the elders looked at each other, and they were all drumming in their hearts.

"Master Yaozun, do you think the emperor respects him?"

An elder looked at Jade Demon Venerable, at least everyone felt that although this incident was sudden, it was a good thing for the Saint Demon Sect.

But no one could guess the idea of ​​the Demon Emperor.

Everyone was looking at Emperor Bing Yi.

Only Li Ye knew in his heart.

"The emperor thought, you dare to do it or not."

Finally, Emperor Bing Yi spoke.

But when he opened his mouth, a group of people were taken aback.

What does this mean?

Sounds confusing and intriguing?

As for Li Ye, he smiled after hearing this, "Senior seems to have known me a long time ago?"

Li Ye's answer made a group of people confused.

"Huh! The emperor's disciple, no one can take it away!"

"What do seniors mean?"

The two asked and answered, and if no one was around, it made everyone look weird.

Especially the many powerhouses on the Saint Demon Gate, they were a little confused, but the Jade Demon Venerable had a joy in his eyes, at least the tone of Emperor Bing Yi did not seem to be furious.

And the most important thing is that Emperor Bingyi had more or less defended Li Ye several times before. Everyone thought it was love. At this time, I turned around and pondered it carefully, and it became clear all at once.

This is basically, it has already been clues!

"The emperor will give you two paths."

"Oh? Senior please say."

Li Ye ignored the eyes of others and smiled slightly.

However, the princess of the Saint Demon Gate trembled, subconsciously trying to push Li Ye away but was directly pulled by Li Ye overbearing.

Everyone noticed this scene, but Emperor Bing Yi glanced slightly indifferently and did not stop it.

"You worship into the Saint Demon Sect, no matter who you are under, you must be a Saint Demon Sect disciple."

When this condition came out, everyone was not surprised.

In other words, in many people's hearts, this condition is already a gift! It is a tacit approval!

He acquiesced to let Li Ye and Princess Saint Demon Gate together!

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