Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2878: The Emperor's Thunder

The Great Emperor Bing Yi hadn't appeared from beginning to end, but now the entire Demon City ignores the demon clan, and the eyes of Li Ye, the unknown **** in their eyes, have changed.

"This kid is simply a blockbuster, first Cangshui Demon Emperor, then Bingyi Great Emperor. The two Demon Emperor level powerhouses both showed their intention to accept disciples, and they didn't know which stone this kid came out of. ."

An old ancestor sighed. It is rare for such a genius to appear in southern Xinjiang for tens of thousands of years. Anyone who sees it is extremely envious and jealous.

"Thank you, Emperor Bingyi."

Li Ye gave his hand. Although he guessed in his heart that Emperor Bingyi should have known his identity, on the surface he still gave Emperor Bingyi the awe he deserved.

After all, that was a generation of great emperors, one of the masters of Southern Xinjiang.

"This emperor makes a move, but just hopes to see another descendant born in Southern Xinjiang who is hopeful of inheriting the sage."

The soft voice echoed in the void, and many monster races showed respect.

Even some powerful ancestors of the big sects nodded slightly. As the great emperor, it was clear that Emperor Bingyi's belly and foresight were more convincing for many monsters than Cangshui Demon Emperor.

Sure enough, some older generations of powerhouses said, "The Saint Demon Gate is worthy of being a holy land in southern Xinjiang. The inheritance of the demon clan lies in the words of Emperor Bingyi. No matter what the Saint Demon Gate does, it is The clan’s heart is still the undisputed guardian!"

Although this was only the voice of a few powerful older generations, it also affected the minds of many monsters in Demon City.

The dissatisfaction that Li Ye had killed many demon tribes in southern Xinjiang, but was taken away by the Saint Demon Gate, also disappeared.

But at this moment, he heard a cold snort.

"Huh, it sounds good. If the Saint Demon Gate really considers the Southern Frontier Demon Race, why should it protect a Human Race before?"

I don't know who said this, but it suddenly changed the minds of many monster races that had already been shaken.

Yes, if the Saint Demon Gate is really for the sake of the Demon Race, why is it protecting a human murderer who killed the Demon Race?

The elders of the Saint Demon Gate condensed their eyes, but the person who opened his mouth was obviously prepared, and there was no possibility of being caught, and he could not even find anyone hiding in the crowd to stir up trouble.

"That's what it says, the Holy Demon Gate hid the Human Race kid, what is the reason? This is not explained clearly, it is indeed easy for all the monster races to have doubts."

At this moment, suddenly there was a scream from the crowd!

An uncontrollable figure was caught in the air by a terrifying force.

When everyone saw it, someone's expression suddenly changed.

"That's not the elder Hua of Jiuyao Hall?"

"It's him! Hundreds of years ago, I was lucky enough to go to Jiuyao Hall with my master once and met him!"

But at this moment, the voice of the Great Bing Yi was still in the void, the same soft, as if not stained with red dust, but with a ray of oppression that made everyone afraid to breathe!

"Since I want to comment on the merits of the Saint Demon Gate, I will personally express it in front of this emperor."

After all, the emperor is the emperor, even if the real deity has not yet arrived, it is not just a person who can challenge authority.

When everyone looked at it, the atmosphere didn't dare to gasp.

Especially many strong people in Jiuyao Temple were shocked and angry.

Obviously the person who fanned the flames just now was the elder of this Jiuyao Hall.

"The emperor calms down!"

Immediately, an elder from the Jiuyao Hall appeared, arching his hand in the direction of the Saint Demon Gate from a distance.

"The emperor is listening here right now."

The old man of Jiuyao Temple was speechless. Although Jiuyao Temple's ambition to challenge the status of the Holy Demon Gate was not a day or two, it was natural that he would not tear his skin on the bright side.

"The emperor misunderstood, this matter has nothing to do with Jiuyao Palace."

"Since it has nothing to do, then this person has nothing to do with your Jiuyao Palace?"

The old man was sweating, and everyone heard the chill of Emperor Bingyi’s tone during the meeting. No one would doubt that as long as Jiuyao Hall denied that the elder was not in their Jiuyao Temple, Emperor Bingyi would instantly take action and directly let him The soul is scattered.

"Huh! Emperor Bingyi! Don't threaten Jiuyao Hall. One person does the job and the other person. Today is my load! But even if you kill me, you can't stop everyone!"

At this moment, the old man who was directly picked up by Emperor Bingyi volleyed with a gloomy face, and even sweared regardless of his identity.

In the next moment, no one could stop him, and he was immediately touched by a force.

Yes, just touch it instantly! He didn't even have a chance to resist, and disappeared from everyone's eyes.

There was no time for a scream to be heard.

A strong man in the half-demon emperor realm ended up like this, and many of the monsters who watched were cold all over.

The Great! That is the majesty that the emperor should have!

Many experts in Jiuyao Temple were angry, but they were stopped by the Silver Snake Demon Venerable.

"Master Demon Lord!"

"Don't be impulsive, now is not the time to start a battle with the Saint Demon Gate."

The Nine Lights Palace is still accumulating strength, and now the battle is not talking about the victory or defeat, even if it is won, it is just a wedding dress for others. After both lose and lose, there is no doubt that the real benefit is definitely not the Jiuyaodian, nor the Holy Demon Gate, but the Qingcang Gate that has been staring at them!

Emperor Bingyi's thunder and iron-blooded methods caused many demon clan powerhouses who were planning to catch fish in troubled waters and follow the crowd to the Saint Demon Gate to fight the autumn breeze.

Just kidding, a half-demon emperor would die if he died!

There are not many of them who have the cultivation base of the Demon Emperor, and they don't know how to die by then.

And many people calmed down.

Saint Demon Gate, what is that place?

Inheritance of the first emperor door in southern Xinjiang! One door and three emperors! Countless thousands of years, have stood firm in Southern Xinjiang!

That's the place where you're knocked down?

"Damn, I won't do it anymore. I'll be used as a gunman by that time. If I didn't get the benefits, it would be worthless to take my life in."

Some casual cultivators were shaken, and some demon races who were in awe of the Saint Demon Gate even gave up the emotions they were originally incited.

The scene was reversed for a time because of Emperor Bingyi's thunder method.

But obviously, Jiuyao Hall and other emperor gates came today, and naturally they wouldn't be defeated so easily.

Above the void, two terrifying emperor prestige appeared directly!

One after another, almost the countless creatures in the entire Demon City shivered.

I only saw that in the void, two stalwart and huge bodies appeared directly, like the legendary gods, descending from the heavens.

"Emperor Sun Yao!"

"Emperor Baiyun!"

When everyone looked at it, they all exclaimed! Even some of the ancestor-level powerhouses of the older generation showed a look of astonishment!

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