Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2880: Because of him again

To worship the Emperor Sun Yao?

Li Ye suddenly showed a weird smile. The scene where he refused the Cangshui Demon Emperor before was naturally known to Emperor Sun Yao and Emperor Baiyun.

Now that it is raised again, it is undoubtedly putting pressure!

"I don't know if that kid dares to continue to refuse."

"I rejected the Cangshui Demon Emperor before, and had already offended a demon emperor and a side emperor. Now if the Jiuyao Temple and the Riyao Great Emperor are also offended, this kid still wants to mix in Southern Xinjiang?"

"Yeah, I have offended two monster emperors and two great emperors consecutively, and there is no place for him in the entire southern Xinjiang!"

Although it is cruel, but this is reality.

In southern Xinjiang, several great emperor gates almost occupy a dominant position. Once offended the two great emperor gates, no one would dare to stay in southern Xinjiang unless they visited a certain emperor's gate in a certain emperor gate and were blessed.

The Emperor Sun Yao obviously also spotted this point.

A genius who is not weaker than the peerless Tianjiao like Young Master Wuya and Jue Wuxiang is still a casual cultivator, even if the emperor sees it, he will be moved.

The key is that income from one's own sect prevents the possibility of being recruited by other great emperors and emperors.

"The great kindness of the emperor, the younger generation's heart."


Actually refused again!

This time, not to mention the many monsters in the Demon City, including some of the strong human races in southern Xinjiang who were hiding in the dark, all showed surprise.

"This Yaozu kid has the backbone, and he actually refused the invitation of the two emperors."

"Haha, although Yaozu belongs to a wild race, but this Yaozu kid makes the old man like it and has personality."

In southern Xinjiang, the contradiction between the human race and the monster race has a long history.

Many human experts came to watch a good show this time, preparing to watch an internal fight between the monsters and the great emperors.

After all, in Southern Xinjiang, because of the joint suppression of the monster race, many of the human race's inheritance can only survive in the cracks of the Mid-Autumn Festival, not to mention the emergence of emperors, now it is step by step, and it is unsustainable to be eaten.

"It's a pity, this monster kid is not from my human race, otherwise, with his talent, he will definitely be able to exist in the realm of the great emperor in the future."

"Yes, my Southern Xinjiang Human Race has been weak for a long time. If someone can become a great emperor, at least it can tilt the scales of the Demon Race and the Human Race, and will not be oppressed by the Demon Race."

This time, some of the biggest human forces in southern Xinjiang have come.

Wuyue Mountain is also the leading sect of the human race in southern Xinjiang, and several powerful people came directly.

One of them is the ancestor of Wuyue Mountain, a holy emperor!

You know, in southern Xinjiang, the strong human race is weak, and there are only a handful of people who can cultivate to the cultivation level of the holy emperor.

"Old Wu, now there are a few arrogances in the Demon Race in Southern Xinjiang, which is not good for our Human Race."

Elder Wu, it is the holy emperor who came to Wuyue Mountain this time.

"Yes, Qing Cangmen is inexhaustible. Since his debut, at least more than a hundred disciples of our sects have died in his hands. There is also the Wuya son of Jiuyao Temple, although on the surface he is kind and personable. But behind his back, his hands were also stained with a lot of blood from our strong human race."

Several strong human races are worried.

In these tens of thousands of years, the sects and inheritance of the human race in southern Xinjiang have hardly born any peerless genius that can change the situation.

Even if there were one or two with good talents, they were all strangled in the cradle by some peerless evildoers of the monster race.

Over time, in southern Xinjiang, the inheritance sects established by several human races are becoming more and more difficult.

Except for a few older generations of holy emperors who barely maintained the situation, it was not a long-term solution.

Especially, the ancient holy emperors such as Wu Lao, after all, cannot be guarded forever. Once the holy emperor's deadline arrives, it may be the beginning of their martial art decline.

The holy emperor, who was called Lao Wu, was full of helplessness on his old face.

This situation is not something that he alone or the holy emperors of the human race who are still alive can change.

"Why don't you find an opportunity to secretly kill several rising stars of that monster race?"

"Yes, if you let the monster clan come out with a few more monster emperors, this southern Xinjiang really won't have our foothold in the future."

For so many years, it is no secret that the Yaozu secretly killed or sought the peerless genius of the Yaozu to kill the genius of the human race.

That being the case, they didn't care about disregarding their status, secretly bullying the small and killing the young geniuses of the monster race.

"It's wrong, if this matter is known, it will be a disaster for several of our schools."

Old Wu shook his head.

"Elder Wu, do you just watch them grow? The Saint Demon Gate is okay. In recent years, it has not been like other Monster Race Emperor Sects, killing us all. But the Qing Cang Gate and the Jiuyao Palace have always been right. We look forward to it! Now that Master Wuya and Wuya, once they are given hundreds of years and at most thousands of years, after they become the demon emperor, it will be our end."

Just when many human experts in the dark hesitated.

Because of Li Ye's refusal, the entire Demon City seemed to be shrouded in a terrible chill.

Emperor Sun Yao is not Cangshui Demon Emperor.

Compared to the old Cangshui Demon Emperor, Emperor Sun Yao is now in his prime, and he is the youngest demon emperor in southern Xinjiang. He only saw his eyes froze, and the void seemed to have turned into an endless storm, and thunder crashed down!

However, it was still the gentle force before, directly blocking the Thunder.

"Bing Yi! Do you want to stop?"

Emperor Bing Yi, this is determined to intervene in this matter.

Many monsters have weird eyes. After all, Li Ye is just a casual cultivator, not a disciple of the Saint Demon Clan. The Great Bingyi made a single shot to block the Cangshui Demon Emperor. Future considerations.

But now that Li Ye rejected the Sun Yao for the second time, he almost offended the two powerful emperors and two demon emperors in southern Xinjiang. Under this circumstance, the Bingyi Emperor actually took action to protect it, which is worthy of deep consideration. .

"The Great Bingyi, doesn't he also want to accept this kid as a disciple?"

"It shouldn't be, I heard that Emperor Bingyi never accepts men as disciples, and he has also accepted a disciple of Princess Saint Demon Gate over the years."

Everyone was puzzled, but Li Ye could be sure that Emperor Bingyi should have known his identity, not guessed.

The collision between the two demon emperors almost made the entire Demon City precarious again.

Although it is guarded by the demon god, once the two demon emperors fight, the demon city can be saved, but what about the others?

"Ri Yao, you know better than this emperor what the pilgrimage ladder is."

Great Emperor Bingyi gave a cold snort, and immediately let the Great Emperor Ri Yao breathe, and the terrifying breath that enveloped the entire Demon City at the next moment also disappeared.

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