Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2882: The first person in Yaozu history

It is strange to say that although the demons have always ruled the roost in southern Xinjiang, the human race was not so weak millions of years ago, and they can barely fight against the demons in southern Xinjiang.

But in the last hundreds of thousands of years, I don't know why, it seems that the green and yellow are not picking up, even if there is such a genius, it is a short-lived.

Over time, in southern Xinjiang, with the exception of a few sects, such as Wuyue Mountain, which has been passed down for a long time, many human clan sects have either been destroyed or reduced to the ranks of nine sects.

Now they saw that the Yaozu suddenly appeared so many peerless geniuses, that kind of mood can be imagined.

"Alas, the demon race has the inheritance of the demon world and the demon bloodline. It is indeed not comparable to our human race. But now and then, perhaps in the next hundreds of thousands of years in southern Xinjiang, we will be under the suppression of the demon race's heyday. , But God is fair, the monster clan cannot be so strong forever."

Wu Laonai is one of the oldest holy emperors of the Southern Xinjiang human race. If so many things had not happened in Southern Xinjiang this time, he would not even wake up from his deep sleep.

After all, at his level, even if the oil has not run out, the time limit has come, but there is not much time.

With the current situation of the human race in Southern Xinjiang, a Saint-Emperor-level powerhouse like him would lose one if one died. If they really want to die, all of them will be dead, which will bring devastating consequences to the forces of the entire Southern Xinjiang human race.

The other half-emperors of the human race laughed bitterly when they heard this.

They have been suppressed for hundreds of thousands of years, and it is hard to see that there has not been any terrible evildoer in the monster race for tens of thousands of years, hoping to take a breath.

It's better now, Princess Saint Demon Gate, Young Master Wu Ya, and Jue Wu Mian are not enough. Now here comes another demon kid who doesn't know which rock cracks.

In the entire Demon City, the demon race was watching, the human race was also watching, and even the three demon emperors were watching.

Just for one person!

Li Ye!

"It's been an hour, why is that kid not moving?"

However, beyond everyone's expectations, for unknown reasons, after Li Ye stepped onto the 45,000 floor, there was no movement. It seemed as if he had given up his plan to climb the road to the 50,000th floor.

"Isn't he giving up?"

"It's very possible! After all, to climb to that place, Nanjiang has been one of the few in the past million years. This time three people are considered a miracle! If there are people going up, I won't believe it first."

"Haha, that's what I said. But forty-five thousand floors, this height is terrible! Although it can't be compared with those three evildoers, this talent is enough to enter the top ten in Nanjiang, or even the top five. Second only to the three arrogances, even if it is not a demon emperor in the future, at least it will be a demon emperor holy emperor!"

A strong man in the realm of the Demon Emperor would not have been born for tens of thousands of years.

For many people, a demon-sovereign holy emperor has already stood on the pinnacle of the world and is respected by others.

Including the powerful inheritance of many emperors, the holy emperor demon is also the existence of the first-class ancestor who is enshrined.

Everyone talked a lot, secretly, many half-emperors of Human Race were greatly relieved.

"Old Wu, it seems that the younger demons have reached their limit."

"It's so gratifying."

Several human half emperors were also figures who had lived for tens of thousands of years, but at this moment they were like a roller coaster, with a heart that settled slightly.

One more demon emperor and one more demon saint emperor are two concepts.

Although the latter is also at the pinnacle of the world, at least it can handle it.

But if it were a demon emperor, it would be extremely difficult for people like them. In particular, they didn't know whether the young demon race Li Ye dressed up was an enemy or a friend to the human race.

In case it is the kind of monster that hates the human race like the sun emperor, once it becomes the monster emperor, it will definitely bring a new round of disaster of the human race powerhouse.

However, the voices of the half-emperors of the human race had not yet fallen, and suddenly on the ladder, Li Ye raised his footsteps again.


A terrible shock directly swept the entire Demon City!

Even the half-demon emperor, regardless of whether it is a human or a monster, under the cultivation of the half-emperor, one by one was shaken out!

"what happened?"

A group of people were shocked and suspicious. When they looked up, they seemed to have seen the most unbelievable scene in their lives.

Only a single figure was seen, climbing on the pilgrimage ladder almost at a speed that was imperceptible to the naked eye.

Every flicker is almost a span of dozens of layers!


Someone exclaimed in disbelief.

Yes, how is it possible!

That kind of speed!

"Am I dazzled?"

Even a certain ancestor-level demon clan powerhouse uttered ridiculous words. But no one will laugh at it, because everyone has similar ideas.

"How did he do it?"

No one knows why, every time I stepped onto the first floor, it would consume countless time, why suddenly it seemed to have lost the suppression of the will of the sages of the past on the entire ladder.

"Forty-nine thousand floors!"

Someone exclaimed!

Including the Emperor Sun Yao and the Demon Emperor Baiyun, their eyes condensed at this moment.

They know better than anyone how strong the will left by the sages of the past on the pilgrimage ladder is. Even with their current cultivation base, they cannot be completely ignored.

The enchanting evildoer, like Young Master Wuya, could not do this step.

But now, someone has done it.

And it's still a casual repair!


Finally, Li Ye stopped at the 49,999 floor. One step forward was the land of the emperor in the mouths of countless monsters in southern Xinjiang. Once he set foot on it, it means that the future is very likely Great Emperor!

Everyone's hearts were lifted up again.

"Will history be rewritten?"

A certain Yaozu ancestor muttered to himself.

It's not that he has insufficient concentration, but what happened today is enough to scare countless people.

A peerless evildoer who dared to refuse even the Demon Emperor, a genius who might even surpass Saint Demon Gate Princess and Prince Wuya, will be born under their witness?

Li Ye's eyes were always calm.

For him, fifty thousand layers? There was a slight sneer in his heart!

Since the Great Emperor Hengtian could stand on it back then, he believed that the place was definitely not the only place of sages among the countless monsters in southern Xinjiang.

Only the legendary sage can enter that place.

"Well, let's try this so-called demonic emperor land, how difficult it is in the end."

Fifty thousand floors!

He took that step!

Emperor Sun Yao condensed his eyes and turned into a terrifying edge quietly!

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