Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2891: King of the Monster Race?

The ancient vow, the co-master of the Yaozu!

Princess Saint Demon Gate's inner waves were definitely not as calm as she was on the surface.

She has a heart, and from the moment Li Ye defeated Gu Ze, she could not calm down.

It can even be said that after leaving that valley, her heart could no longer maintain the state of being in the absence of waves.

"Sure enough, you are that person."


From the depths of Princess Saint Demon Gate's eyes, one could see that she was relieved like a burden, and what followed was a different kind of surprise.

"Wuya, do you remember the ancient vows of the Yaozu?"

The indestructible face is completely green.

As a descendant of the Emperor Sect, he has been crushed on his head by the Princess Saint Demon Sect and Young Master Wu Ya over the years. Now that he finally awakened the demon transformation, he could compete with the two.

Didn't expect a more terrifying unknown person suddenly appeared?

His voice shocked Master Wu Ya.

"An old vow!"

"Yes! Old vow! The co-master of the monster race! The entire southern Xinjiang, whether it is an emperor or a casual repairer, cannot violate this oath!"

After speaking, Jue Wuxi's eyes were even more terrifying, but there was more helplessness faintly.

He is a person who is extremely proud and will not admit defeat, even if he challenged Master Wuya three times and lost all three times, he did not admit defeat.

But now, he hesitated.

A crack appeared in his Dao Xin.

Jue Wuliu is very clear that if he can't defeat that man, he will be immersed in the shadow of that man for the rest of his life, and he will never stand up.

For such a proud person, it is more painful than killing him.

But defeat that man?

Young Master Wuya was also silent, and he was more free and easy than Immortal. But only a handful of people know that Young Master Wuya is more proud or overbearing than Endless!

There is no room for sand in his eyes!

Indestructible, in his eyes it is only the future fighter who will set foot on the top seat! Princess Saint Demon Gate is just the woman standing behind him to conquer in the future.

Therefore, the appearance of Li Ye allowed him to breed an uncontrollable madness.

"The ancient vows are passed down to this day, but even Gu Shi the Great didn't do it back then. Even if this person has something against the sky, it is impossible to achieve that step."

With a cold snort, Young Master Wu Ya was not hiding at this moment.

The change in his expression is indestructible but not surprising. Others don't know who Prince Wuya is, but he does.

The two are both descendants of the Emperor Sect, and naturally they know each other very well.

Emperor Gu Shi, this is the most legendary demon emperor in the history of the demon clan in Southern Xinjiang.

At this time, in the Demon City, some demon ancestors also talked about the ancient vows.

"On this son, the old man saw the shadow of the Great Ancient Stone!"

"Yeah, the same mysterious and unpredictable, the same turned out to be a blockbuster! I didn't expect to witness this moment after a million years."

The young Yaozu naturally did not understand the mood of these ancestors.

But some disciples and geniuses of the emperor sect have heard of ancient vows and legends.

"Legend has it that if a monster race can step above the 99,999 level and reach that place, it will become the co-master of all the monster races in southern Xinjiang!"

"The co-lord of the monster race? Are you kidding? Isn't that a sage?"

"No, although the sages are also worshipped and worshipped by all the monsters, there has been a situation in which several sages are in charge of southern Xinjiang in the same era. They are considered to be the uncrowned kings of the monsters. But the co-lords of the monsters are different. Will deserve it! Even if the demon emperor sees it, he must exercise the courtesy of the emperor!"

When the demon emperor sees it, he will do the courtesy of monarchs and ministers?

Many Yaozu juniors took a breath when they heard it!

What is the Demon Emperor?

That is an invincible existence standing on the heads of countless monsters!

The entire Southern Xinjiang is still alive today, I don’t know if there are any more!

Not to mention the demon emperor, the existence of the demon sovereign holy emperor is considered the topmost.

However, in front of the co-lord of the demon clan, the demon emperor must act in the manner of the emperor?

What is that concept?

"That's not to say that the co-lord of the monster race is the king of southern Xinjiang?"

king! What an old title.

The Three Realms and Nine Regions have not appeared in this name for countless times, and after the end of the ancient dynasty era, it has never existed again.

"The King of Southern Xinjiang? Or you can think so."

In southern Xinjiang, the demons are the big ones. Whether they are ancestors or juniors, naturally they will not consider the ideas of some human forces in southern Xinjiang.

The Great Emperor Sun Yao, the Demon Emperor Baiyun, also looked so embarrassed because of this.

In their capacity, do you want to behave like a young monster?

"Gu Shi! He couldn't do it back then, and today, this kid can't do it either!"

Emperor Sun Yao's eyes shone with terrible cold light.

Emperor Gu Shi!

Millions of years ago, the most legendary demon emperor in the history of the demon clan in Southern Xinjiang!

It is almost standing on the throne of the real co-lord of the monster race in southern Xinjiang!

That is a legend that the demon tribe talks about, and it is also the height that every demon emperor wants to achieve most in history.

Countless people are watching.

In other words, waiting for the scene to break the million-year deadlock in southern Xinjiang.

Demon Emperor, Demon Sovereign Holy Emperor, a demon ancestor.

"The ancient stone emperor back then was just the last step! I don't know this..."

"Hey, the Great Emperor Gu Shi was invincible throughout his life, but he didn't succeed in the end."

"Yes, it was rumored that Emperor Gu Shi was only the last step away, but unfortunately he still failed to step out. This kid is very hopeful, but..."

A pair of eyes, one after another.

On the pilgrimage ladder, at this moment, Li Ye had some beads of sweat on his forehead.

Ninety thousand floors!

The giants transformed by the will of the sages seemed to come alive.

Even if they were already dead, at this moment, the so-called ancient sages who had been rejected by Li Ye before, all looked at Li Ye alone.

This scene was enough to shock countless monster races.

Even the Great Bingyi, the Baiyun Demon Emperor, and the Sun Yao Great were all horrified one after another.

"Old ghost, you don't really think that if I step on that place, I will become the co-lord of the demons in Southern Xinjiang, the king of the demons, right?"

Regarding the legend of Emperor Gushi, Emperor Tianjian naturally told Li Ye.

"Hey, isn't that exciting? If you have the status of the king of the monster race, when you go to Dongzhou Ye's house, they will definitely have a wonderful expression!"

The Heavenly Sword Great Emperor now somewhat guessed Li Ye's life experience and some grudges between Li Ye and the Ye family.

Because of this, he tried his best to confuse Li Ye to go to that place.

King of the Monster Race! The co-master of the demon race in southern Xinjiang!

This identity, even the Dongzhou Ye Family of the Five Emperors, would definitely be eclipsed in amazement, right?

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