Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2893: The future lord of the Yaozu

The two invincible demon emperors suddenly turned their faces in order to compete for a demon clan junior, which seemed to be the most exciting scene in the eyes of countless demon clan.

That's the Demon Emperor! The demon emperor aloft.

It turns out that there is no difference between the demon emperor and ordinary people, and there are also seven emotions and six desires.

But in the eyes of many demon ancestors, as well as the powerhouses of the martial arts, the battle between the two demon emperors is not that simple.

"It seems that Emperor Sun Yao's ambition is bigger than he imagined!"

The eyes of an ancestor of the demon race bloomed with brilliant light, and now the pattern of southern Xinjiang has already reached the point where it is volatile.

Although the Saint Demon Gate was still guarding one side before, as the Jiuyao Hall grew stronger, anyone with a discerning eye would see that this situation would change.

"Emperor Riyao is planning to take the emperor to make the princes!"

Secretly, Old Wu sighed secretly.

Although the internal turmoil of the Demon Race is what they are most willing to see, what he doesn't want to see is the ambitious and hostile demon emperor of the Human Race, ascended to the throne of the Lord of Southern Frontiers.

"Elder Wu, if Sun Yao takes away the demon boy, our life in the future will be difficult."

The half-emperors of the human race were also sad, but they had nothing to do now.

There are internal disputes among the monster clan, and they simply cannot come forward.

Even if they show up, just like them, it's not enough.

The only Elder Wu who was somewhat capable could not compare with the demon emperors of the demon race.

"If it is a blessing or a curse, this child will not necessarily enter the Jiuyao Hall. Let's see how the Saint Demon Gate and the other demon clan emperor gates will choose. Based on the old man's understanding of these emperor gates, the Saint Demon Gate will not be discussed. Qing Cangmen will never wait for the Jiuyao Temple to dominate southern Xinjiang without being indifferent."

Old Wu hit the nail on the head, although the relationship between Qing Cangmen and Jiuyao Temple is kind now, there are no permanent enemies or friends in this world.

When it comes to interest, brothers, father and son will turn against each other. Not to mention the two ambitious emperors.

Just as Mr. Wu said, at this moment, the Baiyun Demon Emperor's words immediately made the atmosphere between the two demon emperors serious.

"Baiyun, this son may be the hope of the demon clan in Southern Xinjiang. This emperor has decided to accept him as a disciple personally and pass on his mantle."

Everyone knows that although Emperor Sun Yao has several disciples, the most famous one is Prince Wuya. But even Young Master Wuya didn't have such a privilege and became the heir of Sun Yao.

As soon as this remark came out, countless people suddenly exclaimed.

A direct disciple of the Emperor Ri Yao, a descendant of his clothes!

That is an opportunity to make people climb into the sky!

How many demon emperors are there in the entire southern Xinjiang?

Emperor Sun Yao may not be the oldest among them, but he is the youngest and most powerful!

Countless young monsters showed envy eyes, even some geniuses from the emperor sect, their jealous eyes were red.

"Haha, Sun Yao, this emperor happens to have this idea, this son is exactly what the emperor wants. It just so happens that the emperor hasn't had a suitable disciple to earn him for so many years."

You Sun Yao is a demon emperor, isn't I, Baiyun Demon Emperor?

Moreover, in terms of qualifications, the Baiyun Demon Emperor took longer to enter the emperor realm than the Sun Yao! Although not talking about the two demon emperors who are higher and who is the stronger, they have been directed at the demon emperor Baiyun for so many years, and there is no real disciple, and many young demon tribes will choose to worship him.

After all, there are at least a dozen disciples under the emperor Sun Yao, all of them are famous geniuses in southern Xinjiang!

"The two demon emperors are beginning to win people!"

"It's me, and I must choose Emperor Sun Yao! That's the youngest demon emperor in southern Xinjiang today! The key is the inheritance of the powerful emperor of Jiu Yao Temple."

A young Yaozu muttered to himself.

But soon someone sneered and retorted, "Emperor Riyao? It is indeed the only eternal wizard born in the monster race in the past 100,000 years. But don’t forget, there are 13 disciples under the seat of Emperor Riyao, none of them. Young Master Ya is recognized as the person who has the most hope of getting the mantle of Emperor Sun Yat. If he worships Emperor Sun Yat, there will inevitably be a battle between dragons and tigers in the future, and even the dragon and phoenix among people like Young Master Wu Ya will die and live!"

A group of demons nodded slightly, and some even said, "This really needs to be considered. The Baiyun Demon Emperor has never accepted any formal disciples in his life, even if a few people have worshipped him, they are only named disciples. They have all become Demon Sovereign Saint Emperor. If you can worship the Baiyun Demon Emperor, your future achievements will be immeasurable."

From the start of the two demon emperors, to the time when everyone in the Demon City had a disagreement.

They have forgotten the most important point.

"Emperor Sun Yao? The Demon Emperor Baiyun? That would have to be the kid's willingness. Don't forget, Emperor Sun Yao was directly rejected by the kid in person."

I don't know who sneered and awakened everyone at once.

Only then did I remember that Li Ye, a genius who didn't know where he had come out, had rejected the two demon emperors one after another.

If it is an ordinary genius, many people will not believe it, or even sneer.

However, at this time, he had already boarded the pilgrimage ladder and was close to the ninety-nine thousandth-floor figure, no one can guarantee it.

"This, shouldn't it?"

"It's hard to say, this kid looks arrogant at first glance, but he does have arrogant capital! Ninety thousand floors! It was the ancient stone emperor who went up back then! He is the second person of the Demon Clan in millions of years! It's me! , We must also consider, what about the demon emperor, with his talent potential, he will surely become the demon emperor in the future! There is even hope to set foot on a higher level!

A monster genius sneered.

Most geniuses are proud. It's just that no matter how proud an ordinary genius is, it is impossible to show his arrogance in front of a demon emperor.

But Li Ye did it.

No one even thinks that this is self-defeating. From the beginning of his stepping on the 90,000 floor, all the monster races have been given a look of worship, destined to only look up.

There are three demon emperors, and there are three imperial prestige enveloped in the demon city.

Now, the Emperor Sun Yao and the Demon Emperor Baiyun have turned their faces a bit in the fight for Li Ye.

Only Emperor Bingyi has not yet expressed his position.

At the Saint Demon Gate, several elders looked worried.

Especially the several elders who were injured before, even more hesitant to speak.

"Why didn't the emperor move anything?"

"Yes, don't let the Jiuyao Temple or Qing Cangmen take this child away, otherwise it will be a huge threat to our Saint Demon Sect in the future."

"Yes, you must keep this son! Even if you make him a descendant disciple of the Saint Demon Gate, you don't need to pay any price."

Several elders offered advice one after another, and one of them looked at Jade Demon Venerable, "Master Demon Venerable, this son must not be obtained by them, otherwise there will be endless troubles."

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