Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2897: The scariest thing in the world is in Li Ye's body

Even at the expense of taking away the flesh of others to resurrect and be born again.

"If you want to be born again, it depends on whether I want to!"

For so many years, many people in southern Xinjiang must have been here. Many are not even known to outsiders.

But by now, the extraterritorial demon has not been reborn, which undoubtedly shows that those who have died here will not let the extraterritorial demon leave even if they don't hesitate to stop.

Of course, some people escaped!

"Emperor Gu Shi!"

Li Ye thought of a person. The ancient stone emperor back then had stepped onto the 90,000 level of the ladder, but eventually gave up halfway and did not climb to the highest place.

No one knows the reason, but now Li Ye knows it!

Just because of this extraterritorial demon!

Even the existence of Emperor Gu Shi stopped back then and finally chose to give up.

There is only one person who really set foot on it!

That is Emperor Hengtian, a generation that claims to be absolutely invincible.

"Since Emperor Gushi could escape back then! Later Emperor Hengtian set foot on that place, there must be a way out!"

The terrifying breath directly turned into a blade of light, which directly slashed at the body of the outer heavenly demon.

Since knowing that it was the outer heaven demon who robbed him, Li Ye would naturally not wait to die.

It's a pity that when the knife was cut down, only a clear sound of metal intersecting was heard, and at the same time Li Ye's whole body was directly blown out by the force of the counter shock.


After spitting out a large mouthful of blood, he was distracted by the tug-of-war in the sea of ​​knowledge. At this time, Li Ye's injury was more serious than expected.

"Old ghost!"

There is no need for Li Ye to speak, the Seven Star Sword has already turned into a sword light!

Even if Li Ye could not exert the true power of the Seven-Star Sword, at this moment, even the true Holy Emperor would be split by a sword under this sword!

This time, finally left a terrible wound on the body of the outer heaven demon, and countless black blood spurted from it.

"has an effect!"

Although the effect of this sword was not great, Li Ye clearly felt the countless wailing in the knowledge sea!

Extraterrestrial demon, after all, has been dead for millions of years!

Even if there is a trace of soul surviving, it can't really compare to that year.

Without any reservations, Li Ye directly showed all the power he had always hidden!

The power of the five elements!

The power of killing and destruction!

Each one is the most domineering force in the world, and was released by him without reservation at this moment.

It can be said that Li Ye now even has a chance to fight the Great Emperor!

Although there is no chance of winning, it is enough to fight against the emperor!


Li Ye was shocked and flew out, and at the same time the whole body became darker.

At the same time, a lot of wounds were left on the body of the extraterritorial celestial demon. It is a pity that even countless three realms were unable to do something that Li Ye is now facing an extraterritorial celestial demon who is extremely weak to death. It is still impossible to kill easily.

"Is it really going to die here?"

He had tried his best, but found that the hope of surviving was extremely slim.

The point is that it is too late for him to leave now!

The invisible seizure made it impossible for him to escape from here.

In an instant, countless images appeared in his mind.

In the city of Wuzhou back then, a young boy, desperate and helpless. Later, the Heavenly Sword Sect was full of spirits, and forced the nine geniuses from all walks of life!

Tianwaitian, the day when the door was destroyed, even if he was facing the invincible Emperor Wu, he never gave up!

Scene by scene, picture by picture.

The face of the Ye Family in Dongzhou was a figure that had never appeared in front of him, so that even the most dazzling genius of the Li Family could not forget.

"No! Even if I am going to die today! No matter what the extraterritorial demon or whatever, I will be buried with me!"


The entire Consciousness Sea is swelling, and it is clear that Li Ye is going to make a desperate bet, and directly blew the Consciousness Sea to die with the opponent!

In the end, he also reached this point!

Like the geniuses of the demon races in southern Xinjiang, they came here, were taken away, and finally chose to blew up!

However, at that moment, the black mist beasts that suddenly invaded his sea of ​​consciousness seemed to know something, and madly left from his sea of ​​consciousness!

It turned into the most primitive black fog, and walked away directly!

"Want to go?"

Li Ye's eyes condensed, since he was ready to explode to the sea, he would never let these things go!

This time, he in turn directly stopped these cold evils!

However, the more Li Ye stopped, these evil thoughts felt like the doomsday, and the impact became crazy.

"Wait, why are they so scared?"

Before, Li Ye had always thought that the outer heaven demon was not dead, or that there was still a trace of remnant soul, just like the Heavenly Sword Emperor.

But at this time he found himself wrong!

These black mist beasts in front of them may not be extraterrestrial demons at all!

In other words, it is not a real extraterritorial demon!

"Resentment! These are the resentment of countless strong men who died here! Even the extraterritorial demon!"

No one knows how many people died that year.

But judging from the corpses all over the mountains, it is definitely an astonishing number.

Countless strong men died in battle, and the resentment after death merged with the magical atmosphere of the outer heavenly demons, and finally these black mist beasts were born!

In other words, it is the evil spirits of the entire ancient battlefield.

Those black mist evil spirits seemed to know Li Ye's plan and wanted to escape.

But in a short time, he was entangled in Li Ye and couldn't escape.

"Follow me to death!"

No one knows what these resentful ghosts are, but Li Ye made a sneer at this moment.

Suddenly, at this moment, a strange force appeared in Li Ye's body!

In an instant, the evil spirits turned into by these resentment were caught, and even Li Ye didn't have time to react, so he swallowed it in one bite!


This change came so quickly, when Li Ye recovered, all the things that had driven him to a desperate situation before, unexpectedly all disappeared. In other words, it was swallowed directly!

What is it that can actually swallow the evil spirits turned into by these resentments?

Blood pupil!

Li Ye was shocked!

Only then did I remember that there was another ancestor who was not easy to mess with in his body! This thing swallows everything! Many times even Li Ye himself wondered whether one day he would swallow him directly.

Fortunately, the power that swallowed these resentful ghosts quickly separated a part of it and returned it to Li Ye, but compared to the Yin cooling just now, it became the purest true energy.


Li Ye's body made bursts of crisp explosions, and in a short time, his body actually went up a step again.

At the same time, the realm that had been faintly suppressed by him was also loosened.

Frightened Li Ye quickly got up from the corpses all over the floor. He didn't want to cause an emperor robbery. With his current state, he would definitely die!

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